Wife stand at attention

Chapter 168 The dream-house sent by Master Kong

Chapter 168 The dream-house sent by Master Kong (3)
In fact, Gu Meiyun is lonely, at least Yang Yi thinks so.

Fang Ying is the concubine, but she settled for Kang Shuo. At home, she has Kang Shuo supporting her, as well as a son and daughter.Unlike Gu Meiyun, although she has the son of Master Kang, the relationship is so bad.

Gu Meiyun stretched out her hand and brushed the lock of hair around Yang Yi's ear, "That time...did it scare you?" A bitterness rose on her face.

Yang Yi shook her head, then nodded again, looked at Gu Meiyun and said cautiously: "A little bit."

Gu Meiyun stroked her earlobe uncomfortably, "I don't blame you, if it were anyone who saw the messy relationship of the Kang family, they would be too scared to enter the Kang family's door. So, Kang Qiao can't help it." It is wise to go back home. By the way, where do you work now?"

"Yip's Investment Company."

"Ye's?" Gu Meiyun read these two words lightly, as if thinking about something, and asked Yang Yi: "Did Kang Shuo intend to let you work in Kang's?"

"He mentioned it when he came back last time, but..."

"I don't want you to join the Kang Corporation."


"From now on, you will have less contact with members of Kang Shuo and Fang Ying's family."

"I never thought about joining the Kang Corporation."

There was a knock on the door, and Kang Qiao stood at the door, looking at the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the room, "Are you done talking?" He didn't intend to enter the room.

Yang Yi turned around and walked to Kang Qiao's side, stretched out her hand and tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Master Kang, when facing my own people, can you please smile for me? Come in!" He forcefully dragged her into the room .

Both Gu Meiyun and Cambridge were a little at a loss.

"You..." Gu Meiyun looked at Cambridge, but didn't know what to say.

On the other hand, Kang Qiao continued to maintain his stinky face like a black Hades, and felt a little uncomfortable facing Gu Meiyun.

Gu Meiyun waved at Yang Yi: "Go back."

"I...can I visit you and grandma more often in the future?" In fact, she still likes this mother-in-law quite a bit, maybe she can repair the relationship between mother and child.Where is the deep hatred between mother and child?What's more, this mother-in-law is not unreasonable.

"Stupid child, of course." Gu Meiyun showed a rare kind smile to the two of them.

Regarding her smile, Yang Yi, who had chatted with her for a while, didn't notice anything, but for Cambridge, who had never seen her with a good face, let alone such a smile full of maternal love, I feel a little horrified.So he just looked at Gu Meiyun in such a daze, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

Seeing Kang Qiao's stupefied expression with slight horror, Gu Meiyun's eyes flashed with disappointment, and there was a touch of bitterness on the corners of her lips, she waved her hands to Kang Qiao and Yang Yi: "Go back."

Cambridge came back to his senses, embraced Yang Yi, turned around and left.

Gu Meiyun took the shopping bag on the table and stuffed it into Yang Yi's hands, as if talking to Kang Qiao or talking to herself: "Since you are married to her, you must treat her well. It is very important for a husband and wife to be honest. Don't imitate me and..."

Kang Qiao's footsteps froze for a moment, he naturally understood what Gu Meiyun said.Naturally, it is impossible for him to learn from Kang Shuo.

However, he, who had never communicated with the mother and son, did not know how to answer her words at this moment.He really wanted to say that he would definitely not follow Kang Shuo's path, but he couldn't utter the words.

Yang Yi saw the firmness in his heart, and said to Gu Meiyun: "Mom, don't worry, Kang Qiao is very good to me, and thank you for your gift, I like it very much." Shopping bags in hand.

Gu Meiyun pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "You kid, you still don't know what I gave you, so you just say you like it?"

Yang Yi smiled: "The one my mother chose will definitely be my favorite. Master Kang, don't you think so?"

Kang Qiao pursed his lips and said nothing, glanced at Gu Meiyun, turned around and walked out of the room.

Yang Yi smiled at Gu Meiyun, and followed his footsteps.

Gu Meiyun once again felt that Kang Qiao had chosen the right woman.I hope that they will not be implicated because of the events of the previous generation, and I sincerely hope that they can live well and not be like her.

The sky was cloudy with light rain.

The atmosphere inside the car was as gloomy as the weather outside.With his hands on the steering wheel and his lips pursed tightly, Kang Qiao drove the car without saying a word.

Yang Yi rested her chin on her hands, her elbows on her knees, and stared at him unblinkingly.

Is his expression the legendary cloudy and uncertain?
It's cold, it's cold outside, and it's even colder inside the car!


Comrade Xiao Yang is angry!
"Master Kang, may I ask what kind of expression you are showing now?" Comrade Xiao Yang looked sideways at Master Kong, "Can you tell your wife, what kind of expression are you showing now?"

"You talk to her very well?" After the deep thought, Master Kang tossed such a sentence without thinking, but he had no intention of answering Comrade Xiao Yang's question at all.

"Please, that's your mother, please! Don't take your mouth off yours! It's very hurtful, please. Master Kong! If you call out Mom, will you lose a piece of meat or lose a layer of skin?" Comrade Xiao Yang He gave him a hard look.

Hey, Comrade Xiao Yang, has your old attitude changed a little too quickly?This makes your boss turn to mother-in-law and Master Kang?I don't know who it is. Some time ago, it was said that no one in the Kang family was normal except grandma.

Comrade Xiao Yang replied: This time is also the other time.

Master Kang stared at her: "Yang Xiaoguai, I know this better than you. What did she tell you?"

The ambiguous words, I don't know if he said that he knew that it was his mother, or that he knew that such a title would make people sad, or that he would really lose a layer of skin when he called "Mom".

Yang Xiaoguai grinned: "Why should I tell you? Men don't care about women's topics, anyway, they won't sell you. Besides, why don't I show concern for our mother in your eyes? Since you don't care, then don't ask! When do you care, come ask me again, hum!" He gave him a cool nasal voice and chin.

Master Kang raised the corners of his mouth and raised the corners of his eyes, sending a dangerous signal to Yang Xiaoguai: "Yang Xiaoguai, what do you think is your IQ, can you sell me? Count the money for me!"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Master Kang, have you ever said that about your wife?Am I, Yang Xiaoguai, a person with such a low IQ?

Ah, just based on your words, my sister will have to sell you!
Lord Kang stretched out his caring right hand to caress Yang Xiaoguai's head, and said in a very loving tone that I don't dislike you: "Yang Xiaoguai, don't worry, there will never be such a day."

(End of this chapter)

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