Wife stand at attention

Chapter 148 Why is it normal at this time

Chapter 148 Nonsense, how is it normal at this time (5)
"What's the matter?" The raging desire was stopped so suddenly, Kang Qiao looked at Yang Xiaoguai helplessly, his eyes were still full of desire, his voice was a little hoarse, a little eager and even a little anticipating, his burning eyes Looking straight up at Yang Yi who was looking up at him, he cupped her cheeks that were a little flushed from his passionate kiss with both hands, and moved his thumb back and forth on her white and rosy cheeks that were as smooth as silk. Gently rubbing.

All the eyes, movements, and his tone were telling her that this man wanted to act like a beast.

"Master Kong, you are not normal!" Comrade Xiao Yang, who has not lost his lust, looked up at Master Kong, his red lips parted slightly, and he exhaled like blue.It caused Master Kang to feel itchy for a while.

"Nonsense, how is it normal at this time!" After finishing speaking, he immediately picked up Comrade Xiao Yang by the waist.

Just a little bit closer, Comrade Xiao Yang screamed out, and subconsciously clasped his hands tightly to his neck.He thought he would carry her to the big bed covered with azure blue sheets, but he didn't expect Master Kang to turn around and leave the room with her in his arms.

"Master Kang, where are you going?" Yang Xiaoguai asked dumbfoundedly.

"go home!"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Two minutes later, the Wrangler drove out of the Kang family compound.

On the second floor, a pair of gloomy eyes watched the shepherd leaving, looking gloomy, with a strange sneer on the corner of his lips.

That night, Master Kang was exceptionally brave.

That night, Comrade Xiao Yang repeatedly begged for mercy.

That night, everyone in the Kang family had their own thoughts.

Ye Shanming's office on the top floor of the Ye family.

Ye Shanming was wearing a dark gray bathrobe, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the neon lights outside the windows were flickering, and there was a lot of traffic.There is only one wall lamp on in Ruo Da's office, and it looks so dark and lonely in this nearly [-]-square-meter office.

The dim light shone obliquely on his body, casting a long slanted shadow, which was also so lonely in Ruo Da's office.

A cigar was held in his right hand, and a curl of green smoke rose up, with a long pile of cigarette butts.The eyes behind the rimless glasses were a little gloomy, and there was a trace of resentment in the gloomy.

The mahogany desk behind him was also huge, and the dim light reflected on the spotlessly clean desk, which could even reflect people's shadows like a mirror.

The LCD computer was placed on the table, and there was a black laptop beside it.

He turned around and walked from the French window to the central desk, sat on the large leather chair, and played with his mobile phone with his left hand, flipping it over and over again.There was a gloomy look in the long and narrow eyes, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking at the moment.The fingers of his right hand lightly tapped the clean tabletop one after another, making a crisp sound, echoing infinitely in this large and silent study room, which seemed so cold and strange.

Five minutes later, the mobile phone he was playing with turned over finally stopped, and there was a photo on the screen: a bright red sports car at the gate of Ye's company, and Ran Ning's right hand was very affectionately resting on Yang Yi's shoulder.With a shy smile on Yang Yi's face, she looked sideways at Ran Ning, who was half a head taller than her.Ran Ning lowered his head slightly, and there was a slight tenderness in his eyes looking at Yang Yi.

Such a photo, it is hard not to think that the two people in the photo are not in a relationship.

The photo was taken from behind, because both Ran Ning and Yang Yi looked at each other slightly sideways, so the angle was captured very well, and the expression on their faces that belonged to lovers was fully captured.

Looking at the photos on the phone, Ye Shanming frowned slightly, and a hint of complexity flashed in those hawk-like eyes.The right hand continued to lightly tap the table, and the index finger of the left hand followed Yang Yi's side face in the photo, and the corners of the lips raised a meaningful arc.

Yang Yi, female, 23 years old.

He is a cashier in the finance department of an investment company under his company. He just joined the company five months ago.

There is a younger sister, Yang Liu, who is also 23 years old, a soldier, and they are twins.

His eyes moved from the phone screen to the enlarged photo on the table.

In the photo is a heroic Yang Liu in a military uniform, and standing beside her is Yang Yi in a beige long dress.

Yang Liu in military uniform, Yang Yi in skirt, grass green and off-white, short Western hair that reaches the ears and long broken hair that reaches the shoulders, forming a sharp contrast.But it did not affect the gentle smiles on the faces of the two sisters.

Willow, soldier!
very good!

Looking at the two sisters in the photo, Ye Shanming's eyes once again flashed a cold depth, making it impossible to guess what his intentions are.

The rimless glasses had been removed from the bridge of his nose at some point, and he was lying quietly next to the LCD computer.

There seems to be a big difference between Ye Shanming who took off his glasses and Ye Shanming who wears them.At this moment, he didn't seem to have any scholarly temperament at all, but he was covered with layers of haze, like a demon crawling out of hell.

Yang Yi, Cambridge, Yang Liu.

The three cheeks changed alternately in front of his eyes.

Yang Yi, the ring on her hand, and the military vehicle.

Willow, military uniform, sweeping legs, pain.

A gloomy look flashed across Ye Shanming's face, and his eyes became more serious.

Picking up the phone, he skillfully dialed a series of numbers. Before he could speak, he said in an orderly tone: "Half an hour later, the old place." After speaking, he hung up without giving the other party any room to speak. Telephone.

Hyatt Hotel, Presidential Suite on the top floor.

The woman's contented groan, the man's heavy panting, mixed voices.

The men's and women's clothes were thrown all over the floor, messy and lethargic.

At the corner of the bed, the signature on the unknown contract is - Li Qingxue.

In the sky, there was a layer of fish-belly white, which gave people a blurred and pure feeling, and the sun rose slowly behind the fish-white.

It was rare that Comrade Xiao Yang, who was supposed to be very punctual with his biological clock when the sun rose, was sleeping like a dead pig at this moment.Master Kang, who was supposed to be equally punctual with his biological clock, was sleeping very soundly at this moment, with a faint smile on his lips.

The long and powerful arms tightly encircled the petite woman, and the woman nestled in his arms like a bird, with a faint saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth.

The warm morning sun refracted through the thin screen window on the two people hugging each other on the bed, giving off a touch of warmth.

The woman who opened her eyes leisurely reached out her hand to stretch comfortably, but found that her waist was tightly trapped by the man.

Opening his eyes, what caught his eyes was Master Kang's familiar and unfamiliar face, a very comfortable sleeping position, and a faint smile on his tightly pursed lips.The tall body was lying on her side, the tip of her nose was touching hers, and the warm breath sprayed on her face, itchy, crispy, with a faint mint fragrance.The left hand is around her neck, the right hand is around her waist, and the two long legs are holding her whole body tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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