Wife stand at attention

164 Chapter 2 She is really a stunner

164 Chapter 2 She is really a stunner ([-])
"Wow, Third Young Master Ran, did you drink too much porridge this morning or did you get up early and didn't solve your physical problems? This game is too low-level, isn't it? I'm so embarrassed to watch your game." Ball, Sao Bao is called contempt and contempt plus contempt.

Third young master: "..."

Looking at the ball in disbelief, confused, puzzled and scratching.

what happened to him?Why are your hands shaking?

Depressed, depressed or depressed.

Since the incident of the perverted man, the community has strengthened security patrols, and patrols are on duty 24 hours a day, which was unanimously proposed by all the owners of the community.Of course, when this happened, everyone was concerned about their personal safety.Especially some ladies who live alone are even more frightened.What if there was such a perverted man lying naked outside my window one night, what would I do!And what if that perverted man breaks in through the window?
In this regard, the community has not only strengthened security patrols, but also installed monitoring probes, which can monitor every blind spot.Some people who have not installed anti-theft windows have also begun to install anti-theft windows.This is called both software and hardware, double protection, so that you can feel more at ease.

Comrade Xiao Yang is also one of them.For every window in my home, I installed a very strong and firm double-layer anti-theft window with stainless steel and tempered glass.

The neighborhood has returned to its former peace, Comrade Xiao Yang's life is still as usual, and Yang Liu is still out of control. Occasionally, she calls to tease her forgotten sister, Comrade Yang Yi.Comrade Xiao Yang couldn't remember exactly how long he hadn't seen Yang Liu.Shi Xiaocao and Miao Miao Baoer would occasionally call her to show that they hadn't forgotten her.Master Kong came back quite often, but sometimes it was already after ten o'clock when he got home.

She was used to falling asleep in his arms and waking up in his arms.

At the beginning of November, the weather has turned cold, so I wear an extra coat over the T-shirt.

In the community, except for a few camphor trees still standing green, the other green plants have basically turned yellow and withered.

Work is still busy. During this period, Comrade Xiao Yang's work has been adjusted.

From a cashier to an assistant to the manager of the financial department, that is to say, he was promoted.Of course, when the position is promoted, the salary will naturally rise accordingly, directly doubling.The desk has also been moved from the position of the cashier to the outside of the manager's office, that is to say, he has his own independent office. Whether it is salary or office environment, it is almost comparable to the two directors.The accounting and cashier directors still share the same office, but Comrade Xiao Yang has only been in the company for half a year, but he already has his own office.It made the two directors and other comrades jealous one by one.And Comrade Xiao Yang himself was completely puzzled.Is this a good thing or a bad thing?How could he be transferred to the assistant manager instead?Why is she so inexplicably promoted?

After two days off on the weekend, it was Monday again. In the morning, Master Kong drove her downstairs to the company before he drove to the army.

During this period of time, it seems that Master Kong is not very busy, and he can go home almost every day, and occasionally send her to work in the morning.Or occasionally come to pick her up from get off work.This made Comrade Xiao Yang extremely flattered.

I was busy in my office, and it was time for lunch break in the blink of an eye.

Turn off the computer and leave the office to prepare for dinner.

Standing in the elevator waiting for the elevator, the phone rang.

It shows Yuefang's phone number.

"Hey, Yuefang, why did you call me?" Yang Yi was a little surprised by Yuefang's sudden call.She and Yuefang only met each other once, and during this period of learning to drive, she met Dahai a few times.

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Why did I think of calling you? I've always been thinking about you and Brother Qiao." Yuefang's cheerful voice came from the phone, "Are you off work now?"

"Waiting for the elevator." The elevator door opened, and Yang Yi walked into the elevator while answering Yuefang's call.

"That's just right. I'll be downstairs in your company. Let's have dinner together. I invite you."

"Ah? Are you downstairs in my company? Is it real or not?" Yang Yi didn't quite believe Yue Fang's words.

"I dare not lie to Brother Qiao or you if I lie to anyone, that would be treasonous."

Yang Yi: "..."

Is it that serious?Also outrageous.Do you want to say another sentence of lightning strikes from the sky?
Speechless shaking his head and laughing.

At the downstairs door, Yuefang was holding a six-month-old belly, wearing a beige maternity dress, a pair of white sneakers, and a student's head that fit her ears. She was looking at the door and waiting for Yang Yi's arrival.

As soon as Yang Yi got out of the elevator, she saw the relatively eye-catching pregnant mother-in-law Ji Yuefang.Of course, Yuefang also saw Yang Yi.

"Sister-in-law." Yuefang waved her hand and smiled broadly.

"You said you have a big belly, why did you come here? Where is the sea? Why did you let you run away?" When Yang Yi walked to Yuefang's side, her first action was to scan Yuefang's surroundings, looking for silhouette looking at the sea.

Yuefang pursed her lips and smiled, then shook her hand at her: "Don't look for it, the sea just left."

"Gone? Why did you stay?" Yang Yi asked puzzledly, stroking Yuefang's protruding belly with her right hand, with envy and joy in her eyes.

"He just finished the prenatal examination with me. I saw that the hospital is so close to your company, so I came to have lunch with you."

The right hand continued to caress the tip of Yuefang's belly, "Is the baby fine?"

Yuefang nodded, with a happy expression on her face: "Okay, I'm so skinny, I'm going to be kicked, hey." With a soft cry, "Look, I've been kicked again."

"I felt it too." Yang Yi, who put her right hand on the tip of her stomach, naturally felt that the child had kicked Xia Yuefang, with a slight smile on her face, "Then why let the sea go away?"

"Women are chatting, why is he a big man around? Getting in the way! Besides, what can I do? The big belly woman has to be a sow at home all day? Then let people live?" Wrapped around his wrist, "Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner, what do you want to eat?"

Yang Yi shrugged, "You are pregnant, you are the oldest, you decide, I invite you."

Yuefang refused: "No, how can I ask you to invite me? I have agreed to invite you, so I will invite you." Her eyes looked around and finally landed on a tea table not far from the opposite side, "Then go Let's have a cup of tea."

One tea and one tea, on the second floor.

The two chose a seat by the window, where they could see everything outside the window clearly.While eating, looking at the scenery outside the window can make you feel happy.

After the beginning of winter, it will enter winter, and the leaves of the sycamore trees on both sides of the road have almost fallen.The cold wind blows, and occasionally a few leaves will fall.

(End of this chapter)

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