Wife stand at attention

Chapter 141 The Family Official Satisfies You

Chapter 141 Go home and I will satisfy you (2)
Although there was a distance of ten meters at the crossroads, Comrade Xiao Yang could clearly see a hint of unwillingness and cruelty in Li Qingxue's eyes, and even stared straight at the intersection with those unwilling eyes. He stared intently at the face of Master Kang who was sitting beside her at the moment.


Comrade Xiao Yang is angry!
You!Not reconciled!

You female animal full of obscene bugs, are you still unwilling?How can my Master Kang be sorry for you, you are so obscene, you are so cruel, and in the end, it seems that Master Kang owes you three to five to eighty thousand in love debt!
Stretching out her hand, facing Li Qingxue who was staring at Cambridge angrily, she punched and wiped her neck.

"What's the matter?" Cambridge was puzzled by Yang Yi's sudden epileptic behavior.Obviously, he didn't see Li Qingxue in the opposite car at all.

Xiao Yangtong was 12 very satisfied with Master Kong's purpose.Turning her head to him and pursing her lips with a smile: "Oh, it's okay, I suddenly thought that in a certain TV, an angry bitch had nowhere to go into heat, so it could only slam its head against the wall in pain."

Red light off, green light on.

Master Kong glanced at her in confusion, and continued to drive forward.

She thought she would pass by Li Qingxue's car, but found out it was not.Because at the moment when the green light came on, Master Kong's car turned left, but Li Qingxue was still waiting for the green light.

Yang Yi glanced at him cautiously, there was nothing wrong with it.So, the small universe was a little happy.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at an auto repair shop.

"Get out of the car." Kang Qiao parked the car and unfastened Yang Yi's seat belt.

"Tianhai Auto Repair." Yang Yi raised her head and read the four words in blue above her head.

Turning his head, he looked at Cambridge with some puzzlement. Didn't he say that he took her to apply for a driver's license?Why did you bring her to the auto repair shop again?Could it be that this auto repair shop also offers driving lessons?
Puzzled, he looked at Master Kong very puzzled.

Kang Qiao didn't speak. He stretched out his long arms and put his arms around her waist. With his arms around her, he walked directly to the auto repair shop.

There are more than a dozen cars parked in the auto repair shop, ranging from medium to high-end and low-end.There was a person lying on his back under a blue pickup truck, only two big feet wearing Jiefang shoes and a piece of blue trousers were exposed.

"Hey, Master Kong, what did you bring me here for? Didn't you mean to apply for a driver's license? This is an auto repair shop." Yang Yi glanced at the two repairs under the pickup truck, and tugged the arm around her waist. .

Master Kang didn't speak, but continued to walk forward with his arms around her.

Comrade Xiao Yang's doubts deepened, what is this guy doing?

When Comrade Xiao Yang was very confused, the person who got under the pickup truck moved and got out from under the car.At this time, Master Kong walked to the side of the pickup truck with his arms around her.

The man lying on the ground, his clothes were covered with motor oil, and he was holding a wrench and other tools in his hands. When he saw Master Kong standing in front of him, he looked up at Master Kong in astonishment.


Five seconds later, the man lying on the ground came to his senses, stood up with a "chuckle", threw the wrench and another tool in his hand to the ground, and looked at Cambridge in disbelief: "Brother Qiao?"

As the man stood up, Yang Yi also saw clearly the face of the man standing in front of her and Cambridge.There is still a little black engine oil on the cheeks that are covered with black charcoal, and the cut is the same as that of Master Kong.It's just that on his right face, there is a scar nearly three centimeters long, from the corner of his eye to the wing of his nose.

"The sea!" Master Kang stretched out his left hand and patted Haihai's shoulder.

"Brother Qiao, this is... sister-in-law?" Dahai pursed his lips at Kang Qiao and showed a foolish smile, pointing at Yang Yi with a finger stained with motor oil.

"My wife Yang Yi, Hai Sheng." Kang Qiao introduced them.

"Hello." Yang Yi stretched out her hand.

"Hi, sister-in-law!" Dahai stretched out his hand to shake Yang Yi's right hand, but after seeing the oil stains on his hand, he didn't shake hands with Yang Yi, and said embarrassedly: "My hand is full of engine oil, don't blame me " After finishing speaking, he rubbed his hands on his clothes, and said respectfully to Cambridge: "Come on, brother Qiao, sit in sister-in-law, my mess is still dirty. Yuefang, look who is here. "Leading Kang Qiao and Yang Yi to walk in, shouting as they walked.

"Hey——" With the roar of the sea, a woman came out of the house, to be precise, a woman with a big belly.He wore an apron on his chest, and wiped the apron with both hands as he walked.

The moment Yuefang saw Cambridge, she was as dumb as Dahai.Three seconds later, a big smile appeared on his face, "Brother Qiao!"

While talking, Dahai led Cambridge and Yang Yi to the front of the house, Dahai pointed to Yang Yi and said to Yuefang: "This is sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law!" Yuefang called out with a smile, glanced at Cambridge, and showed a meaningful smile: "Brother Qiao, you have a good vision this time, sister-in-law is better than..."

"Brother Qiao and sister-in-law are rare, so you can add more food." Dahai interrupted Yuefang, and glanced at Yuefang with ulterior motives.

After being interrupted by Dahai, Yuefang also seemed to think of something, scratched the back of her neck, showed a dry smirk at Cambridge, then wiped her stomach and said to Dahai: "You stay with Brother Qiao and sister-in-law , I'm going to cook." After finishing speaking, he turned around.

Yang Yi glared at Cambridge, look, look, this time, Yuefang made it clear that Dahai stopped her words.Could she still not know the meaning of Yuefang's words?This time his vision was good, so that means his vision last time was not very good.


Those who hate iron but can't make steel cast a blank stare at him!

"I'll help you!" As she said, she followed Yuefang's footsteps.

Cambridge...how did he recruit her?Roll his eyes?Is that his fault?

"Brother Qiao, Yuefang is like that, keep your mouth shut, don't take it to heart." Dahai stretched out his hand to climb his short hair, and excused his wife.

Kang Qiao showed a slight smile: "Am I that kind of stingy person? How many months?" Naturally, he was referring to Yuefang's protruding belly.

The sea stretched out his left hand to show five months.

"When I'm born next time, I'll make up the gift together."

"Don't tell me, brother Qiao! If you want to see others like this, will Yuefang and I have the face? If it weren't for you, Yuefang and I..."

"Okay, what's the matter in the past?" Kang Qiao patted Hai Hai on the shoulder, with an expression that he didn't want to mention the past, "While the two women were still busy in the kitchen, the two brothers finished the car together." Pointing to the pickup truck that got out of the sea just now, he walked towards it while talking.

"Don't, don't!" Dahai hurriedly stopped Cambridge: "I'm filthy, and you will be filthy in a while. Then Yuefang will kill me in a while! Don't worry about the car, let's go upstairs and talk." " After speaking, he wanted to stretch out his hand to pull Cambridge's arm, but he stopped when he saw the oil stains on his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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