Wife stand at attention

Chapter 127 That Scar

Chapter 127 That Scar (4)
The stone hit her forehead steadily and impartially, and instantly, bright red blood flowed down her forehead.Li Qingxue wanted to cry, but in the end she didn't cry out but tears flowed down her cheeks.

Kang Qiao laughed so much that he almost fell off the hammock, clapped his hands and shouted: Oh, the little dragon man is here!
Fang Ying panicked, felt sorry for Li Qingxue and was also angry at Cambridge, but she dared not speak out. In the end, she just pressed Li Qingxue's forehead with one hand, glared at Cambridge who was beating her chest and stamping her feet angrily.

Kang Shuo got angry, and slapped the shapeless Kang Qiao who was lying on the hammock laughing hard.

This was the first time Kang Shuo hit him since Kang Qiao could remember.Although Kang Shuo never gave him a good look, he never made a move to him.

With this slap, Kang Shuo exhausted all his strength, and Kang Qiao fell off the suspension.

Although the fall was painful, Kang Qiao just patted his buttocks that landed on the ground calmly.He cast a vicious look at Li Qingxue who was crying.It was this look that made Li Qingxue hide behind Fang Ying.

The old lady came looking for the sound, took a look at Li Qingxue who was bleeding, but looked at Cambridge with distress: "Little ancestor, you are naughty again."

He glared at Li Qingxue who was like a little white rabbit again, and after wiping her neck at her, he glared at Kang Shuo again, turned and left.

From that day on, the feud between him and Li Qingxue was settled, and his favorite thing to do was to bully her.Cut her long hair while she was asleep, put colored wax on her clothes, put a nail on the sole of her shoe just enough to pierce the sole, and then when she walked in the shoe, the nail went straight into her The soles of her feet, burned her homework to ashes, sprinkled sand on her sheets, and even put snakes in her bed.In short, when Li Qingxue saw him afterwards, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, or a rabbit meeting a fox, and it escaped faster than anything else.

Of course, Kang Shuo slapped him once again in the incident of releasing the snake.

That year, he was 15 years old.

Kang Suk slapped the 15 year old in front of so many people.At that moment, let alone he was shocked, even Li Qingxue was shocked.

He didn't say anything, he just glanced sideways at the snake tooth mark and the little blood stain on her calf, picked up the non-poisonous water snake and left.

Since then, he has stopped bullying her.But she found that she was getting closer to other boys intentionally or unintentionally in school, but when she saw him, she was still panicked like a mouse seeing a cat.

Later, he found that wherever he appeared, there must be her figure, and she was not alone, always talking and laughing with other boys, very happy.Even intentionally or unintentionally, she glanced towards him with an unpredictable look.Like fear and longing.

In the end, the young and impulsive him threatened her again, and finally she was uneasy and at a loss what to say to him: she was used to his teasing, used to his little bully.Now without his teasing, she suddenly couldn't adapt.She did this just to get his attention and not to be left out in the cold.

He gave her a hard look, turned and left.

Then, their relationship changed subtly. Although in the eyes of others, he was still the same villain as a gangster all day long, but he no longer just teased her viciously, and occasionally showed her a gentle side. .

On Li Qingxue's birthday, she happened to meet Gu Meiyun and was very upset.So Li Qingxue became that unlucky outlet, Gu Meiyun poked her forehead with her finger and cursed, saying all kinds of ugly things.

Li Qingxue didn't speak, but silently endured Gu Meiyun's scolding like a little daughter-in-law abused by a wicked mother-in-law.

That night Li Qingxue cried very sadly, that night the door of her room was not locked, that night, as she wished, Cambridge pushed the door open and entered her room.

She was like a little cabbage, crying desolately, looking at him with very sad eyes, and unbuttoned her skirt with trembling hands, she said: You are the young master of the Kang family, I just live here An orphan under the Kang family fence.I can understand Mrs. Kang's mood, no matter my identity or my aunt's harm to her, I can't get her approval.So, Qiao, I don't want to make things difficult for you.

He stretched out his hand to button the button of her skirt, and said: Don't pay attention to her, just treat her as a lunatic.

She looked up, crying: "Don't you want me?"

He didn't speak, thoughtful.

She unbuttoned her skirt again, and the skirt slipped off, smiling at him.Then he reached out to unbutton his shirt, jerky with longing, but trembling.

A man can't stand a woman's teasing, especially a woman who has a little feeling for him.

So does Cambridge.

That year, he was 16 years old and Li Qingxue was 15 years old.It is the age of longing for men and women.

So, under the lure of Li Qingxue's desolation, I saw pity, and of course, Cambridge was taken by Li Qingxue to the big bed that belonged to her. The bed was covered with blue sheets and quilt covers, because Cambridge He likes azure blue, so Li Qingxue's bed sheets and quilt covers are also azure blue that he likes, although she doesn't like this color very much.

Just when the jerky Cambridge was about to take a step forward under Li Qingxue's teasing, a burst of pain came from his lower abdomen, and bright red blood flowed out from the lower abdomen, staining her white hair red. The skirt, stained the azure blue bed sheet.

Li Qingxue was holding a small knife in his hand, and seeing the bleeding wounds on his lower abdomen and thighs, Li Qingxue suddenly panicked.Throwing away the knife in his hand, weeping like rain: I'm sorry, Qiao!I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, since I was bitten by a snake last time, I have been very scared, so I keep this knife by my bed at all times.I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scratch you, I just... just, seeing your... that... I thought... I thought it was that snake!I'm sorry...how are you?Don't worry about it, don't worry about it!

Following Li Qingxue's cries, Kang Shuo was the first to rush into her room.But after seeing the two people who couldn't see each other, he turned around quickly.Li Qingxue quickly wrapped herself in a sheet.

Afterwards, Fang Ying also came in, Gu Meiyun also came in, Mrs. Kang also came in, and even Kang Jian and Kang Mei came in.At that moment, all members of the Kang family gathered in Li Qingxue's room.Looking at the two people on the bed, they knew what was going on without even thinking about it.

Fang Ying even uttered a plaintive accusation: Oh my God!Xiaoqiao, do you know what you are doing?Cher is only 15 years old this year!
That tone, that expression, it was Li Qingxue who was abducted by Cambridge who was a minor.

(End of this chapter)

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