Wife stand at attention

Chapter 153 Xiaocao's first time is gone

Chapter 153 Xiaocao's first time is gone (5)
Pick up the phone and look, the time shows 05:30!

When he was about to make a call, the phone rang.

"Mommy—" just pressed the answer button, and before he could speak, Miao Miao's baby's voice sounded slightly aggrieved, "Why haven't you come to pick up Miao Miao yet? The other children have already picked up Miaomiao. There's only one baby left."

"Baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Mommy was so busy that she forgot about it. You know, Mommy's first day of work today, but that unscrupulous boss is too skinny, Mommy can't get away now, Mommy called and asked Aunt Yi to pick you up, can you go and stay at Aunt Yi's house for a night today?" Regret, trembling, Xiaocao is a precious daughter who is sorry for herself.

"Okay then, baby, let's go on the slide with the other kids for a while. Mommy works hard to make money, mommy, don't be too tired? Otherwise, let's ask uncle for some photos, so mommy Then you don’t have to be so tired.” Baby Miao Miao proposed a very practical and effective method.


Shi Xiaocao's tongue got stuck.

Baby, didn't you say you were the only one in kindergarten?How come there are other children here?
Well, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that now, she has to call Sister Yi and ask her to help pick up the baby.She guessed that she didn't want to go home tonight, so she might just spend the night in this pile of costumes.

After hanging up Miaomiao's phone, she directly dialed Yang Yi's number.

"Xiaocao, I'll get back to you later, I'm in a hurry to go to a meeting." After finishing speaking, before Xiaocao could speak, he hung up the phone.

Xiaocao held the phone and listened to the busy tone.

Well, the call for help failed.

Liu Liu, don't count on it, I guess it will still be incompetent in the company.You don't even need to make phone calls, wasting phone bills.

In the company, at this moment, Lieutenant Yang Liu, whom Xiaocao Tongzi called a doppelganger, is very bored playing military and bandit battles on the computer in the game room of the military region.Of course, bandits will never be able to play against the army.

Then again, Shi Xiaocao shamelessly thought of the third young master Ran Xiaobai when there was no one to rescue him.So he quickly dialed the number of the third young master.

On the other side, the third young master was playing billiards with the inseparable Sao Bao very comfortably.

Just as he was about to enter the cave, the cell phone in his trouser pocket rang.

"Xiaoyecao?" The third young master looked at the three words on the screen in disbelief. How could Xiaoyecao find him?If you want to find it, you have to look for his family's amphibious animals?How did you find him?

The third young master, who had countless question marks in his mind, answered the phone decisively: "Little sister-in-law, what are you doing to me?"

"You can either be called Second Sister-in-law or Xiaocao. If you let me hear the words "Little Second Sister-in-law" next time, I will let the amphibious animal seal you!" Roaring, I didn't realize at all, as far as she said, it was not Hong Guoguo's call to admit that she had an unusual and unusual relationship with the second young master, commonly known as adultery.

"Then may I ask, Second Sister-in-law Xiaocao, what are you looking for?" The third young master pursed his lips and smiled.

"I was abused by an unscrupulous boss, and now I don't have time to pick up my baby from school, so I leave the task to you." Xiaocao ordered directly.

"Damn it! Which unscrupulous boss dares to abuse my Ran family members? Say, the young master brought him to you!"

"Tang Jiyang of Hanxu Studio" Xiaocao directly reported his name.

"Uh..." The third young master's tongue was tied, and the rhetoric just stopped immediately, "You mean you work in Hanxu's studio? The Tang Jiyang who abused you is Tang Jiyang's Tang, Tang Jiyang's Ji, Tang Jiyang's Yang ? Commonly known as Tang Jiyang?"

"That's right! It's the Tang Jiyang you're talking about! Third Young Master, bring him to me!" That was a gnashing of teeth.

dare not!

These are the two words that jumped out of the third young master's mind.

Let him take over the studio of amphibious animals, it would be better to give him directly.

"Then what, second...second sister-in-law, I'm going to pick up the baby now, you...well, don't be too tired at work, or my second brother will feel bad. Then what, if you need help, you and I Say, don't be polite. Also... Also, is my second brother with you? Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you don't go home, I will tell Taijun, we understand very well. "

"What are you talking about? How could that tribian of your family be with me? When you see him, tell him that my sister was abused by an unscrupulous boss. Next time, tell him not to cooperate with this unscrupulous boss!"

"...You don't know?" The third young master asked tentatively. Judging from her tone, could it be possible that she didn't know that the studio belonged to the second brother?The unscrupulous boss she was talking about was a tribian?

"What do you know! Come on, don't expect you, hurry up and pick up the baby for me, she will really be the only one left in a while." No more ink writing with him, directly reported the address of Wisdom Tree, and hung up the phone .

Ah, the unscrupulous boss is too unscrupulous, next time he must ask the second young master to help him report back!snort!wait!

Continue to bury your head in the costume pile.

A certain unscrupulous boss felt hot and cold alternately on the back of his neck.

The third young master put the cue on the table with great momentum, my poor child!The two of them are happy and happy, but it is hard for me!Well, in order to prevent the Taijun from putting pressure on me, I admit it!
Of course, after admitting it, a phone call was made to Tang Jiyang's cell phone, and it went through everything like this.

Then, the third young master's face froze for a moment, and after the froze, he turned over like this with Tang Jiyang on the other end of the phone.Then again, the third young master's smile was even more promiscuous than Ximen Qing's.The Sao Bao who was watching with the cue backed away.Then he threw the cue in his hand, turned around without saying a word - and ran away in fright.

The third young master—Monk Zhang Er was at a loss.

Shi Xiaocao Zhizi has always believed in two laws: Xiaocao's ability is invincible!

Xiaocao's speed is the same!

Struggle to the end is success.

It was Tang Jiyang who kindly helped her to make a call for takeaway for dinner. Of course, the takeaway fee was naturally paid by Mr. Ji.Although he had a little bit of intention to make Xiaocao whole, but he didn't dare to take it seriously.Otherwise, according to Shi Xiaocao's temperament, he can't guarantee that the second young master will "click" him.

People have already made it very clear that she has always been based on the principle that mountains are for relying on, and it is a fool's principle to have mountains and not rely on them.The second young master's mountain is quite big for her. Furthermore, it seems that the third young master's mountain is added, and even the old lady of the Ran family is also the mountain behind her.Therefore, with so many mountains leaning against Shi Xiaocao, he dared not neglect him.

(End of this chapter)

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