Wife stand at attention

Chapter 121 Xiao Yang and Master Kang

Chapter 121 Xiao Yang and Master Kang (2)
Comrade Xiao Yang, aren't you too easy to handle?Doesn't it mean that I want to pick you up from get off work? As for you, you are so happy that you can't find the north, south, east, and west?You are too unpromising, you are too unpromising.

After half an hour's drive, I arrived at the company.

At the beginning of the month, there was an eight-day long vacation, and there were many things to do.

Everyone is busy, not only the finance department, but also other departments.

The company recently launched a new investment service, and there are many interested customers, so the business of the business department has increased a lot.Business has increased, and the finance department is naturally busy.

Therefore, Yang Yi and other colleagues are so busy that it is a deadlock.I don't know how many times I went to the bank in a day, but I still couldn't get things done.

As soon as I arrived at the company on Thursday, I picked up the thick materials and went to the bank again.

I don't know if the bank has also launched a new project or what, when Yang Yi arrived at the bank, there was a long queue at every window.


what happened?Is it the end of the world?Are you in a hurry to get the money out, should you spend it, should you enjoy it?There were even two VIP windows receiving them at the same time.

Well, although their company is also a VIP customer of the bank, they can only wait in line.

So, holding a thick amount of information, sit on a chair and wait for which of the two VIP windows will be vacant first.

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, the day lily was cold, but the two people who were sitting in front of the VIP window had no intention of standing up.That is to say, she still has to wait until the business is finished.

Well, wait!

While waiting, my mind automatically and spontaneously missed some materials for the exam.Well, this is called making the most of your time.

When Ye Shanming came out of the elevator, she happened to see Yang Yi sitting on the waiting seat, holding a large stack of thick documents in her hands, but she had a thoughtful expression on her face, as if she was fascinated by something.

It was obvious at a glance that Yang Yi was the person who gave him a special feeling in the company's tea room that day.

A well-fitting black handmade suit, a white shirt with diagonal stripes, a lake blue tie with diagonal stripes, and a pair of black crucian carp leather shoes.

The pair of rimless glasses are still on the bridge of the nose, no matter what time Ye Shanming gives the impression of being a refined scholar.

The moment he saw Yang Yi, something flashed in his eyes behind the lens, and his lips curled into a shallow arc.Walk towards Yang Yi.

Yang Yi, who was sitting on a chair and waiting, was currently drawing a data report graph in her mind, and a series of data was flashing rapidly in her right brain.Therefore, she didn't realize that there was a person standing in front of her, and this person was her highest immediate boss.

Ye Shanming stood in front of Yang Yi for a full 30 seconds, but saw that she didn't feel the slightest bit, instead she was more focused on her deep thinking.

What kind of things can make her think so fascinated?Is it because of the banking to be done or something else?

Everyone in the general company knows him, but she doesn't seem to know him.Is it because she really doesn't know her, or is it because she wants to refuse?
"What are you thinking about so preoccupied?" He sat down on the chair beside her, and buckled the armrest on the side of her chair.

"Ah?" The sudden voice startled Yang Yi, whose brain was in the midst of infinite data interweaving, and then realized that, at some point, there was an extra person beside her.And this person seemed to be talking to her at the moment.

Frowning slightly, it was obvious that for a while, she couldn't remember who this person was.So, I tried my best to search for the impression of this person in my mind.

Seeing Yang Yi's dazed look of not knowing him, something flashed in Ye Shanming's eyes, seeming displeased and astonished.

She doesn't even remember him?
Ten seconds later, Yang Yi finally searched for Ye Shanming's image in her mind, which was still full of reports and data, and smiled embarrassedly at him: "Sorry, I was too engrossed in my thoughts at the moment, I didn't realize it. Come here. Hello! Are you also here to line up for business?"

In fact, it's no wonder Yang Yi didn't recognize Ye Shanming all of a sudden.

Who can remember so clearly a stranger whom he only met once?Unless this person is very important to you and you care about him very much, otherwise, everyone will show the same reaction as Yang Yi.Besides, Yang Yi is currently engrossed in her data reports and analysis, so it is impossible for a person to greet you out of the blue, so she can't bring her thoughts back so quickly.

Therefore, it is already a breakthrough for Yang Yi to search for it in the brain within ten seconds.

What's more, only if you put your mind at ease, will you be remembered firmly after only meeting once.Just like Master Kang, Comrade Xiao Yang remembered it just by meeting him once.

Ye Shanming raised his eyes and scanned the hall full of queues, then glanced at the large stack of documents in Yang Yi's hand, and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "How long have you been waiting?"

Raising her wrist and looking at the watch on her wrist, Yang Yi replied naturally: "It's about an hour and a half."

Before I knew it, an hour and a half had passed.It seems that the bank's business is also unusually busy.

Yang Yi just raised her wrist to look at her watch naturally, but Ye Shanming's eyes were fixed on the ring on her left ring finger.I remember the last time I met her, I didn't see anyone wearing a ring on her hand. It was just a few days off, and when she came back to work, she had an extra ring in her hand?And it's still worn on the ring finger.What does it mean when a woman puts a ring on her ring finger?Of course he knew, that is to say, she was already married, even if she didn't get a marriage certificate, then at least she agreed to the man's request, or the two of them were already planning to enter the auditorium.

At this moment, in Ye Shanming's eyes, the ring on Yang Yi's ring finger is very obtrusive.He even wanted to grab her hand and take off the ring on her ring finger.But reason made him very calm.

The image of the military vehicle belonging to the navy picking her up flashed in my mind.The eyes behind the lens once again flashed a deep, unclear regret.

Seeing him, he didn't speak for a long time, but his eyelids drooped slightly, as if he was thinking about something.So Yang Yi stopped talking, she only met him twice, it was not considered to be an acquaintance, at most it was just a relationship of meeting again with a smile and nodding.He may be a customer of the company, but she is not in the business department, so she does not have to contact the customer directly.

So Yang Liu shrugged and continued to wait for her.

"Isn't the company a VIP customer of the bank? Why do we have to wait so long?" asked Ye Lianming who was silent for a long time.

"Ah?" Yang Yi, who was planning to continue to enter the stage of her report and data, heard his words at first, but couldn't react for a while, "Oh, the two VIP windows over there are still doing business. I don't know what they do. What kind of business is it, it hasn't been done for an hour and a half."

(End of this chapter)

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