Wife stand at attention

Chapter 140 The Family Official Satisfies You

Chapter 140 Go home and I will satisfy you (1)
On the road at the door, the familiar Wrangler was still parked.Today's Master Kang did not come out coquettish.

Five meters away from the car, the door of the passenger seat opened from the inside, revealing the smiling face of Comrade Xiao Yang's Master Kong brand, "Get in the car."

Today's Master Kang is still not wearing military uniform, he is wearing a casual outfit with a short cropped head and dark cheeks.Comrade Xiao Yang feels that the current Master Kong really fits the title of "Master Kong".

After getting in the car and closing the door, Master Kong bent down to fasten her seat belt.Throwing the bag in his hand to the back seat of the car, Comrade Xiao Yang smiled and looked at Master Kong without saying a word.

Master Kang started the car, and calmly glanced at Comrade Yang: "Guy Yang, you're making a fuss again. Why do you think you're so good at it?" Holding the steering wheel in his hand, he glanced at Yang Yi again while driving, " Remember me, don't show me such a fool in front of others."

Comrade Xiao Yang rested his chin with both hands, and showed a brighter smile to Master Kang: "Master Kang, have I spoken to you?"

Kang Qiao turned his head, gave her a meaningful look, and then continued to drive forward: "What do you want to tell me? Huh?"

Comrade Xiao Yang: "You are really uncommonly stinky!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look out of the window, ignoring Master Kong's three black lines falling from his forehead, and whistling, the old god admired the roadside. What kind of scenery is it.

Master Kang...

The phone rings.

Turn around and grab the bag from the back seat, take out the phone, and the screen displays "Liu Liu".

"Hello, Liuliu."

"Sister, how is your exam?" Yang Liu's crisp voice came from the phone.

The corners of Comrade Xiao Yang's mouth twitched, and the brows raised: "Lieutenant Yang Liu, who am I?"

"Comrade Yang Yi!"

"So, don't you realize that your question is superfluous? When did I, Yang Yi, end in failure? I have always made a bright debut and ended with a high profile." Comrade Xiao Yang was called an extraordinary scorn.

"Okay! Then I won't disturb you and the chief brother-in-law's valid time, and say hello to the chief brother-in-law for me. That's it, hang up!" After finishing speaking, hang up immediately. Yang Liu always said that one is one, and never hang up. Will say one more word.

"Master Kang, your comrade-in-arms and my sister, Comrade Yang Liu, asked me to greet the chief on her behalf." My sister's heart was naturally brought to me.

"En." Master Kong responded lightly, without any other unnecessary reactions.

Just about to say something, the phone rang again.

Master Kang glanced at her, which meant: You are really busy.

Yang Yi shrugged helplessly, and the caller showed "Xiaocao".


"Sister, let me tell you, Liuliu has adultery!"

After answering the phone call, before he had time to speak, Shi Xiaocao's scream came.

Yang Yi...

"And their adultery is not ordinary."

"That's definitely not something that can be brewed in a day or two."

"Based on my keen sense of smell, the adultery between them will last at least half a month if not for ten days."

"You haven't seen it yet. Their flirtatious flirting made my baby and I startled."

"However, you can't think of who the person who has an affair with Liuliu is. Let me tell you, that is..."

"Sister, are you listening to me?" Shi Xiaocao, who said a long list without giving Yang Yi any chance to speak, finally blasted at Zhulian, and Comrade Yang Yi didn't have any chance to answer. Next, realized something.

"I really want to answer, but Xiaocao, do you have a chance to talk to me?"

"Hehe!" Shi Xiaocao laughed dryly, "Then what, am I too anxious to share this surprise with you?"

"I'm talking about Xiaocao, are you sure that the one you're talking about is our family's willow, the one with the two-star epaulettes, the one who pointed at you and scolded you as a bastard?" Obviously, for Shi Xiaocao Comrade Yang Yi didn't quite believe the bomb that was thrown.

"I'm sure, the willow I'm talking about is the willow of our family, the one with the two-star epaulettes, the one who pointed at my forehead and scolded me as a bastard!" After finishing speaking, Xiaocao Zhizi is in tears, isn't she admitting in disguise that she is a shoddy?

Sister, don't take you so hurtful, turn a corner and let me go in.

"Okay, I got it!" After being surprised, after Shi Xiaocao's series of bombardments, Yang Yi didn't feel surprised anymore, so she said five words to Shi Xiaocao very calmly.

Shi Xiaocao: "..." This... is it over?No more text?Shouldn't she still have a lot of doubts to ask?Why... just the four words "I got it" sent her away?
When Comrade Xiao Yang was about to say something to Shi Xiaocao, a man's voice came from the phone: "Xiao Yecao, keep talking, be careful and I will confiscate your phone." voice: "Don't squeak, don't squeak. Sister, that's it, I hang up."

Before Comrade Xiao Yang could react, he only heard the busy tone of "beep".

Isn't that the voice of the second young master of the Ran family?

The second young master of Xiaocao Ran's family?
Is there any adulterous love between Hong Guoguo?
Well, the adulterous relationship between the two started early in the morning, when Shi Xiaocao grabbed the second young master's collar, it was already developing in a hot direction.In addition, Ran Xiaobai was fanning the flames and lighting the fire, so the grass had to be burned vigorously?
After the fugue, I finally came back to my senses, but I was surprised to find that the road that Master Kong took didn't seem to be the way home?

"Master Kang, where are you going? Isn't this the way home?" She was only in a trance for 5 minutes, so it wouldn't be possible to abduct her, right?

"Take you somewhere." Master Kang continued to look ahead.


"Go to the driving school to sign up and get a driver's license." At the red light, stop.

"Oh." He responded lightly, but thought in his heart, I can't afford a car even after passing the exam.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of your car." She seemed to see what she was thinking.

"That's so embarrassing, otherwise, would I pay you back in installments?" Comrade Xiao Yang felt that this was a good method, but Master Kang gave him a hard look.

She slapped the back of her head with a slap: "Yang Xiaoguai, you are really full of tofu and stuffed with dog's tail!"

Just when Yang Yi was about to reply to him, you are only thinking of tofu dregs and stuffed dog's tail grass, when her eyes were attracted by a silver-gray Mercedes opposite.In the rolled down car window, she saw Li Qingxue.

When Yang Yi was looking in that direction, Li Qingxue was also looking in this direction.So I took it for granted, and naturally saw Master Kong in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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