Wife stand at attention

Chapter 142 The Family Official Satisfies You

Chapter 142 Go home and I will satisfy you (3)
With his arms folded around his chest, Kang Qiao looked at him with a small smile on his lips. This smile made Da Hai's heart uncertain, and he stretched out his hands dryly and crawled on top of his head.

"It seems that Yue Fang has eaten you to death?"

Dahai smirked again: "When will I not be eaten to death by her? In front of her, I am not a man! But, I am willing."

The second floor.

The layout is very delicate, completely different from the first floor and the outside.The first floor is filled with various parts and work, but the second floor feels like a home.

The layout of three bedrooms and two halls, exquisite decoration, with light blue as the main color, matched with white and lavender, warm and elegant.

On the wall, there are a few pictures of babies, adding another vitality.


That is the domain of women.

Yuefang stood in front of the sink washing vegetables, and Yang Yi stood aside picking celery leaves.

"Sister-in-law, when did you and Brother Qiao get married? Brother Qiao is really serious. He didn't inform Dahai and me about such a big event. It would be strange if he didn't punish him for two cups!" Yuefang was washing the dishes. , while slightly complaining.

"Not long ago. Are you familiar with each other?" While picking celery leaves, he asked nonchalantly.

"Dahai and I have been with Brother Qiao since we were young, can we not be familiar with each other?" After washing the vegetables, they took them out of the sink and cut them on the cutting board.Yuefang was very proud of her close relationship with Cambridge.

"Must?" Yang Yi frowned slightly, while washing the celery leaves, she raised her eyes to look at Yue Fang puzzled.

"Ah, bastard!" Yuefang turned on the gas stove, "Let's put it this way, to sum up the relationship between me, Dahai and Brother Qiao in one sentence, that is—the admiration that Dahai and I have for Brother Qiao is like a torrent of love. The river is endless!" As he said, he stretched out his hand and made an endless gesture.

"Puchi!" Yang Yi was amused by her very loving words and actions, and looked at Yue Fang with a face that was still surging and endless: "Is it so exaggerated?"

"Yes! Absolutely! Sister-in-law, let me tell you, this is definitely not what I, Ji Yuefang, boasted about. Brother Qiao is definitely a god to me and Dahai, a god of myth! You can be like Brother Qiao by being a gangster Yes, it's definitely not something that ordinary people can do. But now, it seems that Brother Qiao is no longer a gangster, but the mighty People's Liberation Army!" Ji Yuefang was full of admiration again.

As far as Ji Yuefang is concerned, regardless of whether Cambridge was a gangster back then or the People's Liberation Army now, the admiration is always the same, like a surging river, endless.


"Call me Yang Yi. I'm not used to you as a sister-in-law. Besides, maybe I'm younger than you." For Dahai and Yuefang's sister-in-law, Yang Yi is really called One is uncomfortable.

Yuefang shook her head, with a serious look on her face: "That won't work, you are Brother Qiao's wife, even if you are only ten years old, you are still a sister-in-law, you can't do anything wrong, this is disrespectful to Brother Qiao!"

ten years old?

Yuefang, if you use metaphors, you can use metaphors. As for such a frightening age?

Do you really think that Master Kong is a pedophile? He even preys on ten-year-olds?
It's disrespectful to make a mistake.

"I mean, if, even if, Biguo is not true!" Seeing her terrified face, Yuefang laughed and explained: "Then my brother Qiao is naturally not the kind of child lover, As far as he can see you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. At least it is enough to show that it was not that he had no vision back then, but..." Yue Fang seemed to realize that she was slipping again, so she shut up quickly. Talking, concentrating on stirring the dishes in the pot.

"What?" Yang Yi looked at her with a slight smile.

"Uh, it's nothing, it's nothing." Seeing Yang Yi's light smile, Yuefang felt a little unnatural.

"You want to talk about Li Qingxue?" Yang Yi took her lead and spoke for her.

Ji Yuefang was slightly taken aback, the hand holding the shovel froze for a moment, and looked at Yang Yi with half-belief: "You...know?"


"The slut looking for you?"

"Well, I found it!"

At this point, Ji Yuefang directly threw the shovel in her hand, stared straight at Yang Yi, and said anxiously: "Sister-in-law, you can't believe the words of that bastard, even if you believe a child's words, you can't believe the words of that bastard." She's a bitch. Let me tell you, that bitch, she's just a white-eyed wolf, she's just a coquettish Pan Jinlian, you can..."

"I said Comrade Yuefang, you are pregnant now, you shouldn't be excited!" Comrade Xiao Yang directly interrupted the excited Ji Yuefang who almost took a kitchen knife to chop Li Qingxue, "How could I believe her words? Woolen cloth?"

"Oh——" Ji Yuefang let out a long breath, and even patted her chest with her hand, "Sure enough, my Brother Qiao has the right vision! Only such a sister-in-law is worthy of Brother Qiao. Just Li Qingxue, that show Fox, you are not even worthy of carrying shoes for Brother Qiao. Let me tell you, sister-in-law, that coquettish fox is so coquettish that he can seduce people when he is a teenager. She has a vixenous smell, and if she sees a man, she will discharge herself desperately. I don't know where I learned that charm skill, but if I am a man, I will definitely be poisoned by her charm."

"That's right, even the Brother Qiao you mentioned almost became her guest of honor." Yang Yi joked.

"Sister-in-law, you really can't blame Brother Qiao for this. It's that little slut who knows how to use tricks. Let me tell you, the first time I saw that little slut, I thought she was very unpleasant. It looks like sister Lin is cherishing flowers and Xi Shi is holding her heart. Looking at her like that, I can't wait to dig a few holes in her body, but Brother Qiao won't let me! You know, me and Dahai, what about Brother Qiao's words , that is definitely because he said one, we dare not do two, he said east, we dare not go west. Fortunately, that dead fox did not succeed in the end! The person I, Ji Yuefang, hate the most in my life is that coquettish fox Now, if I see her anytime, I have to peel off her skin!" That was a gritted resentment.

Comrade Yuefang, the coquettish fox you mentioned actually left your auto repair shop not long ago.It's because you were in the room on the second floor, so you didn't see her.So how lucky Li Qingxue was that when she came, Ji Yuefang didn't see her, otherwise the wrench who repaired the car would have hit her on the head.

Yang Yi gently rubbed her shoulder: "Hey, did she steal your man? As for you hating her so much?"

"This is worse than robbing my man! Because Brother Qiao almost killed her! If a man is robbed, at most it means that he is not my type, but Brother Qiao is different!" Ji Yuefang hated Li Qingxue She hated it so much that if she could, she wanted to cut her into pieces. Of course, before removing her, she must first cut off her MM, and then scratched her coquettish face.However, she dare not!Because the boss won't allow it.So she could only grieve with hatred in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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