Wife stand at attention

Chapter 149 Xiaocao's first time is gone

Chapter 149 Xiaocao's first time is gone (1)
Comrade Xiao Yang found that at this moment, he was hugging him tightly like a pillow, and he couldn't move by himself at all.

However, she likes this feeling.

This is a feeling of being protected in her arms, which makes her feel very at ease and at ease.

The soft sunlight reflected on the two of them through the thin screen window, giving people a lazy feeling.

To be honest, she must have disliked being in the room that once belonged to him in the Kang Family Courtyard last night.It's not that she's being hypocritical, or that she's making trouble out of no reason, but she always feels that it's not a good match for her and Master Kong.Fortunately, he seemed to see her inner struggle, and returned to this home that belonged to her at the most critical time.

Leaning her lips together, she pressed a kiss on his tight thin lips, and then gently took away the big hand resting on her waist, she wanted to get out of bed and prepare breakfast.She is going to work, and he is returning to the team.


The hand resting on her waist was not only not taken away, on the contrary, Comrade Xiao Yang, who had just slipped out of his embrace, was hugged back tightly by Master Kang again.A very magnetic voice sounded in her ears: "Where are you going?" Following the voice, those burning eyes looked straight at her.

"Are you awake?" Comrade Xiao Yang smiled at Master Kong foolishly, and said foolishly, "Will you sleep again? I'll make breakfast." After speaking, he wanted to get out of his arms, but He didn't intend to let go at all.So Comrade Xiao Yang could only blink his clear eyes and stare at him stupidly.

He turned around and pressed her under his body. A certain place, before Comrade Xiao Yang fully realized it, had already fitted her perfectly.

"Hey——Master Kong!" Comrade Xiao Yang quit, saying that she is still sore all over, how can someone be so diligent? "Get out!" His powerless hands were powerlessly pushing against the strong chest, but it was obvious that Master Kang, who was pressing on her, didn't move at all, and even showed her a look of love at first sight shamelessly. With Cheng's smile, he said, "I'm used to doing morning exercises every morning."

Comrade Xiao Yang: "..."

The so-called morning exercise in his mouth is the current OO and XX?

Master Kang seemed to understand the confusion in her eyes, so he nodded to Comrade Xiao Yang under him, "Hmm."

Comrade Xiao Yang: "...But, I don't have the habit of doing morning exercises."

While doing morning exercises, Master Kang lovingly stroked the top of Yang Xiaoguai's head: "Yang Xiaoguai, from now on you have to get used to the habits of the official. Good boy, you can start the morning exercise now."

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Master Kong: "I don't think I'll be back tonight, so I decided to do morning exercise tomorrow."

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Do you want to do this?Master Kang!

So, men really can't be bothered.Before the meat was served, Yang Xiaoguai was always thinking of killing Master Kong, but now, Comrade Xiao Yang had to cooperate with the morning movement of a certain beast with his whole body limp.

After a round of morning exercise, Yang Xiaoguai was as tired as a pug, almost sticking out her tongue to exhale.However, a certain beast went into the kitchen with a smile on his face and prepared breakfast for the little pug.

Yang Xiaoguai glared angrily at the refreshed beast, pulled the sheet with infinite resentment, covered her head and fell down.Bed, let me be in close contact with you for a while, although I have been in close contact with you all night, but my sister is very attached to the feeling of embracing you alone at this moment.

The result after the morning exercise was that Comrade Xiao Yang went to work with a backache all over his body, and of course his slightly red and swollen lips.I had no choice but to wear a sweater with a stand-up collar, otherwise, what can I do, I can't let the big piece of strawberries on my neck see the light, right?

Fortunately, it is now mid-October, and it is the most messy time to wear clothes. She is wearing such a turtleneck sweater, which is normal among abnormalities.

Master Kang finally had a conscience, and drove Comrade Xiao Yang to the downstairs of the company in person.Le's little comrade Yang almost forgot his whole night and morning's inhuman torture.

Master Kang was in a good mood, and after giving Yang Xiaoguai a goodbye-kiss, he drove away with a refreshed expression.Of course, this Goodbye-kiss lasted 3 minutes.

In the end, Comrade Xiao Yang stepped on her five-centimeter lady's shoes with her rosy white and envious ignorant complexion, and put on the lady's chiffon skirt that matched the shoes very well. Enter the company bird.

On the second floor, Ye Shanming stood in front of the French windows, watching Yang Yi get off the Wrangler's car, and then watching Cambridge's car leave, and the lingering smile on Yang Yi's face.The eagle-like eyes are so gloomy at the moment, and they are also full of hatred.

In the whole building, in addition to the office on the top floor, there is also a study for him on the second floor.

The hand holding the mobile phone has such an instant kung fu that he can even clearly see the bulging veins.It was not until Cambridge's car disappeared from his sight that he turned away from the floor-to-ceiling windows and walked out of the study.

Shi Xiaocao stood in front of the office building, looking up at the tall office building.According to Xiaocao's keen sense of numbers when she was a child, this office building must have at least a [-]th floor.

She——Shi Xiaocao, from today onwards, she is also a member of the towering office building.Well, a trainee designer at Hanxu Studio.Although it is a trainee, Shi Xiaocao believes that with her grass instinct that can't be burned out and the spring breeze blows, it is absolutely certain that the word trainee must be erased.She will definitely become a well-known designer, it's just a matter of time.

Taking a deep breath, he adjusted his head-to-toe outfit specially prepared for today, and strode forward with high spirits.

Oto's long hair is not tied into a ponytail, but a shawl hangs down, a pair of coffee-colored sunglasses that symbolize the identity of the designer are placed on top of his head, eye shadows in light blue and pink purple, and long eyelashes She put on mascara, curling up her lashes.Brown eyeliner, pale pink lip gloss, a violet waist-length knee-length layered lady skirt, paired with a pair of black mesh stockings, a pair of ten-centimeter-high royal blue rivet shoes on her feet, and a sky blue rivet on her wrist. colored handbags.Coupled with the very gentle smile on her lips, no matter how you look at it, she is a shrewd and capable female office worker, not just a young lady.

Hanxu's studio is on the [-]th floor of this building. When the elevator door opened, Shi Xiaocao stepped on the slender rivet shoes, twisted her slender water snake waist, and walked the catwalk of the model, walking confidently. Elevator, press the thirty key.

(End of this chapter)

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