Wife stand at attention

163 Chapter 1 She is really a stunner

163 Chapter 1 She is really a stunner ([-])
With that smile, that look in the eyes, Yang Liu suddenly panicked, and even felt a guilty conscience.

Not good, very bad!

She really wanted to push back with confidence and confidence, but she couldn't bear it.

Moreover, the feeling of guilty conscience became more and more intense, to the point where he couldn't help but lowered his head subconsciously.Like a child who has done something wrong and is waiting for his parents to criticize him, he plays with his fingers without saying a word.


A beautiful hand comparable to that of a pianist appeared in the eyelids. I saw the slender fingers being lifted up, and immediately felt that her chin seemed to be picked up.With that chin-picking movement, her head was raised slightly.Then they looked at each other with a pair of dark and deep eyes, sharp lips, and a faint smile at the corner of the lips, and a voice like heaven: "Comrade PLA, what do you want?" Fit method?"

Why does this sound so ambiguous?
Why is this look so intoxicating?
No matter how you look at this expression, why is it so... distorted?

Why is this kid so annoying when he speaks?

Although he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, Comrade Yang Liu of the People's Liberation Army didn't know how to answer the conversation at this moment.She could only stare straight at the man who was only half a fist away from her with those dumb, dumb eyes.Just half a fist away, she could clearly feel the itchy heat sprayed on her face, and the image of herself in those slightly squinted eyes, so stupid.

Seeing her speechless look, Boss Ran was in a good mood, and the faint smile on the corners of his lips slowly widened.The index finger hooking Yang Liu's chin rubbed back and forth under her chin intentionally or unintentionally, "When are you going to pay me back what you owe me?"

Xingmou opened, and blurted out: "I... will pay you back today."

Jun's face moved closer again, and the distance between the only half fists shortened again. Just a little bit, the tip of his nose touched hers.At this moment, his aura completely sprayed on her face, spreading numbly throughout her whole body.

With this numb feeling, my heart trembled involuntarily.I don't know if I was shocked by his sudden action, or caught by his look.In short, at this moment, Yang Liu felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the eyes staring at him also widened.It seemed that for a moment, some very impure restricted-rated images flashed through her mind.

"You...you...don't...don't mess around, this...this is the military region." These were the words that Lieutenant Yang Liu, a comrade of the People's Liberation Army, subconsciously blurted out after flashing those restricted-rated images in his mind.

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt an extra finger on her chin, and gently stroked her smooth chin back and forth, and a simple and honest male voice sounded: "Little Liutiao, do you mean to say that when you leave the military area, I will Is it okay to mess around?"

Yang Liu: "..." Mysterious, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, those terrified eyes widened even wider.

"My name is Yang Liu, not Xiao Liu Tiao!" A person with a burnt-out brain naturally speaks without thinking, and Comrade Yang Liu is like this at this moment.

He deliberately breathed hot air at her, and pursed his lips: "Is there a difference?"

"The difference is..." What is it?
Yang Liu's tongue is tied.

"You... didn't you say that there will be another meeting in half an hour? Now... it's already been 10 minutes now. And, and, don't get so close! It's demeaning!" Xiao Liutiao said as she spoke. He moved his body towards the car door, trying to distance himself from him.

"Lose your identity or lose my identity?" The little wicker moved back an inch, and the boss moved forward an inch.Therefore, the distance between the two is still half a fist smaller.

"I...lost my identity!" Xiao Liutiao replied confidently, "As a People's Liberation Army, I naturally have the image of the People's Liberation Army. How can I keep pace with you, a profiteer full of money?"

"Really?" Boss Ran continued to hold Xiao Liutiao's chin with his left hand, stroked his chin with his right finger, and raised a dangerous smile that seemed to be a half-smile: "It turns out that the image of the People's Liberation Army is to suppress people with power. Bullying the people? Hmm? But little wicker, when you were bullying the people in the Israeli army, why didn’t you think that I was a profiteer covered in money?”

"I... I was drugged, I... I didn't know you would come out of that corner? I... I'm still looking for the person who drugged me"!Lieutenant Yang Liu of the People's Liberation Army's very worthless tongue was tied up, his speech was stuttering, and he had no confidence. "Besides, did you suffer? It's not a loss, okay? Anyway, it's my first time! Besides, it's your territory. If I have an accident in your territory, you can't be responsible!" Xiao Liutiao found for herself A very lame reason is also the most practical reason.

A look of gloom flashed across Ran Xi's eyes, and after the gloom passed, he smiled: "Yes, you are right! I am responsible for what happened to you on my site!" After speaking, she showed a meaningful expression to Yang Liu. Smiling, he started the car and drove out of the military area, but at the end he added: "Then how are you going to be responsible to me? Huh? Little Wicker! Anyway, it's my first time."

Little Wicker: "..."

Damn!the first time?
Are you talking nonsense with your eyes open?It's the first time to be in your place, are you really strong?Besides, your uncle who is expected to be in his thirties told me that it was the first time, who would believe it?No one believed it.

Turning his eyes to the window, he directly ignored the smug smile on the man's face.

This man is too gloomy, too cloudy and uncertain.Well, it's not as easy as Ran Xiaobai!
This is Yang Liu's final conclusion after dealing with the boss three times.

Ran Xiaobai, why are you born to the same mother so different?Are you sure this is your big brother?Either you were carried here, or this guy was carried here.You, sister was killed by you!Ran Xiaobai, you wait for my sister, how can your boss bully me, my sister must be very vengeful and pay you back double!hum!

Being oppressed by the boss, Xiao Liutiao, who had nowhere to vent his anger, directly pressed all his anger towards Ran Xiaobai.Ever since, the third young master became innocent and pitiful as the scapegoat of his own boss.

golf course.

The three young masters, Sao Bao's siblings, Shu Xiaochang, and Brother Bao who is inseparable from Mi Siwen's shoes, a group of five are playing golf very comfortably.

Green grass, warm sunshine, elegant activities.

With a cue in hand, the third young master, who is confident in his skills, boasted that he would score every ball.However, it was a trembling hand. Seeing the ball entering the hole, it deviated and rolled two meters directly towards the front of the hole before stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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