Wife stand at attention

Chapter 133 The 2 men who are jealous

Chapter 133 Two men who are jealous of each other (4)
"You're welcome." He smiled back at her, turned around and walked into the elevator, and closed the elevator.

The elevator door closed slowly, but the woman stared at the slowly closing elevator door for a moment, unable to tell whether she was looking at the elevator door or the willow inside the elevator.The eyes are complicated, and the expression is equally complicated.

It wasn't until the elevator door was completely closed that there was no sign of Willow in the elevator anymore, and she came back to her senses. The corner of her mouth curled up meaningfully, and she turned and left.

The moment the elevator door Yang Liu was riding closed and the woman turned to leave, the special elevator belonging to Ran Xi opened not far away, and Ran Xi, who was dressed in a pure handmade suit, stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the hotel entrance.

The elevator went straight up, and Shi Xiaocao said it was the VVVIP box on the eighteenth floor.When the elevator reached the tenth floor, Yang Liu took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Shi Xiaocao.However, at this time, there was only a "boom", and the elevator was completely dark immediately after.

Yang Liu's first reaction was: the elevator broke down.

With the help of the weak light from the mobile phone, he reached out and pressed the alarm bell in the elevator, but found that it was useless.

The second reaction is naturally to use the mobile phone to make a call, but it is a sad reminder that the mobile phone will run out of power here - shut down.

What does it mean when the house leaks and it rains all night?

At this moment, Yang Ge is.

What does it mean to say that the sky does not work and the earth does not work?

At this moment, Yangliu is.

Shouting loudly to the elevator: Is there anyone?The elevator is out of order!

But there was no response at all.

Is it possible to be trapped here?

In the VVVIP box on the 18th floor, Shi Xiaocao looked at the time on her phone, it has been an hour and a half, why hasn't Liu Liu come yet?Didn't you say it will be there in an hour?Could it be a weekend traffic jam?

"Mommy, why hasn't auntie come yet?" Little Princess Miaomiao asked Shi Xiaocao with her jewel-like eyes blinking while sipping a cup of bubble tea.

"Call Mommy and ask, maybe there's a traffic jam." While talking, he dialed Yang Liu's cell phone, "What's the matter, why is it turned off?" When he dialed again, the notification sound was still turned off.

"Honey, don't worry. Auntie will be there in a while. There must be a traffic jam. Let's wait."


military region.

Holding a map in one hand and a walkie-talkie in the other, Jian Bojun strode towards Yang Liu's desk while talking, but frowned slightly when he saw that the desk was empty.

The documents before Yang Liu left were still on the table, but the folder had been closed, and the computer was turned off.

Just as he was about to turn around and go out, someone just came in.

"Hey, Company Commander Jian, are you looking for Staff Officer Yang?" The person who came in happened to be the comrade who would say that Yang Liu and Jian Bojun were facing each other.

"Where did she go?" Jian Bojun glanced at Yang Liu's desk, "Tell her to come back quickly, there is an urgent task."

"Staff Lian has left the military area, and he said he was going to teach her sister who has no brains. Then I'll call her to come back." After speaking, he picked up the landline on the table and dialed Yang Liu's cell phone, "It's turned off." Helpless He looked at Jian Bojun.

Shut down?

Jian Bojun frowned.

As a soldier, it is her job to be on call at all times, how could she shut down the phone?

Then there are only two possibilities: First, the phone is out of power.Second, something went wrong.

Of course, based on what he knew about Yang Liu, with her skill, it was very unlikely that something would happen to her, and that would be that her phone ran out of battery.

"Do you have her sister's cell phone number?"

The kind-hearted comrade in arms shook his head, and after shaking his head, he said to Jian Bojun: "Is it urgent, or I will help you first?"

Jian Bojun shook his head: "She has always been responsible for this matter, you don't understand."

"Oh..." The kind-hearted comrade-in-arms said "Oh" with ulterior motives.

"Oh, by the way, I seem to have heard her talking about Third Young Master Ran and Second Young Master Ran. And..." Before the good-hearted comrade-in-arms finished speaking, Jian Bojun strode away, leaving the kind-hearted comrade-in-arms stupefied Standing on the same spot, he murmured to himself: "Why is the speed so fast? It's not right? It's already right."

VVVIP box on the 18th floor of Hyatt Hotel.

When Xiaocao and Miao Miao Baoer waited, even the day lily had rested, but there was still no shadow of willow.

Just as he was about to leave the box door, the phone rang.

Pick up the phone, squint at the incoming call, strange call?

Then it must be Liu Liu calling.

"Liu Liu, where are you? Why haven't you arrived yet? Baby and I..."

"Yangliu hasn't arrived yet?" Jian Bojun's voice reached Shi Xiaocao's ears through the mobile phone.

"Gah..." Shi Xiaocao thought for a moment that she was hallucinating, a man's voice?Do you still know Liu Liu?
"Who are you...?" After a while, Shi Xiaocao yelled at the phone.

"Jian Bojun." He reported himself.

"do not know."

"I'm looking for Yangliu." Jian Bojun didn't intend to continue to entangle with Xiaocao about whether he knew him or not.

"I'm still looking for Liuliu. Her mobile phone is turned off, and she can't get through..." Just as she was talking, the alarm bell rang. . " Like a hen guarding her chicks, the twelfth level of preparation for battle is activated.

"Mommy, baby is fine. The alarm bell is not from our place. It seems that the elevator outside is out of order." Baby took a sip of milk tea and pointed to the door.

Shi Xiaocao was taken aback again, "Elevator... malfunction? Ah—" suddenly exclaimed, "Could it be that Liuliu was trapped in the elevator?"

Xiaocao Zhizi, can you use your mouth so accurately?

"Where are you?" Jian Bojun's cold voice came from the phone.

Shi Xiaocao: "Happy Yue Hotel Ten...beep—" Before the address was finished, she had already hung up on the phone.

"I haven't finished talking about my address yet, so you hung up the phone right away, how did you find such a big hotel?" Shi Xiaocao muttered.

After muttering, I suddenly remembered... Yangliu.

Liuliu, it must not be you who was trapped in the elevator.

Silently pray.

He took Miao Miao's hand and went straight to the door.

There are already staff at the elevator entrance with tools ready to pry the elevator door.

"Master, master, which floor is the elevator stuck on?" Shi Xiaocao asked anxiously.

"I don't know the specific floor for the time being, Miss, please make room and don't affect our work."

"Liu Liu, please don't be you, or I will be torn apart by Sister Yi without any bones left. Liu Liu... woo..." Shi Xiaocao was sobbing.

"Mummy, is Auntie trapped inside?" The little princess Miaomiao was also anxious, and shouted towards the elevator: "Auntie, I'm Miaomiao, did you hear that? Auntie!"

(End of this chapter)

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