Wife stand at attention

Chapter 155 You are the most important thing to me

Chapter 155 You are the most important thing to me (1)
Comrade Yang Yi: "...cough—" I was decisively choked on the dumpling in my mouth, which was a painful discomfort.

"Why, am I wrong?" It is obvious that Yang Liu's thinking is not on the same level as her sister, Comrade Yang Yi.

"You—" Yang Yi, who was choking very uncomfortable, couldn't utter a complete sentence at all.

"Well, that's it, I won't talk nonsense with you! I don't want to take up the precious time of Comrade Chief. That's it." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone decisively.

The busy tone came from the mobile phone, and the dumpling skin was choking in his throat. Comrade Xiao Yang felt aggrieved and uncomfortable.After finally swallowing a mouthful of soup, he finally drank the stuff stuck in his throat.

Called Master Kong's cell phone back, but it was his turn to turn it off.

It is estimated that something is busy.

Sweep out the dumplings in the bowl, wash the dishes and wash the pot, and wash up again. It is obviously past eleven o'clock.

But there is no sleepiness.

In mid-October, the weather has begun to cool down.Although at noon, the temperature is still high and people are drying the dried tofu, but in the morning and evening, it is already autumn.Not to mention that everyone is quiet at the moment.

An off-white long-sleeved pajamas, with only a belt around the waist, Wei Mei's calf was exposed under the pajamas.The moonlight outside is beautiful, the moon is like a beauty hiding her shame, only showing a small half of her face.Dimly reflecting the ground, the dim street lamps in the community cast a long shadow obliquely on the electric pole.The sycamore trees have begun to shed their leaves, but the camphor is still green.

On the window sill are the pair of KISS dolls that once appeared in the wedding room of the military area.It was only later that Yang Yi found out that this pair of creative dolls came from Master Kong, who she intuitively thought was possible.

For a moment, she felt ridiculous.

It never occurred to him that a man as mighty as Master Kang would buy such a thing that does not match his status.

Gently tapping the top of the male doll's head with her finger, a slight smile appeared on Yang Yi's face.

The phone rings.

Turning around and walking to the bedside table, he took the mobile phone, and it showed that it was Master Kang calling.

The smile on his lips widened.

"Master Kang."

"Yang Xiaoguai, why is the mobile phone turned off all the time? Where is it?" Kang Qiao's voice was a little anxious, with a hint of worry.

"It's a meeting. It's been four hours. I just got home and had dinner and washed up." Complaining, absolutely complaining.Acting like a baby, absolutely acting like a baby.

"Tomorrow, I will report to the labor inspection brigade for illegally occupying the rest time of the employees, which seriously affects the quality of the rest of the employees!"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Master Kang, you are really nothing but a blockbuster!
"Why haven't you slept yet? It's almost 11:30." While talking with Master Kong, he walked towards the window, trying to close the screen.

"Just came off the training ground and was about to go back to the dormitory."

"Training so late? Ah—" Comrade Xiao Yang exclaimed.

"Little boy, what's the matter?" Master Kang on the other end of the phone asked eagerly when he heard Yang Yi's call.

Outside the window, a naked man lay on the glass.At this moment, the man was showing a lewd smile at her, and even waved his right hand coquettishly at Yang Yi who was in the room.His chest was pressed against the glass of the window, and one of his thighs was making the motion of climbing through the window.Although the window was closed inside, with his actions, Yang Yi looked as if he would break through the window and enter her room in the next second.

Subconsciously, the left hand that was not holding the phone moved to protect his chest.

"Hey, beauty, are you lonely? If you're lonely, you might as well open the window, I'm lonely too." The man outside the window waved his right hand at Yang Yi who was inside the room, while pointing obscenely at Yang Yi who was using his right hand. Somewhere in his nakedness, a lewd smile hung all over his messy cheeks.

Yang Yi in the room was frightened, completely unresponsive, holding the mobile phone in her left hand, and protecting her chest with her right hand, not knowing what she should do next.

"Little boy, tell me, what's the matter?" On the phone, Kang Qiao's voice became more urgent, and his worry and uneasiness were transmitted to Yang Yi's ears through radio waves.

"The window...outside the window...there is...a pervert, a...naked...naked...on the glass." With a trembling voice, it took a lot of effort to finish a sentence.

"Little boy, don't be afraid! Be good, don't open the window, and don't get close to the window. Is there a stick at home? Take it for self-defense." Cambridge told her calmly.

"Then...then...he...what to do if...he breaks through the window...?" Yang Yi was a little flustered.She is not as good as Liuliu, even Xiaocao is not as good as her.

"Hit me with a stick, hit me hard! As long as you don't beat me to death, it doesn't matter if you beat me crippled or half dead."

"Oh... oh..." Looking around for the stick that Master Kang said, there was no stick in every room, and he ran out of the room, but there was no stick in the hall, and then entered Yangliu's room.Finally, in Yangliu's room, he hit a wooden stick that was as thick as a wrist and one meter long, but Master Kang hung up the phone over there.Comrade Xiao Yang felt even more flustered and helpless. Master Kang, why are you hanging up the phone?Your wife is afraid of me alone.

Outside the window, the pervert knocked on the glass persistently, and continued to wear a smile that could no longer be described as "dirty": "Beauty, open the window, such a beautiful scenery, such a rare loneliness, you are alone, and I am alone." Tapping the glass with one hand, and blatantly playing with a certain part of Yang Yi at Yang Yi with the other hand, and the certain part that was played with is obviously so perverted that it can no longer be perverted.

Very decisively, Yang Yi clenched the wooden stick with both hands, and exited her room, not wanting that unemployed and obscene pervert to stain her eyes.

However, the man's obscene voice came into her ears through the glass: "Beauty, what are you doing with that wooden stick? My brother also has it here."

Ignore it, holding the wooden stick in full vigilance, and shrinking against the wall.

For a long while, there was no movement and no sound.

Tilting his head, he looked into the house, and there was no perverted shadow on the window.


There was a sound coming from the window of Yangliu's room.

The window of Yangliu's room happened to face the living room, and at this moment, the curtains in the right room were not closed.So, Xiao Yang once again looked at the naked pervert.


Xiao Yang is on fire!
I don't know where the courage came from, holding a wooden stick in one hand, striding into the kitchen, turning on the faucet, picking up a large basin of wet water, pouring a whole bottle of soy sauce and a whole bottle of vinegar into the water, A whole bottle of chili oil, a whole bottle of pepper and a whole bag of salt.After two more "chuckles", he rushed into Yangliu's room with a large basin of water, put the washbasin on the bedside table, and opened the window.

(End of this chapter)

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