Wife stand at attention

Chapter 122 Xiao Yang and Master Kang

Chapter 122 Xiao Yang and Master Kang (3)
Ye Shanming frowned slightly, then got up and walked away.

Seeing this, Yang Yi didn't feel anything.Pursing her lips into a smile, she continued to wait.

Two minutes later, Ye Shanming came back again, "Someone from them will come to receive you in a while, and they will come to handle business later, so go directly to the VIP account manager's office, don't wait so stupidly."

"Ah?" Yang Yi was stunned again, and then she replied in a dumbfounded way: "Oh, thank you then. By the way, what's your name? Are you a customer of our company?"

Ye Shanming focused on Yang Yi with deep eyes: "You don't know me?"

Yang Yi shook her head and smiled slightly: "I only saw you for the second time today, how could I know you?"

Hearing this, Ye Shanming showed an inscrutable smile again, and stretched out his left hand to Yang Yi: "Ye Shanming."

Yang Yi subconsciously stretched out her right hand, but found that it was her left hand.So he quickly changed hands and shook hands with him: "Yang Yi."

But I felt strange in my heart, whoever shakes hands always stretches out his right hand, why is he stretching out his left hand?Even if you're left-handed, you're right-handed, right?
Forget it, maybe people are used to being left-handed.

"Yang Yi." Ye Shanming repeated Yang Yi's name, when he took Yang Yi's left hand, he intentionally or unintentionally touched the ring on her ring finger, smiling politely and gentlemanly: "It's very special." After finishing speaking Let go, turn around and leave.

It's ambiguous, I don't know whether it refers to Yang Yi or her ring.

Yang Yi looked at his Bei Ying dumbly, and chewed on his words: Very special?



Soon, within 5 minutes, a staff member came to receive her, and very enthusiastically invited her into the VIP account manager's office to handle business.

In less than half an hour, all the business was done.

It has to be said that there is still a difference between the VIP window in the lobby and the VIP account manager's office.

The lobby on the first floor of the company.

Yang Yi was standing at the elevator door waiting for the elevator to arrive.

The company has three elevators for employees and one elevator for the president.

Unfortunately, two elevators are under maintenance, but the only normal one is like a tractor, which has not been seen for a long time.

Finally after waiting for almost 10 minutes...

"Ding——" The elevator doors opened to both sides, Yang Yi instinctively raised her legs and walked towards the elevator, but when she saw Li Qingxue in the elevator raising her legs to go out, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly.

This world is really small and cute, why is it so bloody.

Well, ignore.

However, people can't always get what they want, and those who are determined will always provoke, just like a dying grasshopper will never be reconciled until it jumps twice.

In the elevator, Li Qingxue's eyes fell on the folder, and Comrade Xiao Yang's ring finger was wearing a ring, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

As soon as the two people entered and exited, at the moment when their shoulders were in a straight line, Li Qingxue's ghostly voice floated into Yang Yi's ears: "Miss Yang, the ring is very beautiful on your hand, but is it right?" Find out that it's not your size? Because that's the ring that Cambridge used to propose to me 12 years ago!"


Yang Yi was overwhelmed by Li Qingxue's words.Just a little bit, she choked on the saliva.

The ring was given to Sister Li by Master Kong 12 years ago?

Or for a marriage proposal?
Ah, have they all reached this point?
Didn't she become a backup?
Master Kang, you are too wicked, aren't you?
Just as he was thinking about it, Li Qingxue's voice floated again, as if he could clearly see what Yang Yi was thinking: "Isn't the feeling of backing up uncomfortable?" He held the elevator door with his right hand, preventing it from closing.

Turning around, she looked at Yang Yi with a half-smile, not intending to get out of the elevator.

Yang Yi opened her mouth, and when she was about to say something, Li Qingxue said again, as if she didn't want to give her a chance to speak at all: "Are you surprised? Don't worry, my relationship with Cambridge is far more than what you think. If you want to know More, I am happy to tell you, you are welcome to come to me, you have my phone number. I will not disturb you to go to work." After speaking, Water Snake twisted her waist and stepped out of the elevator.

As soon as Li Qingxue got out of the elevator, the elevator door closed automatically.

Comrade Xiao Yang was in a mess, his brain was short-circuited, and he even forgot to press the floor of his office.He just stood in the elevator in a daze, and didn't react until a minute later.

She didn't know how she got to her desk, and the words Li Qingxue said kept spinning in her mind: That was the ring that Cambridge used to propose to me 12 years ago!

How old was he 12 years ago?
16 is old.

She didn't know how old Li Qingxue was, even if she was as old as Cambridge, she would still be 16 years old.

He proposed to her at the age of 16, which is enough to show how important she is to him.

No wonder she pestered him several times, it turned out that they had already reached the point where they were talking about marriage.

Stretching out her left hand, she stared blankly at the ring on her ring finger, this ring once belonged to Li Qingxue, this ring he used to propose to her, this ring he had cherished for 12 years.

But at this moment, it was on her hand.

She thought it was a little funny.

I even feel a little stupid.

Does this count as a dove occupying a magpie's nest?
The light from the incandescent lamp overhead shone on the diamond, refracting a touch of brilliance.If it was before, she would definitely feel that the shine is so bright that she couldn't put it down.But now, she felt that the sparkle was so dazzling that it hurt her eyes.

Just the day before yesterday, he gave her a unique and unprecedented wedding, and she hadn't even recovered from the joy.At this moment, Li Qingxue poured a basin of cold water on her directly, which made her cold from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet.

No one can accept that his wedding ring is the same ring he once used to propose to his ex-girlfriend.

If so, what is she?
Yang Yi even had an impulse, she wanted to take off the ring on her ring finger, then ran up to him, smashed the ring on his face, and shouted at him: Master Kang, you are so wicked!
All impulsiveness is the devil, but sometimes, impulsiveness is also a good regulator.

At least, for Yang Yi at this moment, yes.

Just when she was hotheaded and impulsively wanted to take off the ring.Suddenly, she calmed down.

Because when she touched the ring, she suddenly found that it was so pleasing to the eye and so suitable on her finger.

Who says size doesn't fit?
Who said it was spare?

Don't fit the size too much, okay?It's like doing exactly what she ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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