Wife stand at attention

Chapter 134 The 2 men who are jealous

Chapter 134 Two men who are jealous of each other (5)

"What's going on?" Just when the staff was about to talk to Miao Miao, Ran Xi's cold and solemn voice came.

"Mr. Ran." Everyone turned to the source of the voice, almost bowing ninety degrees to Ran Xi respectfully.

"The elevator is malfunctioning, and it is estimated that someone is trapped inside."

"Which floor is the lock stuck on?" Ran Xi frowned slightly.

"Temporarily unable to lock, not on the first to fifteenth floors, and now checking on the fifteenth to eighteenth floors. But no one responded on each floor, and the possibility of fainting cannot be ruled out..."

"Then what's the point, don't hurry up!" Ran Xi growled angrily.

"Uncle!" Miaomiao's voice sounded.

Following the sound of "Uncle", everyone's eyes turned to Miao Miao and Shi Xiaocao.

"Uncle, it may be that my aunt is trapped inside. You ask those uncles to save my aunt. Miao Miao doesn't want Auntie to do anything." Miao Miao hugged Ran Xi's thigh, raised her head, and blinked her eyes expectantly. Looking at him intently, tears rolled in his eyes.

It was only then that Ran Xi noticed Shi Xiaocao who was standing aside, and asked softly, "Is your friend trapped?"

Shi Xiaocao shook her head: "I don't know, Liu Liu's cell phone is not working. Originally, it only took her half an hour to come here from the military area, but it's been almost two hours, and I haven't seen her yet. Ran..." See Glancing at Ran Xi, Shi Xiaocao really couldn't find a suitable name to call him.

Well, this person is not as easy to rape as Ran Xiaobai and the second young master, she is afraid.

"Mr. Ran." In the end, Xiaocao decided to be like everyone else, and called him Mr. Ran, "I also hope it's not Liuliu, otherwise my life will be difficult. She will break my bones and tear me apart." You can't do it! I don't want to be thrown into the barracks by her." He muttered to himself.

"No on the fifteenth floor."

"No on the sixteenth floor."

"No on the seventeenth floor."

A voice came over the staff's intercom.

Then there are only the eighteenth floor left.

All eyes were fixed on the elevator.

Shi Xiaocao kept praying in her mouth: not Liuliu, not Liuliu, not Liuliu.

The staff picks up the work and goes to the elevator.

There were anxious footsteps on the stairs, and then a touch of army green appeared in everyone's eyes.

Jian Bojun, who was sweating profusely, appeared in the eyes of everyone, and there was also a trace of worry that could not be ignored in his eyes.

"Shi Xiaocao!" Before the footsteps stopped, the voice of encouragement that belonged to the soldiers came.

"Here!" Shi Xiaocao, who was used to being tortured by Yang Liuwu, subconsciously stood at attention and replied.

"Where's Yangliu?" He walked quickly to Shi Xiaocao, staring at Shi Xiaocao with sharp eyes.

Shi Xiaocao timidly pointed at the elevator door, not daring to speak.

In other words, the officer's gaze frightened her, as if she wanted to swallow her alive.

At that time, Xiaocao Zhizi always seemed to be a bullying master.For example, the third young master and the second young master are naturally used to be bullied by her, but if the boss is like Ran, Jian Bojun, then... feel sad.

"Mr. Ran, what do you say?" Jian Bo.

"Master Jian, what do I think I should tell you?" Ran Xi folded his arms around his chest, looking at Jian Bojun with a half-smile.

"My people had an accident on your territory, so Young Master Ran should give me an explanation?"

"Your person?" Ran Xi smiled slightly, "Then it won't be too late to make a decision after confirming that it is your person!"

Shi Xiaocao's eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them.

How do you feel that the expressions, eyes and tone of these two men at this moment are all full of jealousy?
For whom?

Does her Liuliu have such a great charm?To make such two top-notch men jealous?

Ahhh!It's not fair, it's not fair!

Why is it that there are not two such top-notch men who are jealous of her?She is no less good than Liu Liu.There are no two who give her the one she likes, why is it that she has such a miserable life?why why why!
Liu Liu, I blame you you you you you!

The voice of resentment echoes infinitely.

Xiaocao, you are really sorry for Liuliu. At this moment, you are so shameless.Who said, there isn't even one, isn't the second young master the best of the best?You are willing to sell yourself because of you, so you have the nerve to yell at none of them here?

Maybe it was Shi Xiaocao's infinite resentment towards Yang Liu that played a role, or maybe it was Comrade Yang Liu's self-contained spirit of never giving up.

Just as the staff pried open the elevator door, a man with engine oil all over his body and a cat-faced face climbed out of the elevator door with all his strength.

"Liu Liu!"

Three voices sounded at the same time.

And Ran Xi looked directly at the oily woman with a look of disbelief and a little surprise.

is her?

"Are you OK?"

Jian Bojun and Shi Xiaocao spoke in unison again.

"I can't die!" Yang Liu wiped his cheeks and said lightly.But out of the corner of his eyes, when he caught sight of the man standing in front of him with arms crossed and looking at her with unfathomable eyes, he was no longer calm, but had a strange and horrified look on his face.

God, why are you treating me so favorably?
"I don't recognize me, I don't recognize me, I don't recognize me!" Yang Liu lowered her head, and her mouth was full of self-hypnotic thoughts.

Well, she must not be recognized. She climbed out of the elevator just now, and she didn't need to look in the mirror to know that her face at this moment must be more colorful than a cat, and more mechanic than a mechanic.Therefore, it is impossible for this man dressed like a dog to recognize her.

"Liu Liu, what are you muttering about?" Shi Xiaocao moved her head closer, her ears almost touching Yang Liu's mouth, she looked blankly at Yang Liu who was muttering to herself, and stretched out her hand to caress her forehead, worrying Then he asked with concern: "Could it be that you've been locked in the elevator for a long time, and you haven't turned your head yet? Or, shall we go to the hospital? I don't want to..."

"Pa!" Before Shi Xiaocao finished speaking, the hand that was caressing Yang Liu's forehead was slapped off fiercely, and Yang Liu's right hand was akimbo, and his left hand was poking fiercely at Shi Xiaocao's forehead. , furious: "Shi Xiaocao, did I owe you in my previous life? If I forced you, I would kill your whole family or something! As for this life, do you want to pay you back like this? You say you are a miser, It’s rare in this life that you are willing to set aside a dime to treat me to a big meal. Why do you have to treat me in this bird place? It’s better to invite me to your house to have a big meal than to let me suffer here! Let me tell you, If there is something wrong with me, do you believe that I will throw you directly into the barracks?"

(End of this chapter)

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