Wife stand at attention

Chapter 136 The Boss Taijun Encourages Me to Poach Your Corner

Chapter 136 The Boss Taijun Encourages Me to Poach Your Corner (2)
Following Jian Bojun's voice, Yang Liu came back to his senses, stood at attention on the spot, and was about to reply in the tone of absolute obedience unique to soldiers: Report to the chief, yes!
However, I saw that the slightly bent boss suddenly straightened his back, and continued to squint at Yang Liu with his half-smile but with an unfathomable and difficult smile. Nose snorted a word: "Huh?"

Just this one word "um" made Yang Liu stop cooking immediately.

Threat, Hong Guoguo's threat!
Absolutely, decisively!
As a result, the newly raised ambitions that belonged exclusively to soldiers were suddenly shattered and turned into a puddle of muddy water.

The gaze went back and forth between the two men, back and forth, and back again.Tangled, tangled, and tangled.

She couldn't afford to offend the two men, she couldn't afford to offend them.

One is the chief, and the other is... uh... raped by her, she is wrong.

Out of military consciousness, she should go back to the military area with the chief without hesitation.

But out of morality, she should...uh...stand by this man, and just now he threatened her very redly.

In case, he pissed him off, and if he really liked her for forcing him, then she, Yang Liu, would still have the face to face others?Does she still have a foothold in the military region?


So, the two sides fought over each other, gritted their teeth, and made a decision—this is the first time in the six years since they joined the army that they disobeyed the commander's order.

He gave a solemn military salute to Jian Bo: "Comrade Chief, please give me half an hour. Return to the team immediately after half an hour!"

Looking at Yang Liu's military salute and hearing Yang Liu's voice, Jian Bojun was slightly taken aback.Obviously, Yang Liu's behavior was beyond his expectation.

In his consciousness, Yang Liu has always been a soldier who absolutely obeys the orders of her superiors, and of course she also has her own insights and opinions.But now, it is obvious that she is a little afraid of Ran Xi.

Jian Bojun didn't understand why Yang Liu was afraid of Ran Xi.

At the moment when Jian Bojun was slightly stunned, Boss Ran smiled triumphantly.Looking at Yangliu Shishi, he wiped his eyes that he was very satisfied with her actions.

It was this glance that made Comrade Yang Liu angry again.

Depend on!
I have been in the army for so many years, and this is the first time I have resisted the military order!You actually look at me with a look of charity!
If possible, she would like to shoot the man who laughed so badly with his knife-like eyes!

After Jian Bojun was stunned, he said to Yang Liu, who kept shooting knives in his eyes, "I'll wait for you in the car, I won't wait when it's over!" After speaking, he raised his wrist to look at the watch on his wrist, and continued: "Now is [-]:[-], as a soldier, I hope you will continue to maintain your characteristics of being a soldier!" After finishing speaking, he glanced at the unpredictable Ran Xi who smiled, turned around, but left a sentence: "President Ran, One more sentence for you, don't touch my people casually!"

Finally, this is the last sentence.

However, I didn't expect Boss Ran to answer him in such a disrespectful manner: "Who is it? It's not up to Officer Jian to decide. Do you think it's a female officer?" Very ambiguous smile.


Rubbing his forehead, he was speechless and wanted to escape!
God, why are you treating me so favorably?
Resentment echoes endlessly...

After Ran Xi finished speaking, she asked Yang Liu very gracefully as a gentleman.

Just as he finished the gesture of please, he only heard a "ding", and the special elevator door that belonged to him opened.

With the opening of the elevator door, what Yang Liu saw was Shi Xiaocao's smile like a sweaty dog's leg.Don't think about it, the elevator must have been pressed by Xiaocao when Gouhan raped him.

Yang Liu directly gave Shi Xiaocao a touch: You gave me the look of waiting.

Shi Xiaocao, on the other hand, picked up Miaomiao's little friend and cast a very innocent and pitiful look at Boss Ran asking for protection.

The boss was in a good mood, and waved his hands to the mother and daughter, like a king in the world, to show: I will protect you!
When Gouhan raped Xiaocao, he nodded and bowed as if he had been favored by the king, and almost knelt down to thank him.

The small universe of the angry willow is blazing.

With the sound of "ding", the elevator door closed, and the nodding dog traitor Shi Xiaocao finally completed her mission - sent away the king's favored queen.

Then when he turned around, he saw Jian Bojun whose face was as green as rose flowers and leaves, and also old leaves with thorns.

For that, Shi Xiaocao, the dog traitor, patted Jian Bojun on the shoulder carrying a bar of three-star epaulets with great loyalty, and said with a brotherly love on his face: "Comrade Chief, as a people with infinite respect for the People's Liberation Army People, let me give you a very kind advice, don’t put your hopes on my family Liuliu.” While speaking, he showed Jian Bojun a smile that turned all beings upside down, and waved his finger in front of him while smiling: "First, Yang Liu doesn't play with sisters and younger brothers. Second, don't you see that the two of them have long been ambiguous? So, based on the above two points, my sister really doesn't want to see the great comrades of the People's Liberation Army. The good virtue of being internally injured, I remind you, don't put your hopes on Yangliu, otherwise, you will be the one who gets hurt. Well, that's all, I wish you good luck. As for me, I should also go to the second young master and the old lady You are going to report the adultery between them. Darling, let’s go, let’s add fuel to it.” After speaking, he took Miao Miao’s little friend’s hand and turned to leave.

However, when he turned to leave, Jian Bojun snorted disdainfully from behind: "Why did Staff Officer Yang end up with such a fool?"

In less than half a minute, the dog traitor has become a brain-dead idiot?

When Xiaocao got acupuncture points when he was a brain-damaged bastard and a dog traitor, he was stunned in place.

Then, the disdainful humming sound from the nostrils did not stop, but drifted farther and farther, became lighter and lighter, but it floated into Xiaocao's ear word for word: " They don’t understand military orders and discipline, and how can they boast that they are people who respect the People’s Liberation Army infinitely?”

She... Is this considered despised?
Or the comrades of the People's Liberation Army whom she respects infinitely?

"Baby, has Mommy been despised by the PLA uncle?" Xiaocao asked the little princess weakly when the dog raped her.

The little princess nodded and gave her an affirmative answer: "Mummy, you are really despised by Uncle PLA. But don't worry, Mummy, my baby doesn't despise you." That very hurt little heart, to show her comfort to kissing mommy.

Shi Xiaocao...


Could she be wrong?Is it really wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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