Wife stand at attention

Chapter 154 Xiaocao's first time is gone

Chapter 154 Xiaocao's first time is gone (6)
Ji always left at eight o'clock, when Xiaocao hadn't tidied up yet.Before leaving, Mr. Ji threw Xiaocao such a sentence out of kindness: Don't be too late, continue tomorrow, don't be in a hurry.

But in exchange Shi Xiaocao rolled his eyes fiercely and added: You wait!

These three words sounded like a threat to Mr. Ji's ears.But Xiaocao Zhizi really didn't mean that, it was entirely out of the principle that today's affairs are completed today.

And then, Mr. Ji was disheartened, carrying the ruthless white eyes and those three words on the small grass tube in fear, drooping his head listlessly——and left.

On the bustling and wide road, the second young master was driving his yellow Lamborghini Batman to Ran's villa.

The phone rings.

Bluetooth picks up: "Hello, I'm Ran Xu."

"Boss, I messed with your woman." Tang Jiyang's helpless voice came from next to his ear.

"Huh?" The second young master was puzzled.

Tang Jiyang always called him the second young master, and this was the first time he called him the boss.

"Second young master, I'm suing you. It's not my fault. She dropped my wife and took off my right hand. Well, I won't say so much. Let's put it this way, you woman, you are still alive at this time. In the proofing room, and she is the only one on the [-]th floor. Second young master, if you do me a favor, let her go and fight her?"

"Mr. Ji, there are so many women who want to be my young master that they can go around Jing City ten times, right?" Obviously, the second young master didn't think about Xiaocao at all.

"Damn it! Second young master, there is only one who can be recognized by your old lady, and who can make your third young master call your second sister-in-law, and you can sell your second young master by default, right?" Mr. Ji burst out. series.

"Xiaocao?" The second young master finally wanted to go in this time.


"Still in the proofing room?"


"Thirty floor?"


"Just her?"


"It's already 08:30!"


At this moment, it was obvious that Mr. Ji couldn't find any other words besides "Yes".

"Tang Jiyang, you've made a decision, young master, let me tell you, you're dead!" The second young master went into a rage, and Mr. Ji was ruined.

Tang Jiyang: "..."

If he had known, he wouldn't have played.Okay, now he's playing with himself.

Night, quietly.

The building is empty.

The proofing room, besides all kinds of costumes, is Xiaocao.

Finally, under Shi Xiaocao Zhizi's hard work, the battlefield-like proofing room looked like a dog, and Shi Xiaocao also looked like a dog.

His eyes fell on a royal blue Chinese cheongsam.If she remembers correctly, this cheongsam is her design draft, and it is also her debut work.

At the age of 17, she has to take care of her father who is seriously ill, so she doesn't have so much time to spend on submitting articles and waiting for replies.So she sold several design drafts she had drawn to a designer who was also not very well-known at one time, in exchange for living expenses and father's medical expenses.

In the end, her father still left her a year later, that is, in that year, she got Miao Miao.Sent away his father and got a daughter.

The button of the cheongsam is a grass button, just like the name her father gave her, "Grass"—wild fire is endless, and spring breeze blows and regenerates.Extremely strong vitality.

After five years, she saw the clothes she designed here. Although they did not belong to her name, they were exactly the same as in her memory.

She thought of her father, her baby, and Yang Yi and Yang Liu.

Father, that is for her to spare her life, is the first person in her life that she will never forget.The scene of rushing into the fire to save her was forever frozen in her mind.She was unharmed, but he suffered extensive burns.

Miao Miao was sent to her by the heavens. The death of her dependent father gave her an extra dependent daughter.So, she told herself, she was not alone, she had a daughter.

Sisters of the Yang family, it was Miao Miao, who was only ten months old, and she fought with the National People's Congress for a counterfeit 50 yuan banknote. The counterfeit banknote was a tall man, but she beat him With a bruised nose and a swollen face, he ran away and yelled at him to pay back the money.In the end, Yang Liu, who had returned home from the military academy, dragged the two of them into the police station.Of course, when the people at the police station saw her carrying her daughter on her back and beating a tall man like that, they were all surprised and unbelievable.

That year, the mother of the sisters of the Yang family also passed away only one year ago.

She has no mother, they have no father.

So, they became sisters of the opposite sex.As a result, Miaomiao had two more aunts who also loved her.

The past is always hurtful.

The same is true for grass.

Although usually a carefree, heartless look.

But when I think of sad things, I can't help feeling sad.Once sad, the tears deep in my heart will follow.

Ran Xu arrived in a hurry, and when he hurried to the door of the proofing room, he happened to see such a scene: Xiaocao was holding a royal blue cheongsam, standing very lonely, those black and white and crystal clear pairs Tong Tong, at this moment, was filled with warmth that he had never seen before.That palm-sized cheek was full of bruises at the moment.

The angle he was standing at just happened to see her profile, the mist in his eyes seemed to blink, but it would fall like pearls.That thick sadness, that deep sadness, all hit his heart that had always been partial to her.

Stepping up to her side, he gently hugged her into his arms.The thumb gently wiped away the moisture from the corner of the eye, and a gentle and honest voice sounded: "Grass, what's the matter?"

The sudden figure, the sudden hug, the sudden voice, the sudden tenderness, so many unexpected things made Shi Xiaocao shiver violently.Especially the second young master's sudden address - grass!

It is even more difficult for Xiaocao Tongzi to accept it all at once!

As a result, Xiaocao Tongzi was dumbfounded for a moment, and didn't know how to react.

So, with his mouth open like that, he looked up at the familiar handsome face that he couldn't be more familiar with.

However, Shi Xiaocao's movement of looking up and opening his mouth, in the eyes of the second young master, it's no different that such a red fruit is inviting him.Especially Xiaocao's delicate and charming lips gave him a sweet impulse.

Men have always been impulsive creatures.Especially when facing the woman he likes, he is an impulsive lion.The same goes for the second young master.

(End of this chapter)

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