Wife stand at attention

Chapter 159 Personal Bodyguard

Chapter 159 Personal Bodyguard (2)
In the end, Cambridge was settled by her, but Ji Yuefang was different.In front of Kang Qiao, she would behave very politely towards her, but when she turned around, when Kang Qiao was not around, she was completely a demon worse than Kang Qiao, and none of her tricks would work against Ji Yuefang, even Said it was better than her.

In the past, how many times she was defeated by Ji Yuefang's men.She also mentioned it in front of Cambridge, seemingly unintentionally, but Cambridge never believed her words.In Kang Qiao's eyes, Dahai and Ji Yuefang are number one. He may not trust anyone, but he will never distrust Dahai and Ji Yuefang.

Ji Yuefang's words kept ringing in her ears.

It turned out that Cambridge knew everything, and he knew everything.So during this time, isn't she making a fool of herself?But he was watching the play from the sidelines.

Ha ha!

Cambridge, so your heart is so deep!

You know everything, but pretend not to know.

In retaliation for the knife I once gave you?
I have never regretted giving you such a knife. You should have received that knife, and you owed it to me!It's your Kang family that owes me.

Her 16 years of youth were wasted in your Kang family, but she got nothing in the end!Kang Shuo gave her a check of 50 yuan, but acted as if he had given her a lot of grace.

50, can buy her 16 years of youth?Can she do it all over again?

Everything she owns now is bought by herself. How has the Kang family ever done her any favors?

When she was young, she had to watch Gu Meiyun's face and sarcastic remarks, and guard against Cambridge's cruel treatment of her.Now, she is still being teased by Kang Qiao again and again, and Ji Yuefang gave her four slaps!
Except hate or hate!

Cambridge, you forced all of this!

do not blame me!

He took the mobile phone and dialed Kang Jian's mobile number. With her current state, how could she go out?
"Hello!" Kang Jian's emotionless voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Kang..." She wanted to call Kang Jian directly, but she had no choice but to call him Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang!
Everyone in the whole company called him that. She was his cousin, obviously higher than him, but in the Kang family, she was lower than anyone else.Even Kang Mei treated her coldly.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang.

Li Qingxue's hand holding the phone trembled slightly, subconsciously intuiting that Ji Yuefang had turned back again. "I...I'm not feeling well today, please take a day off."

"It's okay to ask for leave, but I don't want to inconvenience the company, me, and work because of your leave!"

"I know……"

"Mr. Kang, who's calling early in the morning?" A woman's voice came from the phone, and before Li Qingxue could react, Kang Jian had already hung up the phone.

The doorbell continued to ring.

Li Qingxue ignored it, since she moved into this apartment, no one had ever rang her doorbell, and she didn't want anyone to ring her doorbell either.But today, Ji Yuefang made an exception and gave her such a big meeting gift.

He continued to apply the warm towel to his face, ignoring the doorbell at all.

Finally the bell stopped ringing.

Li Qingxue's lips curled into a sneer.

Instead, they heard a rhythmic sound of footsteps. It was the sound of leather shoes rubbing against the wooden floor, and it didn't sound like a woman's footsteps.

Throwing the towel in her hand onto the sink, she stepped out of the bathroom, but when she saw Ye Shanming's gloomy face and gloomy eyes in the living room, Li Qingxue was stunned.

"How did you come?

However, before he could utter the following words, he saw Ye Shanming striding forward in front of her, with his big palm tightly pinching her neck, as if he wanted to sever her neck.With a slight effort, she lifted her whole body a little off the ground.

"Cough—what... what?" Li Qingxue, who was having difficulty breathing, subconsciously wanted to reach out to pat Ye Shanming who was strangling her neck, but abruptly stopped the outstretched hands in mid-air.

Because she didn't dare, couldn't, and couldn't.

Seeing her stilled hands, Ye Fangming had a sinister sneer on his face, which was in stark contrast to the gentle and polite book that he was usually used to.At this moment, he is like a demon crawling out of that hell, his cold eyes are bloodthirsty.

"Let... let go!" He was uttering the words with difficulty, the face that had been slapped four times by Ji Yuefang turned redder now, and the finger prints became more clear.

"Li Qingxue, have you grown courageous? Do you dare to move my people?" The hand that pinched her neck used another three points of strength, and Li Qingxue was so close that he was pinched. .

"No... no."

I don't know if she's talking about the fact that she didn't gain weight or that she didn't touch him.

Finally, when Li Qingxue was about to suffocate, Ye Fangming let go of her neck.

Li Qingxue, who was free and able to breathe smoothly, bent over, panting heavily.Because of the bent waist, the nightdress that was originally low and short can be said to be almost the same as not having it at this moment.

The white buttocks are in such a sharp contrast with the black lace.The pair of Ds also ran out of the dark purple satin because they were not protected by the shell.

Seeing this, a cold sarcasm appeared on Ye Shanming's face: "Li Qingxue, it seems that that woman really understands you, and it's not an exaggeration to call her a slut. Chest, can you let me let you go by opening your legs?"

"I...not." Straightening her waist, she pulled her short and low nightdress, "I don't understand what you said."

"Don't understand?" Ye Shanming raised a smirk, showing a deep chill, his cold eyes locked on Li Qingxue's face, "Don't think you have done anything, I don't know I know! Li Qingxue, let me tell you, what will happen to her if you dare to treat her, do you believe that I will let you die without a whole body?"

"Her?" Li Qingxue was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood. She showed Ye Shanming a charming and seductive smile, and wrapped her hands around his neck: "The she you are talking about refers to Cambridge." The current woman? Yang Yi who worked as a small cashier in your company's financial department?"

The seven words Kangqiao's current woman flashed across Ye Shanming's head and mind like a bolt of lightning.He frowned very displeased, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

He hated that Yang Yi was Cambridge's woman.

Different from Li Qingxue's hatred before, this time he hated it, but at the same time, he carried a strong sense of unwillingness.

(End of this chapter)

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