Wife stand at attention

Chapter 172 An Eye For An Eye

Chapter 172 An Eye For An Eye (2)
"Boss Kang..."

"Li Qingxue, can you tell me what's going on? Are you so short of men?" Kang Jian yelled at her angrily.As soon as he entered the company, everyone from the security guard to the department manager was talking about Li Qingxue.

"What?... What do you mean?" Li Qingxue looked at Kang Jian puzzled, with tears in her eyes.

"No wonder Kang Qiao doesn't like you. If you're a man like you, who would dare to want you! Li Qingxue, let me tell you, the Kang family's face is not for you to lose! You want to be ashamed, you are shameless, Stay away from me, don't affect me here, affect our Kang family! I think that I have a little blood relationship with you, and I have enough affection for you. Do you have to mess with the Kang family? Will you be reconciled after it's over? The person who owes you is Cambridge, you have the ability, go find Cambridge, don't drag me into the water! Don't drag the Kang family into the water!" Obviously, at this moment, Kang Jian was furious.

Li Qingxue gritted her teeth angrily: "Kang Jian, you have made it clear! How did I influence you, the Kang family, and how did I drag you into the water! What did I do to ruin your Kang family? Besides this job, do I have anything else to do with your Kang family?"

Kang Jian took the handbag resentfully, turned around, tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and threw the handbag to her: "Look for yourself!"

Li Qingxue lowered her head, but when she saw the scene on the computer, her face turned pale!

Newlyweds, rich and widowed, in the dead of night, lonely in the boudoir, want to find a lover, and go to the clouds and rain together.

Another: It is inconvenient during the day, please arrive at Block A, 28th Floor, Qingcheng Bieyuan after 13:6838 every day.There are too many applicants, please call to confirm before coming, [-]*[-].If you are satisfied, you will be hired for a long time with a lot of money.

"This..." Li Qingxue pointed at the computer with trembling pale fingers.

The address and phone number are all hers.

No wonder there were so many inexplicable people ringing the doorbell yesterday, no wonder there were so many inexplicable phone calls last night.It turns out...it turns out...

"Li Qingxue, you are so faceless! No wonder you don't tell anyone your address, so you are so dissatisfied with your desires? You have a lot of needs, so don't be so stupid and blatant! You go directly to Jinbihuihuanghuang It's better than you doing this!" Kang Jian shouted at Li Qingxue angrily.

"I... I don't know about this at all!" Suddenly, a face flashed in Li Qingxue's mind, it was her!She must have done it!
Turning around, she opened the office door heavily, stepped on her ten-centimeter rivet shoes, didn't care about wearing a coat, just wore an autumn dress, and went straight to the elevator.

"Li Qingxue, starting today, you don't have to come to the company anymore! You can afford to lose this person, and my Kang family can't afford to lose face!"

However, Li Qingxue who rushed into the elevator didn't hear Kang Jian's words at all.

"Look, look, come out in disgrace, right?" A secretary's gloating voice sounded.

auto repair shop.

Dahai is teaching two apprentices to repair cars.

Yuefang sat on a rattan chair in the open space beside her with her big belly, reading a book (Early Pregnancy Education) in her hand.

Yesterday was a cloudy and rainy day, but today is a sunny day.The warm sun shines on the body, which is comfortable and comfortable.

There is a sour plum in his mouth, and he chews it with gusto.

Beside the rattan chair, there is a radio, and at the moment it is playing a very elegant classical song (High Mountain and Flowing Water).

Of course, this is what Comrade Dahai meant, calling it prenatal education.

When she saw the bulky and heavy antique radio for the first time, Yue Fang's jaw almost didn't drop.In this age, does anyone still use such an antique thing?It's either MP5 or ipad, even if it's portable, it's better than this antique, right?

Comrade Naihe Dahai said: Antiques have less radiation!
Well, for the sake of the child in the belly, antiques are antiques.

A rattan chair, a small square table, an antique radio, a cup of hot milk for pregnant women, a song (Mountain and Flowing Water), a book (Early Pregnancy Education), a bottle of sour plum.Heh, big belly woman Ji Yuefang is living a very comfortable and nourishing life these days.

Of course...

"Squeak—" The car braked suddenly.

Hearing the sound, Yuefang, Dahai and the two apprentices looked up to the source of the sound.

"Ji, Yue, Fang! Get out!" Li Qingxue's howling sounded like a pig, and then she saw her coming out of the silver-gray car, angrily heading straight towards the auto repair shop. Coming from the factory, he had the aura of killing people.

Dahai walked quickly to Yuefang's side.

The two apprentices are also nurses and mothers eagerly following the sea, one on the left and one on the right, standing beside Yuefang like King Kong.

Yuefang leisurely stood up from the wicker chair, while continuing to chew the plum in her mouth, propping her thick waist with one hand, she squinted at Li Qingxue with contempt and disdain: "Oh, where is the mad dog? Ah, yelling. Hey, Xiaole, send a signal to Xiaotiangou and let it come and take their relatives back. Don’t bark everywhere, it will disturb the appearance of the city! Xiaotiangou can’t find it, just go find it Erlang God." After finishing speaking, he bent slightly, took out a plum from the plum box, put it in his mouth, and continued to chew.

The man named Xiao Le nodded politely, "Master, Erlang Shen and Xiao Tiangou said that this is not his relative, and let us figure it out."

"Ah, that's it! That means you don't have to give Xiaotiangou and Erlang any face? Well, then just beat them to death with a stick, so as not to affect the appearance of the city and pollute the air."

"Ji Yuefang, if you are mentally ill, you should go see a doctor. How could I offend you? Did I rob you of your man or kill your whole family? Are you fucking going to do this to me?" Li Qingxue said Yuefang yelled loudly, "Dahai, I, Li Qingxue, have never done anything wrong to you, but why are you doing this to me!"

"Ah bah!" Yue Fang spit the plum seeds in her mouth directly into her face, "If you fucking lack a man, go to Jinbihuihuanghuang! There are plenty of them that can meet your needs, don't be a fucking bitch Still crying chaste here! Get out of my sight, don't fucking stain my eyes!"

"The sea—" Li Qingxue turned her eyes to the sea, looking at the sea with aggrieved face.

Dahai leaned coldly at her, ignoring her.

"Slut, you fucking think you're a man who will eat you like a fox! Let me tell you, if you don't fucking go away, don't blame me, Ji Yuefang, for being rude!" Seeing her expression like a cabbage, Yuefang straightened up. Want to tear her face off.

"Ji, Yue, Fang! Don't think that I really dare not do anything to you!" Raise your hand...

"If you have the ability, try it!" The raised right hand was cut off in mid-air, and a gloomy and sharp voice sounded behind Li Qingxue.

"Brother Qiao!" Yuefang and Dahai shouted together.

(End of this chapter)

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