Wife stand at attention

Chapter 169 The dream-house sent by Master Kong

Chapter 169 The dream-house sent by Master Kong (4)
Yang Xiaoguai asked dully: "Which day?"

"The day you betray me." After finishing speaking, she withdrew her right hand, pursed her lips, and continued to drive forward with her hands on the steering wheel as if nothing had happened.

Yang Xiaoguai: "..." Wuyu raised his head and asked the sky, tears rolling down two lines.

Master Kang, I don’t take you like this, I don’t take you like this.

Turning his head, pursing his mouth, he turned his eyes to the window.Well, the scenery outside is unique.

Master Kang, do you know that your mother actually cares about you, but she is not good at expressing her emotions.Or maybe she was really hurt back then, that's why she used such a cold expression to hide her true emotions.

After all, no woman can accept that her husband owns another woman, and even brought that woman back home, not to mention having two more children for no reason, and that woman dragged a so-called nephew back.

In the final analysis, the man named Kang Shuo was actually the one who made all the mistakes.It should be that he completely broke her heart.

Master Kang, in fact, the whole thing, the most innocent of all, right?

Thinking about it like this, she couldn't help but move her hand towards his big palm. She wanted to tell him that his choice was not wrong, and her choice was not wrong either.

Master Kang clasped back, the big one was holding the small hand, and the ten fingers were tightly clenched. Silence speaks louder than sound.

The car stopped in the community, took the gift from Gu Meiyun, Master Kong walked towards the stairs with his arms around her waist.

On the second floor, Comrade Xiao Yang wanted to turn around, but he continued to climb the stairs with his arms around him.

Comrade Xiao Yang was puzzled, and looked up at him with puzzled eyes, "Master Kong, our house is on the second floor, where are you going?" Although he asked him very puzzled, the footsteps were Follow him non-stop.The first floor, the first floor, the next floor, and finally the fifth floor.

The moment Master Kong stopped at the door of a unit on the fifth floor and took out the key.

Comrade Xiao Yang was stunned, his apricot eyes widened, and he looked at him without blinking.Pointing to the key in his hand, then pointing to the tightly closed door, he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, in the end he just uttered two words: "What?"

Master Kang opened the door with the key in his hand, showed Yang Xiaoguai a charming smile, and made a "please" gesture to her.

It was this posture that made Yang Xiaoguai even more dumbfounded, it was unbelievable.

This is... the house he bought?

The eyes that looked up at him widened, "You...", her feet didn't respond at all, she didn't know that she should step into the room at this moment, she just stood there dumbfounded and looked up With Master Kong.

So, Master Kang stretched out his long arms, and simply picked her up by the waist.

"Ah—" Yang Xiaoguai exclaimed, subconsciously grabbing his neck with both hands.

Master Kang hugged her, hooked her long legs, and directly closed the door, "I bought it a month ago, and it was just renovated two days ago. I wonder if it suits your liking?"

With her hands wrapped around his neck and her feet hanging on his arms, she raised her eyes to look at the interior decoration. Yang Yijue, if she had to describe her mood at this moment, it would be - ecstatic There is a lot of sweetness and happiness in the madness.

Yes, she is happy, the happiness that this man gave her.

The living room is her favorite style, simple and elegant.The khaki-colored wallpaper depicts the faintly visible chrysanthemum stripes. There is a short shoe cabinet at the entrance of the door. Next to the shoe cabinet is a set of stacked grid-style shelves. There are many photos of her on the shelves. It’s a pity. No photo of them together.There is a lavender crystal chandelier on the roof. At this moment, the hazy lavender light is shining on the two of them, warm but elegant and romantic.A group of sky blue fabric sofas, a glass coffee table in front of the sofa, a crystal vase on the coffee table, a bunch of forget-me-nots in the vase, clustered with a perfume lily, dotted with baby's breath.Opposite the sofa is an at least [-]-inch LCD TV, with silver-gray speakers standing on both sides.On the wall above the TV is a banner painting of an eagle soaring.The floor-to-ceiling windows can see everything outside, a layer of moon-white screens is closed at this moment, and thick sky-blue curtains are drawn on both sides, as if waiting for the owner to close them.

The living room is connected to the dining room, with a jade-style dining table and six chairs neatly arranged.On the right side of the dining table is a small bar, and the three chandeliers on the bar slope downwards, and they are also light purple lights.

Yang Xiaoguai's eyes are a little moist, the living room and dining room are decorated in her favorite style.She once had a dream that she wanted to have a Dream-house of her own, and she lived in that dream-house with the man she loved and loved her.It doesn't need to be too big, two rooms and two living rooms are enough.Khaki is the main color in the living room, and noble violet is the main color in the bedroom.

"Go and see the room." Kang Qiao's pure and natural voice sounded in her ears, and when it fell, he already carried her and walked towards the bedroom.

Pushing the door open, Yang Xiaoguai was once again attracted by the bedroom.

Lavender tulle curtains, large floor-to-ceiling windows, plush thick carpets, a two-meter-wide big bed, pure white sheets and quilt covers laid flat on the big bed, two pillows and two throw pillows leaning against each other quietly with.A white mobile phone is placed on the bedside table, and a pair of Kiss porcelain dolls are placed on the other bedside table.

It seems that Master Kong has a soft spot for kiss dolls?
With both hands clasped around his neck, his black and white eyes were quietly level with his deep eyes.At this moment, in his eyes, she saw herself very clearly again.

"How do you know about my dream-house?" A soft voice sounded.

"How long have we known each other?" Master Kang asked without answering.

The left hand continued to cling to his neck, and the right hand stretched out in front of him, "Five years."

The corners of Master Kang's lips raised slightly: "So, is there anything I don't know about you? Not to mention your dream-house, I know everything about your menstrual period." Mr. Kang was as narcissistic and show off.

Comrade Xiao Yang: "..."

Although speechless, but the heart is warm.

Shaking the two legs resting on his arms, he pointed to the big bed covered with pure white sheets: "Put me down."

Putting her on the bed according to the words, Comrade Xiao Yang rolled directly onto the big bed: "dream—house, my—love!"

Master Kang directly pressed on her: "Yang Xiaoguai, I can understand that the my-love you mentioned is me?"

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she spread her teeth and smiled slightly: "What do you think?"

Pressed a kiss heavily on her lips: "It must."

(End of this chapter)

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