Wife stand at attention

Chapter 128 That Scar

Chapter 128 That Scar (5)
Just as Fang Ying finished speaking, there was a sound of "boom", and Cambridge fell down.

Mrs. Kang panicked, only to realize that the white skirt thrown on the bed had turned red, while Cambridge was covering a certain place with his hands, with a painful and distorted expression on his face.

Kang Qiao was sent to the hospital and received fifteen stitches.

Kang Shuo pointed at Cambridge and yelled at bastard, beast, hooligan!He didn't learn well at a young age, and even did such a thing that was inferior to a beast.

While wiping away tears, Fang Ying grabbed Kang Shuo, who was eager to slap Kang Qiao with two palms, and persuaded him: Xiao Qiao was only in a daze for a while.The most important thing now is to recuperate from injuries, but don't leave any legacy.

Kang Shuo said angrily: "It's good to be abolished. Let's see what he can use to play hooligans!"
Cambridge on the hospital bed hummed at him: Didn't you teach well!
Kang Shuo was almost out of breath immediately, and raised his hand to fight Cambridge.

In the end, Fang Ying pulled down Kang Shuo's raised right hand.

Furious, Gu Meiyun pointed at Kang Qiao who was seduced by Li Qingxue, and wanted to drive Li Qingxue out of the Kang family.

Kang Qiao said that he was the one who raped Li Qingxue, what happened!You are allowed to do three things and four things, but I am not allowed to come to Laiqiang!With a start like yours, I don't think I can do it!
The angry Kang Shuo almost fainted.

Kang Qiao's words shocked everyone.

Everyone in the Kang family looked at Kang Qiao on the hospital bed with astonished eyes, while Li Qingxue bowed her head and said nothing, only weeping.

After being astonished, Gu Meiyun raised her hand and slapped Li Qingxue across the face, she was furious: "You shameless coquettish fox, what kind of bastard can teach you what kind of person!"Learn to seduce people at a young age.

Gu Meiyun's words not only scolded Li Qingxue, but also Fang Ying!
Li Qingxue covered her face and wept, she was so miserable, I felt sorry for her.

Fang Ying glanced at Kang Shuo with great aggrievedness, hugged Li Qingxue and his aunt and nephew, and wiped away the tears of aggrieved together.

Kang Shuo glared at Gu Meiyun, who was blushing and had a thick neck, and said angrily at Kang Qiao: "Little bastard, if you dare not be responsible to Xue'er, I won't let you down!"
Kang Qiao gave him a cold look, and said coolly: You have the right to talk about me?I fucking like to use force on people!I'm a hooligan what's wrong!
Kang Shuo was choked up and couldn't say a word.

In the end, the old lady got angry and kicked everyone out, so Cambridge's ears could be considered quiet.

During Cambridge's hospitalization, Li Qingxue cried to him every day with tears streaming down her face, begging for his forgiveness.She really didn't want to, and when she saw him, she kept thinking of the scene of being bitten by a snake, and subconsciously regarded him as the snake, so she picked up the knife that had been kept under the pillow, Just subconsciously rowed over.Crying is called an expression of true feelings, with infinite regret.

Kang Qiao pursed his lips and smiled at Li Qingxue without saying a word. Seeing this, Li Qingxue was crying like a pear blossom with rain again.

With tears in her eyes, she asked: Is this smile a smile of gratitude?

Cambridge still didn't speak, and was silent and thoughtful.But in Li Qingxue's eyes, it was obvious that Cambridge no longer blamed her.

However, things don't go as you want, and everything doesn't go according to the script you wrote.

Li Qingxue thought that she was a good screenwriter and actress, and she thought that Kang Qiao was just held tightly by her hands.However, things went beyond her script.

Kang Qiao went through the discharge procedure a day earlier by himself, and even the old lady didn't know about it, just because he wanted to tell her himself that he didn't blame her.

When he walked lightly to the door of Li Qingxue's room and was about to push the door in, he saw that her door was ajar, and Li Qingxue was sitting on a big chair with her mobile phone in her hand. people talking on the phone.He couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but he could only hear a cold voice coming from her mouth.

She said: It would be best for him to be inhumane from now on.

She said: He let the snake bite her, and she gave him a knife, which is fair.

She said: I would be stupid to let him have me?And let him know I'm not the first time?
She said: This is not very good, from now on he will not lift.Even if I really enter Kang's house in the future, I will still be your woman.Cambridge is nothing more than that!
she says:"……"

There was a moment when Kang Qiao felt as if someone had acupuncture points all over his body. At this moment, he fully understood that he was as stupid as an idiot.

He took a cold look at the back of the still sneering figure in the room, turned and left without leaving a word.For such a woman, if you talk to her again, you will only insult yourself.

That day, he stood under the shower head and flushed himself for two hours.

Two hours later, he only left a note to the old lady and left. No one knew where he went, nor did he take anything belonging to the Kang family.It was five years later when Mrs. Kang saw Kang Qiao again, and he had already carried three stars on his shoulder straps, which was the rank of captain.

After listening, Comrade Xiao Yang said to him directly: "This kind of vision, what do you mean by being blind, young and ignorant, Master Kang, you deserve it!"

Master Kang...

Suddenly pursing his lips into a smile, he said to Yang Yi, "Then what do you mean, do you mean that you are blind to me?"

Yang Yi raised her chin in embarrassment: "Wrong! Looking at me, that is the most correct thing you have done so far. Compared with that mound of dung, my sister is like the moon in the sky."

"What?" Master Kang was puzzled.

Comrade Yang Yi rolled his eyes at him: "It's pure and flawless, plus it's infinitely bright!"

Kang Qiao smiled, and his smile was overwhelming.It was as if what I just told was just a story and had nothing to do with him.It was as if everything Li Qing did had no effect on him at all.

"Master Kang, I want to ask you a very serious question." Yang Yi looked up at him seriously and asked.

Master Kang waved his hand, with a heroic face like a king in the world: "Say!"

"Excuse me, may I understand your previous series of reactions to Li Moumou as deep love and deep hatred?" Gossip, very gossip.

Master Kang narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous message came out, and he said to Comrade Xiao Yang with a half-smile: "I only react to you now, don't believe me, you can see for yourself?" After speaking, he shamelessly lifted the mask With the bed sheet on his body, Xiao Kangqiao was greeting Yang Yi very warmly.

Yang Yi...

Master Kang, you are too evil, too evil!

She chose to ignore Master Kong's Hong Guoguo's suggestion, and raised her head to continue her curiosity: "Then why did you join the army? I thought you would become a monk. After all, there are many great men who have become monks because of love since ancient times. I went. Of course, the most famous one is Kangxi’s father, who became a monk in Wutai Mountain for Concubine Dong E. I thought you would follow the example of the ancients. I didn’t expect you to join the army instead of monks, ah, a mistake, a mistake.” While talking, he shook his head in disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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