Wife stand at attention

Chapter 150 Xiaocao's first time is gone

Chapter 150 Xiaocao's first time is gone (2)
She was the only one in the elevator, and the walls of the elevator were so polished that they could be used as a mirror. Of course, there was no need for it.Because one of the three elevator walls is a mirror.

Looking at the very decent self in the mirror, Shi Xiaocao raised a faint smile on the corner of her lips, and stretched out her hand to press the door close button.

However, at the moment when the elevator doors closed...

"Wait a minute!" An eager male voice came from outside the elevator door, and before Xiaocao could react, a figure rushed to the elevator entrance, pressed the elevator button with one hand, and the elevator door opened.

The man was dressed in khaki casual clothes, carrying a shopping bag in his hand. When he walked into the elevator, he showed a warm and kind smile to Shi Xiaocao, and said two words to Xiaocao very politely: "thanks."

Thank you, naturally thank Xiaocao for waiting for him and let him catch up with the elevator.

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit a smiling face.Of course, there is another sentence of courtesy and kindness.

Since people smile with you, you naturally have to smile back.

So, Xiaocao Zhizi smiled politely at the man: "You're welcome."

The man stretched out his hand and pressed the door close button, and when he saw the button on the [-]th floor that Xiaocao had pressed, he looked at Xiaocao with a strange look in his eyes.Holding a shopping bag in one hand, stroking his chin with the other, his eyes were smiling, but his smile was very strange, he looked at Xiaocao as if he was looking at a monster, and the Xiaocao he saw was a hairy head, and he gave him a hard look .I said angrily in my heart, look again, my old lady dug out your eyes!
Suddenly, the man spoke and moved towards Xiaocao: "to the [-]th floor?" After speaking, he continued to look at Xiaocao with his weird eyes.

"En!" Xiaocao took two steps to one side, putting a certain distance between him and him.

Damn, the girl is not scared, even if you are the legendary elevator pervert, the girl will not be afraid of you.If you dare to touch the girl, the girl will definitely make your life worse than death!
Xiaocao thought in this way, the eyes that looked at the man naturally showed a hint of warning, and then the old god whistled a whistle that was very inconsistent with her usual attire.Of course, while the old god was whistling, he did not forget to squint at the man in the elevator, and was always vigilant.

Tang Jiyang pursed his lips and smiled slightly at Xiaocao's anti-wolf-like eyes and actions, and became even more curious about the woman his second young master liked.

On the [-]th floor, the entire floor belongs to Hanxu's studio. Naturally, as soon as he entered the elevator and looked at the button for the [-]th floor that Xiaocao was pressing, he knew Xiaocao's identity.Besides, this woman was recruited by him.First, he was naturally very curious about who could sell the second young master, and the second young master also acquiesced.So I checked the IP of the person who posted it, and found out that this woman does have some talent for design.So a letter of appointment was sent to hire her as a trainee designer.Second, it is naturally driven by the gossip heart.Even he had never seen the photo on that post, so it was natural that someone had intentionally released the water for her to get it, and if he thought about it with his toes, he could know who the person who released the water was.And then, such an evil heart spontaneously arose in his heart.

Since the old lady of the second young master's family has done so clearly, if he doesn't do something useful to the second young master, wouldn't he be too sorry for the old lady of the Ran family and this so-called "weeds everywhere" woman?It was obvious that Weed had an affair with the second young master.So, once the evil heart was at work again, he also wanted to burn this so-called "adultery love" into a strong fire.Then, there was the scene in the elevator now.

"I said... ah—"



Three voices sounded simultaneously.

The "ah" came naturally from Tang Jiyang's mouth.

That "pop" was the sound of the shopping bag in Tang Jiyang's hand falling to the ground after Shi Xiaocao pushed Tang Jiyang down.

That "ding" was the sound of the door opening when the elevator reached the [-]th floor.

However, when Xiaocao saw the camcorder falling out of the shopping bag, she became even more angry.

You!Dare to play sneak shots in the elevator!
"You are a pervert, you dare to touch the girl without telling me, and dare to take pictures of my sister secretly! If I don't abandon you, my sister will not be called Shi Xiaocao!" After finishing speaking, she used both hands and feet, and went straight to Tang Jiyang.His hands naturally went straight to the hands of Tang Jiyang who was actually doing dirty things with the shopping bag as a cover.Naturally, the foot swept directly towards his thigh.

So, Tang Jiyang, who hadn't expected Shi Xiaocao to come out like this at all, was helpless, and was so easily overthrown by Shi Xiaocao, and he was knocked down to the ground in a very disfigured way.And Xiaocao Zhizi, who was completely puzzled, exerted such force on the hand clasping his hand behind his back, and so exerted such force on the knee pressing on his waist.Then again, I only heard a "click", and then...

"President Ji?"

In fact, the moment the elevator door opened, Xiaocao just knocked Tang Jiyang down, and when there was a "click", the receptionist beauty sitting at the main desk of the elevator door and other handsome men and beauties in the past all moved towards this side in unison After looking over, they stared in unison, opened their mouths, and froze.

Seeing the frozen expressions of the people who moved in unison, and the unanimous look at her eyes with "you are dead" after the freeze, Xiaocao Zhizi was not calm.

It seems that just now...she...seems...as if...should...maybe...he heard this group of people calling him...what is it?
So he is the head here?
The head is called the boss.

Thinking about it, the hand holding Tang Jiyang subconsciously let go.

As Shi Xiaocao let go of her hand, Tang Jiyang's right hand, which was held by her, "slapped" and fell to the ground, while Shi Xiaocao said in a flustered but righteous indignation: "What's the matter? Boss can be nasty to people, can secretly take pictures of others? Then he can dress like a beast? Seeing that you look like a human being, why do you do something like a dog?"

Listening to Xiaocao's words, the others looked at her with stunned eyes in unison.

This... should be the new employee who reported today, right?

In this way, President Ji was pulled, beaten, scolded, or called him a beast in clothes, like a dog?

Unbelievable, unbelievable!
"Shi Xiaocao!" Tang Jiyang, who was finally lying on the ground like a gecko, hangs down the dislocated right hand that was pulled by Shi Xiaocao, stood up from the ground with some difficulty, roared, and stared at her sullenly. .

Xiaocao stared back, bigger than him: "What are you yelling?"

"Which eye of yours saw that Grandpa treated you obscenely? Which eye saw that Grandpa secretly took pictures of you!" Anger, outrageous anger!Enduring the faint pain from the dislocated arm.

(End of this chapter)

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