Wife stand at attention

Chapter 156 You are the most important thing to me

Chapter 156 You are the most important thing to me (2)
The pervert sees the window open, and then sees Yang Yi wearing only pajamas at this moment, the faintly visible part of the pajamas beckoning him very seductively, when he lifts his leg and is about to climb through the window...

"I rely on you pervert, I let you rogue me, I let you lust me, you lack clothes, I'll give it to you! Are you lonely? I won't make you lonely!" The specially made perverted water in the basin was directly poured on the perverted one whose leg was stepping on the window, "Better than perverted, I'm no worse than you!" I've been with Master Kong for a long time, and occasionally I would take one or two chances at critical moments. "Lao Tzu" is still very satisfying.

The chili oil is the top chili chili oil, and there is a full bottle of 1000ml. The soy sauce is dark soy sauce, the vinegar is ten years old vinegar, and the pepper is carefully selected.

"Ah—" the perverted man outside the window yelled, and then...


Simultaneously sounded.

If you think about it with your toes, you know that the "bang" is naturally the sound of the pervert falling from the second floor, and the "ah" is naturally his scream. As for the "squeak——" Comrade Xiao Yang can't think of it. up.

It seems... as if it came from the car's sudden brake.

However, just after that "squeak--", the siren sounded.

The naked man was lying on the ground moaning and screaming.

The painful and spicy taste made him very uncomfortable.

With the sound of those voices, many lights in the community lit up.Every household that had already fallen asleep turned on the lights and opened the windows to look at the source of the sound.

Dahai hurriedly got out of his car, stepped on the man's thigh, and said viciously: "Say - who told you to come!"

"Ah——" Dahai's kick was full of [-] points, and besides, Dahai was born in the street, he was used to fighting since he was a child, and now that he opened an auto repair shop, he was always there. For heavy tasks such as holding a board, the natural strength is definitely two points greater than that of ordinary people.

Such a kick, although avoiding a certain important part, still made the pervert who was already in pain so painful that he wanted to die.

The police van arrived, the officers got out, and the residents came out of the house.

They all pointed at the naked pervert and yelled immoral and immoral.A few older ones even kicked the pervert hard to vent their hatred.

Yang Yi naturally saw the sea from the window.No need to think about it, I knew that it was Master Kong who called him. It took less than 15 minutes to get from his auto repair shop to the community where she lived. How many yards did he have to drive to get there so quickly?

The perverted man was taken into a police car by the police.

Dahai negotiated a few words with the leading policeman, and saw that the policeman nodded to him, then got into the car, and the police car left.

Things are over like this, but Yang Yi is still in fear.My heart was still beating wildly.

Although their neighborhood is an old neighborhood, the law and order has always been very good, and there has never been a case of theft, let alone such an exhibitionist.

Didn't she not think about pouring the pot of water just now, if she didn't move fast enough, what would happen if she let that pervert enter the house?
Therefore, she can only be fast, not slow, only success is not allowed to fail!
Fortunately, she did it, and threw that pervert down, and if he couldn't die, he would also cripple him!

"Sister-in-law, I am Dahai! Open the door." There was a knock on the door and the sound of Dahai.

Yang Yi came back to her senses, and subconsciously wanted to step out of Yang Liu's room to open the door.Just took two steps, but realized that he was only wearing a pajamas at the moment.And because of the large movement just now, the collar is opened, and the spring without Bra is looming.

He quickly took out a piece of clothing from Yangliu's closet, put it on himself without even looking at it, and then pulled the zipper.Only then did I realize that it was a down jacket that was so long that it reached my bare feet.


Well, a down jacket is just a down jacket, it's better than appearing in front of the sea in pajamas.

Open the door.

"The sea."

"sister in law……"

When Dahai saw Comrade Xiao Yang's clothes at the moment, he was so taken aback.


"Are you alright?" After being stunned, Dahai decided to ignore her clothes and care about her state.

"It's okay! It's that pervert who has something to do!" Yang Yi said bitterly as she crawled her hair, "It's okay, you can go back, Yuefang is still at home with a big belly."

"Yuefang is fine." Dahai glanced at the room, "I'll go to the police station tomorrow, sister-in-law, you can go in and sleep, I'll be on duty in the living room."

"Ah?" Yang Yi couldn't believe what she heard. He was on duty in the living room?

"No, no! It's all right now, isn't it already taken away by the police, you go back, Yuefang is still waiting for you at home." That's a five-month-old pregnant woman, and there is no room for mistakes. He walked to Yangliu's room, closed and locked the window, and drew the curtains, "I'll call my sister later, just ask her to come back, you can."

In fact, she wouldn't really call Yang Liu. Yang Liu is now on the front line, so she might be more tired than her.

In the end, Dahai still didn't go back, and he must stay in the living room very stubbornly.

Wrapped in Yangliu's down jacket, Yang Yi huddled on her bed, even the thick curtains were drawn, and the lights were turned on and on.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, that shameless and obscene perversion would flash through her mind.Dirty mannerisms, lewd smiles.

Pulling off the sheet, he covered himself with a veil.He just huddled under the quilt, but his body hiding in the down jacket couldn't help shaking.My heart still has lingering fears.

Even at this moment, there is the sea outside the room and in the hall, but she still doesn't feel safe.

Her whole body was soaked in sweat, even if she didn't touch it with her hands, she knew she was covered in sweat.There is sweat from the clothes, and there is fear from the scare.


"Little boy." A familiar voice came into her ears, and someone gently tore off the sheet covering her body.

What caught my eye was Master Kang's worried yet gentle face and eyes.

"Wow——" Yang Xiaoguai, who was so frightened, finally couldn't help but threw himself into Master Kang's arms, and cried out.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay." He stroked the top of her head with deep pampering and comfort, only to realize that she was already sweating profusely, and she was still wrapped in a cotton-padded down jacket.

Pointing to the window with thick curtains: "That pervert is lying on the glass naked."

"I know, it's okay." Patted her twitching back, and unzipped the zipper on her down jacket with the other hand, "Don't bore yourself, I will feel bad. Go take a hot bath ,sleep after."

(End of this chapter)

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