Wife stand at attention

165 Chapter 3 She is really a stunner

165 Chapter 3 She is really a stunner ([-])
Although he and Yuefang only met once, they hit it off very well and talked very happily.Yuefang confessed that she likes her sister-in-law, and she is a perfect match with her brother Qiao.Maybe it was because Yuefang talked too much, and maybe it was because Yuefang really treated Yang Yi with sincerity, as if she respected Kang Qiao, or maybe it was because Yuefang really hated Li Qingxue to the bottom of her heart .

During the conversation, while pawing the skin of the mandarin fish, Yuefang said, "I slapped her four times, but she didn't even dare to fart. Who am I, Ji Yuefang? If you dare to touch my sister-in-law of Ji Yuefang, I'll be fine if I don't shoot her to death."

As soon as these words came out, could Yang Yi not understand what was going on?That's not clear, the perverted man lying on her window glass a while ago was found by that slut.So Yuefang went to someone to vent her anger.

She tapped her fingers on the table in front of Yuefang, and raised a slight smile: "That bastard Li Qingxue did it?"

Yuefang just put a fish eye in her mouth, when she heard Yang Yi's words, she was slightly taken aback, and the fish eye rolled out of her mouth.Looking at her with a dull face, "Sister-in-law...you don't know? Brother Qiao didn't say anything?"

Unfortunately, she got into trouble now.

Why didn't brother Qiao tell his sister-in-law about this?She thought it had something to do with her sister-in-law, and it was caused by that slut, so Brother Qiao would definitely explain the matter to her sister-in-law and tell her to be careful of that slut, why didn't she say anything?Brother Qiao, he... Where did he go?

Yue Fang's puzzled expression was tinged with embarrassment.Stretching out his left hand, he scrambled down his ear-level student hair, and didn't even know what to say for a moment.

Yang Yi picked up the big copper bone as if nothing had happened, took the straw that was put aside, and sucked the bone marrow from the copper bone deliciously, while looking at Yuefang, waiting for her answer.

Seeing her actions, Yue Fang became restless, unable to figure out what she meant.Are you angry or not?It seems impossible to say that you are not angry, right?If you say angry, but judging by her expression, she doesn't look angry, does she?In the end, what does it mean?

Why didn't brother Qiao tell his sister-in-law about that?Well now, she got into trouble.

"Well, sister-in-law, it's about it...I think my brother Qiao..." Yuefang scrambled down her hair again, not knowing how to explain to Yang Yi, she bit her lower lip, "But , Sister-in-law, you have to trust Brother Qiao, it’s definitely not because of that bastard. I think, if Brother Qiao doesn’t tell you, it’s probably because he wants more things than less things.”

"One more thing is worse than one less thing?" Yang Yi took the time to suck the marrow in the copper bone, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at Yue Fang with a half smile.

Yuefang was taken aback by her half-smiling expression and half-squinted eyes. Yuefang, who was already feeling guilty, looked at her expression and eyes, which made her feel even more guilty. It's over.

"Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, you...what do you mean? Do you not believe me, Brother Qiao? What else do you suspect that he is cunning towards that show?" Yuefang didn't even know why she thought so, but so Come to think of it, that's what he said.However, let's put it this way, it's like wanting to bite off her own tongue again. Isn't she implying that sister-in-law, brother Qiao has nothing to do with Li Qingxue.

Brother Qiao, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!I really don't care, you said why didn't you tell your sister-in-law about it.This is how I end up.

Yuefang's heart is so anxious that she wants to scratch her heart and lungs.

Finally, Comrade Xiao Yang finished sucking the bone marrow in the copper bone, and threw the straw in his hand on the table in satisfaction, pursed his lips with a spring breeze smile at Yuefang who was anxious and helpless, and then held his hands Thumb turned back, pointing to his cheek: "Do you see that my expression now seems to feel like you have something to do with Brother Qiao and that bastard?"

Yuefang shook her head, without hesitation, shaking her head like a rattle.

Picking up a piece of copper bone and putting it in the bowl in front of Yuefang, "Okay, big belly woman, put your heart back in your stomach. Is your sister-in-law the kind of person who doesn't trust her own people but trusts others? "

Yuefang shook her head, then nodded again, then continued to shake her head, "No! That's why I said that my Brother Qiao's marriage to a sister-in-law would be his blessing in this life." Big bones in front of you.

"Give me the address." Yang Yi stretched out her left hand in front of Yuefang.

Yuefang, who buried her head in her big bones, looked up at her in a dazed and confused way: "What address?"

"Her address."

"Whose address?"

"That bastard, the address of the slut you mentioned."

"Li Qingxue?"


"Block A on the 28th floor of Qingcheng Bieyuan. You want to settle accounts with her? I'll accompany you, that bastard dare not do anything to me." Yuefang volunteered.

"Okay, now that you've had enough to eat and drink, go home and raise your baby. I'll call Dahai and ask him to pick you up." After speaking, he directly dialed Dahai's number and gave him the address, asking him to pick him up in half an hour. Big belly.

Half an hour later, Ji Yuefang, a woman with a big belly, was helped by Dahai into her car, while Comrade Xiao Yang approached an Internet cafe. Ten minutes later, with a victorious and entertaining smile on his face, he walked briskly towards his company.

It was another busy afternoon in the afternoon.

05:30, off work time.

Yang Yi, who had been busy all afternoon, finally finished all the things that should be done today at [-]:[-].Picking up the glass on the table and leaving it for the whole afternoon, she gulped down the already cold water in one gulp, and she shivered from the cold.

Take the bag, get off work with a group of colleagues, wait for the elevator, enter the elevator, and exit the elevator.

The sky was overcast with a thin drizzle.There was still a little bit of poor sunshine at noon, but it was already drizzling all over the sky at this moment.

God, it's cold.The street lights were brightly lit, and the traffic was very crowded.

After rubbing his arms, he realized that he didn't take his phone or his coat.No wonder I always feel like something is missing when I get off work, and I still feel cold.So I turned back, pressed the elevator, waited for the elevator, entered the elevator, and went up to the twelfth floor to get my phone and coat back.

The office was empty.

He went straight to his office, put on the coat hanging on the back of the chair, and took out the phone from the drawer.

Heh, five missed calls, and all of them are from Master Kong.

Looking at the three words "Master Kong" on the screen and the string of numbers that can be memorized backwards, Comrade Xiao Yang had a faint smile on his face.

Just as I was about to call back, a voice sounded behind me: "Yang Yi? Why are you back? Is there still something to be done?"

(End of this chapter)

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