Wife stand at attention

Chapter 135 The Boss Taijun Encourages Me to Poach Your Corner

Chapter 135 The Boss Taijun Encourages Me to Poach Your Corner (1)
Shi Xiaocao...

Liuliu, can this be my fault?I didn't know that this elevator would break down like this, it's fine if it breaks down, but I didn't know that you were in this elevator?
Shi Xiaocao was wronged ING.

Yang Liu glared at Shi Xiaocao, who was in 12 grievances, and pulled Shi Xiaocao who was standing beside Shi Xiaocao, raised her eyes and looked up at her Miao Miao baby with her black gem-like eyes, "Baby Son, let's go! Don't stay away from your brainless mommy. Fortunately, it was Auntie who was trapped in the elevator today. If it were you, she, Xiaocao, would have ten lives today, and Auntie would have to accept it. She!" After finishing speaking, he pulled up Miao Miao's baby and turned around to make people want to leave. When he turned around, he didn't forget to stare at the elevator door again: "This is a broken elevator, and you can't even press the alarm bell! It made me crawl I got to the eighth floor! Fortunately, I'm pretty good at it!"

Eighth floor?

Shi Xiaocao... was speechless.

Jian Bojun... was dumbfounded.

Ran Xi...showed a meaningful smile.

Just when Yang Liu took two steps by the hand of little princess Miaomiao, Boss Ran's uncertain voice sounded: "What the female officer said is very true, since it was my broken elevator that caused you to be trapped in an accident. should be held accountable for this.”

Yang Liu froze, her raised left leg just stopped in mid-air.


Responsible for what?

Why do these words sound different?

Putting down the left leg that was frozen in mid-air, he turned around and showed an unnatural smile to Ran Xi: "No, no trouble...uh..."

"Ran Xi." Ran Xi took her words, folded her arms around her chest, and still smiled enigmatically.

Why is this smile so dazzling?The stronger sunlight still dazzled her so much that she couldn't open her eyes?

This was Yang Liu's first reaction when he saw the smile on Ran Xi's face.

So, he pulled out a very far-fetched smile again: "You really don't need to bother, you just fix the elevator as soon as possible, so as not to cause another accident. What if it's the old, weak, sick and disabled I'm pregnant, so it's hard to say. I... just take it as extra training for myself. That's it, see you...for no reason." For some reason, Yang Liu always felt that his tongue was trembling and his voice was a little chilly.

Well, it's because she made a mistake first.

Yang Liu attributed her shivering to the guilt of having raped Boss Ran.

After feeling guilty, Yang Liu decided to turn around and leave again.

Of course...

As soon as he turned around, he saw a quick shadow flashing in front of his eyes. There was already an extra wall in front of him. Of course, the name of this wall was Ran Xi.

The boss continued to look at Yang Liu with his half-smile but meaningful expression, and the cloudy voice sounded again: "Then how can it be? Just now, Chief Jian also said that his people are on my side. How can I sit idly by when something happens on the site? Besides, it is only natural for the People’s Liberation Army to serve the people, so we the people are also obliged to cooperate with the People’s Liberation Army, right? Otherwise, wouldn’t I be guilty of bullying the army?”

The crime of bullying the king?

As soon as Boss Ran said these four characters, Yang Liu instantly petrified and was frozen.

Boss, in today's harmonious socialist society, how can you bully the king?
Obviously, Lieutenant Yang Liu, whose brain was petrified, couldn't distinguish the difference between bullying the emperor and bullying the army.

Yang Liu raised her eyes, and looked at those shrewd black eyes full of calculations, coupled with the half-smile on Boss Ran's face with a hint of inscrutability, as well as the arms around the chest like a king on the world. .No matter how you look at it, no matter how you feel, this person is not pleasing to the eye, no matter how you look at it, this person is very inferior, no matter how you look at it, she...is inferior to others.

Just when Yang Liu was about to open his mouth to say something, Boss Ran turned sideways and whispered in her ear at a volume that only two of them could hear: "If you don't want your feat of deceiving the people with the army to appear in front of your chief, be good obedient."

Is the army bullying the people?

As soon as these four words came out, the petrified willow cracked again.She could even hear the cracking of the ice above her head.

"You...I..." Pointing at the treacherous Ran Xi with a finger covered in engine oil, then pointing at herself, Yang Liu was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to express herself at this moment The raging anger in his heart.

Standing in the middle of the two of them a step away, little friend Miao Miao looked up, biting her index finger with her white teeth, and stared at the 100cm sea level that was coming to her with eyes like black grapes. Said, definitely can be regarded as the two people of high altitude, puzzled, dazed, confused, curious.

In the end, little friend Miao Miao came to a conclusion in Comrade Yang Liu's blazing eyes, so she turned around and walked to her kissing mother Shi Xiaocao, her soft voice was definitely very quiet at this moment There was a sound in the space: "Mommy, Miao Miao saw a familiar look in Auntie's eyes."

Shi Xiaocao Zhizi kissed the top of the baby's head lovingly, and asked very gossip but lovingly: "Baby, tell Mommy, what did you see in Auntie's eyes?"

Miaomiao: "Miaomiao saw it, the way Auntie looks at Uncle is like Mommy looking at Dad... Uh... Uncle Ran's eyes are like Big Big Wolf wants to catch a lazy sheep and go back to Xian Baibai to make sheep soup. "

Shi Xiaocao...


Tongyan Wuji, absolutely Tongyan Wuji.

She definitely didn't look at the amphibious animals in this way, she was sure, sure and sure!

But when Liu Liu looked at the boss' eyes, it was...full of red fruit, naked... adulterous.

Yes, adultery!
She was a little grass, and her personality guaranteed that there must be an unclear and unknown adultery between these two people.And this adultery is definitely not just a day or two, it must be ten days and a half months.

All of a sudden, Shi Xiaocao's eyes turned around and stood aside, dumbstruck because of what Miao Miao had said. The one in military uniform...who? ...Uh... On Liuliu's chief comrade.

Does that mean that Comrade Chief is doomed?
In Liu Liu's naya's eyes, there was an obvious command: my sister is more interested in the boss who smiles like a fox, and has no feeling for this expressionless Zhengtai.

Alright alright!Comrade Chief is very miserable. Before he has time to play, he is doomed to be a tragedy of cannon fodder.

Sympathy, very sympathy, 12 points of sympathy for Comrade Chief.

Shi Xiaocao Zhizi shed tears of sympathy for Jian Bojun with a very professional ethics.

"Mr. Ran!" Finally, Jian Bojun came back to his senses after the wood was over, and walked in front of Ran Xi and Yang Liu with his usual expressionless face, "Since my subordinates say it's okay, then we won't bother Mr. Ran anymore. Staff Officer Yang, can I go back to the military region now?"

(End of this chapter)

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