Wife stand at attention

Chapter 158 Personal Bodyguard

Chapter 158 Personal Bodyguard (1)
The door has been open since Yuefang entered the room.And because of Yuefang's voice like a cannonball, when Yuefang went out at this moment, even the usually quiet embroidery needles could be heard falling on the ground.The women from the other households, who had always cleaned the snow in front of their own doors, unexpectedly stood in the corridor at this moment, secretly aiming in this direction with very curious eyes.

Of course, those women are naturally those mistresses and underground lovers who have seen the light, and they are more coquettish and charming than the other.They have always been canaries raised by men. When a man arrives, it is their skill to take off the coat on their body and spread their legs.It seems that apart from this ability, they have no other ability.

Yuefang's gloomy eyes swept over the canaries, revealing a look of extreme mockery: "I'll give you a piece of advice, be careful with your own man, and secure your own door, don't be a fucking careless person, and enter the wrong place." The door, I found the wrong hole. You are coquettish, there are people who are more coquettish than you, you can open your legs, and others can open your mouth! Don’t lose a man and lose such a precious door at that time!"

Several canaries looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally made a consistent movement. After spitting towards Li Qingxue's door, they quickly entered their own door and closed it.Swear to the death not to let that coquettish fox dig your door!
When Yuefang was about to press the elevator, the elevator door opened at this moment.

Cambridge, dressed in camouflage uniform, stepped out of the elevator, and his already dark face seemed to be covered with a heavy layer of frost.When seeing Yuefang outside the elevator, Cambridge was taken aback.

When Yuefang saw Cambridge in the elevator, she was also taken aback, and after she was taken aback, she showed him a respectful smile, "Brother Qiao, why are you here? Why are you here in person for such a trivial matter! Oh, let’s go. There’s nothing else going on here, and you shouldn’t come to this kind of place.” While speaking, he pushed Cambridge into the elevator, and pressed the door close button without any hassle.

"Why are you here?" Kang Qiaofu looked at Yuefang and frowned slightly, "Does Dahai know?"

"Cut!" Yuefang waved her hand coldly, "Brother Qiao, it's not me who is below me. What Dahai can do, I, Yuefang, can do, too, okay? And let's talk about this matter, Dahai may not necessarily have me Good job coming out! Look, that little slut will never bother my sister-in-law again. You really are, what are you doing here? Are you afraid that my sister-in-law will find out about the misunderstanding? This kind of person is worthy of dirty hands Face to face with him, it will damage your mighty military uniform! Come on, you hurry back to raise the son of the people of the motherland! Otherwise, you and your sister-in-law should also speed up the pace and make a son as soon as possible?" Sweeping away the displeasure and gloom when meeting Li Qingxue before, she showed a very gossip but expectant look and smile to Cambridge.

Kang Qiao patted her on the forehead, and pointed to her five-month-old belly: "You don't care about yourself, you also care about the little ones in your stomach? You know she's a lunatic, but you still dare to go up alone? Wait Go back and be cleaned up by the sea!"

Yuefang pointed her thumb back at the tip of her nose: "She is a lunatic, and I, Ji Yuefang, are the originator of a lunatic! How easy am I to bully? If she dares to do anything to me, I really admire her! I forgive her for not doing that gall."

With his back against the elevator wall, his arms folded around his chest, he looked at Yuefang with a half-smile: "Why do I have other intentions when I hear what you say?"

"Hehe!" Yuefang smirked, and stretched out her hands to brush off her short, ear-length hair: "Then...in the past...Occasionally, I...didn't listen to you, and gave her to..." Swallowing a mouthful of saliva: "Then, brother Qiao, you are not allowed to turn over the account! If you turn over the account now, it means that you have nothing to pay, and you are not afraid of sister-in-law..."

The elevator stopped on the first floor, opened the door, and Kang Qiao helped Yuefang out of the elevator: "Let's go, I'll take you home! When was I ever afraid? Are you afraid that the shadow will be tilted when you are standing? Next time, the sea will not deal with you." , I'll clean you up!"

Yuefang laughed, her mouth closed from ear to ear, "Well, let's not be an example! I'm here to speak up for you and stand up for my sister-in-law! Such a thing is not something you can do."

The elevator opened, and when Kang Qiao helped Yuefang out of the elevator door, another elevator nearby opened at the same time.

Ye Shanming was dressed in a well-fitting handmade black suit, shiny crocodile leather shoes, and stepped out of the elevator with long legs.Almost the same time as Cambridge got out of the elevator.Of course, because of supporting Yuefang, a pregnant woman, Cambridge naturally focused his thoughts on Yuefang, so he didn't pay attention to the people and things around him.

But Ye Shanming was different. The moment he saw Cambridge, a gloomy cold light flashed in his eyes, like a cold pool in the twelfth lunar month, looking straight at Cambridge who was wearing a camouflage uniform.

"Brother Qiao, is sister-in-law alright?"

"It's okay, just worry about your own body, and let the sea rest easy."

"I've always made him feel at ease, okay? By the way, why don't you let my sister-in-law live in my place? When you're not around, Dahai and I can take care of her, and save that little slut Li Qingxue... What a bad idea, anyway, I have a room, at worst, Dahai and I will give up the big room to you and sister-in-law." Yuefang was very kind and considerate for her elder brother.

"You and Dahai are willing, but I am not willing." Even a man would not be willing, and he was sure that Yang Xiaoguai would not be willing either.

"Do you think we are hindering you and sister-in-law?"

Ye Fangming listened to the conversation between Kang Qiao and Yue Fang, and a few simple sentences were enough for him to know that they were inseparable.Li Qingxue asked someone to play tricks on Yang Yi, and Cambridge and this woman came to settle accounts with her.

Li Qingxue!You are so brave!

Anger was ignited in his eyes, and he cast a cold sidelong glance at Cambridge who was walking to the automatic door, and the eerie and weirdness slowly spread in his eyes and the corners of his mouth.

Kang Qiao always felt that there seemed to be a very unfriendly eye staring at him from behind, and the eyes were full of hostility. When he turned around, he only saw the slowly closing elevator door, through the elevator slit. , only glimpsed the figure in the elevator, but couldn't see the person in the elevator at all.

"What's the matter? Brother Qiao." Yuefang asked puzzled.

When Cambridge turned his head, his black eyes were filled with deepness, "It's all right."

Luxurious bathroom in the apartment.

Li Qing stood in front of Ruo Da's mirror, applying warm water to his cheeks.

At this moment, I was so afraid that my face was so swollen that it looked like a pig's head, and the skin on both sides was smooth like jade, but now it was red with irregular finger marks.

Damn woman, strike so hard!
A look of resentment flashed in Li Qingxue's eyes.

She was afraid of Ji Yuefang.

For Li Qingxue, if Cambridge was her nightmare when she was young, then Ji Yuefang was her nemesis.

(End of this chapter)

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