Wife stand at attention

Chapter 129 That Scar

Chapter 129 That Scar (6)
Master Kang directly slapped her on the back of the head again: "Yang Xiaoguai, which eye of yours saw that I was hurt by love? You even become a monk! If I become a monk, I will send you to shave your hair and become a nun first! "

Yang Xiaoguai...

Master Kang, are you so ruthless?Send me to shave my hair and become a nun?I'm not the one who hurt you, okay?If you really want to send someone to have their hair shaved to become a nun, it should be the one who hurt you, right?It's none of her business.

Tears, wild tears, giant tears.

Yang Xiaoguai, in fact, you can understand that this is Master Kong's confession to you, Hong Guoguo's confession.

Monks and nuns, don't you realize that?
After crying, Comrade Xiao Yang continued to gossip: "Master Kang, why did you think of joining the army?"

Master Kang raised his brows: "It's not that you were instigated by that kid You Zhehan."

Yang Xiaoguai complained, are you such an easy to instigate person?

Yang Xiaoguai continued to be curious: "What do you think, you and him are people from two worlds, so why are you brothers?"

Kang Qiao said a little coyly: "When he was fighting with others, he and Uncle Qi happened to see him, so he aroused his infinite interest..."

"Teaching bad boys?" Yang Yi continued.

Master Kang glared at her.

Comrade Xiao Yang smiled, it seems that she guessed right.

Kang Qiao pressed her head and gritted his teeth: "Sleep!"

Yang Xiaoguai arched into his arms, wrapped his hands around his waist, and said in a rare sensational way: "Master Kang, since you are blind because of your youth and ignorance, sister decided not to care about you. Don't worry, the rest of your life will last forever." On the way, with my sister accompanying you, I will never let you make mistakes again."

There was a thick smile on Master Kang's face, Yang Xiaoguai, you are enough.

Sleep till dawn.

The fragrance floated into the room and penetrated Comrade Xiao Yang's nostrils.He sniffed, arched his body, and wanted to get into a familiar embrace, but he naturally put his hand on the waist of the person in his impression, but he was disappointed.

Stretching out his hand to rub his sleepy eyes, the seat beside him was already empty, and Master Kang was no longer on the bed.

Taking a look at the window with thin curtains, the sun is shining outside, Xiao Yang is in a good mood.

Stretched comfortably, picked up the pillow that still smelled of Master Kong, rolled on the bed, narrowed his eyes, as if he didn't intend to get up.Instead, I intend to continue to sleep.


Comrade Xiao Yang, whose eyelids had just closed, seemed to have thought of something important, opened his eyes, and sat up straight.It seems that today is Saturday, it seems that she has an exam this morning, it seems that she has exams not only in the morning, but also in the afternoon and tomorrow morning.

Oh heaven and earth!

what time is it now?She actually overslept?With the sun hanging high outside, could it be that her...exam...was in vain?

Could it be that she once again broke the record of 23 years?
"..." A series of curses that she couldn't understand suddenly came out of her mouth. She didn't care about checking the time with her mobile phone, and quickly jumped off the bed, jumped to the front of the closet, and took out A set of clothes, changed in threes and fives, ran into the bathroom again and again, and washed up in threes and fives.The whole process only took less than 5 minutes.

Sister Li, it's all your fault, if it wasn't for you, girl, I wouldn't have blinked my head.If you really fail the exam because of this, ah, the girl will never end with you.

Comrade Xiao Yang directly blamed someone on Li.

"Get up? Let's have breakfast." When he rushed out of the bathroom with his ponytail tied, Master Kang just came out of the kitchen with two steaming bowls in his hand. Yun said lightly.

Looking for the sound, Comrade Xiao Yang raised his eyes and looked, instantly petrified.

Master Kong, who is 185 in height, wears a women's pink apron printed with a water lily pattern that does not match his high altitude and burly body, and a wine red vertically striped shirt with cuffs rolled up to At the elbow, his strong arms were exposed, and a pair of grass green slacks.

Uh...is this a typical combination of green leaves and red flowers?

No matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like Master Kang, the uncle of the People's Liberation Army. It's more like the showy Mi Xiaosan who is inseparable from Ran Xiaobai all day long, okay?
Master Kang should be wearing a military uniform, or black and white. When have you seen him wearing such flamboyant clothes?Or green leaves with flowers?It's scary, isn't it!

Looking down, when he saw the pair of sandals on Master Kong's feet, Comrade Xiao Yang's petrified brain suddenly short-circuited, and he even forgot the reason why he was in a hurry to get everything done in only 5 minutes.

I saw Master Kong's big feet that were a size 44, but at the moment she was stepping on her size 37...uh...flip flops.

And it's still pink... Most of his feet are on the floor.

Uh... Comrade Xiao Yang was instantly overwhelmed by Master Kang Lei's scorching inside and outside.

"Uh...you..." Yang Xiaoguai pointed to the wine red shirt on him, then to the apron tied on his chest, and then to the pair of pink flip flops.Comrade Xiao Yang, whose brain was short-circuited, didn't know what she wanted to say, what she wanted to express, and whether she wanted to refer to clothes, pants, apron or slippers.In the end, he just looked at the very weird Master Kong with a stunned and dumbfounded expression.

God, is this her master Kang?Why does she feel that this is more like one... four different?

For Comrade Xiao Yang's very strange expression, Master Kong chose to ignore it, put two bowls on the table, and said lightly: "I can't find my pair of slippers, just put them on first. Didn't you say that in the morning Is there an exam? What are you doing in a daze, after a while..."

Before Master Kang finished speaking, he saw Yang Xiaoguai, who was in a daze, suddenly come back to his senses, followed by another strange cry: "Ah—it's over, my exam!" After speaking, he wanted to turn around and go out, but because of his impatience I didn't realize that she didn't take anything, and she still had slippers on her feet.

Therefore, when a person is in extreme tension, the brain is completely not his own.Comrade Xiao Yang is like this at the moment.The brain is completely blank except for the exam.

Yang Xiaoguai, who has always done things in an orderly and orderly manner, has long since ceased to exist after meeting Master Kong.Some are only in a hurry and flustered.

Sad also, sad also.

However, just as she walked to the door and was about to open the door, her waist tightened, and her whole body fell into a broad and strong chest, and the hard muscle hit the tip of her nose.

Master Kang's voice sounded above her head, "Xiaoguai Yang, it's only 07:30, and your exam doesn't start until nine o'clock."

(End of this chapter)

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