Wife stand at attention

Chapter 173 An Eye For An Eye

Chapter 173 An Eye For An Eye (3)
Li Qingxue turned around, and what caught her eyes was Cambridge's gloomy black face, which was colder than the cold pool in the twelfth lunar month, and her hands were clasped tightly by his big palms, making a "crack" sound. Crisp sound.

"Kang...qiao?" He looked at Cambridge who was so close in disbelief.

Obviously, the appearance of Kang Qiao made her completely unaware of the pain in the wrist tightly clasped by him.

Yuefang waved her hand directly, breaking Kang Qiao's hold on her hand, and also hurt Li Qingxue's hand.

Fucking slut, seeing a man is a prodigal!
"Damn slut, dogs can't change eating shit!" He gave her a cold look, and when he turned to Cambridge, he put on a smile: "Brother Qiao, why are you here?"

Kang Qiao glared at Li Qingxue fiercely, and said coldly, "Try moving?"

"Kang Qiao, please be fair to me! I don't want to touch her, but now she touches me! Some time ago, she ran to my house and slapped me four times! Now she is still defaming me on the Internet, do you know what she is doing?" What have you done? She has only been doing small tricks behind her back since she was a child! I have suffered a lot from her since I was a child! You can be fair, please! You are right, please be fair! What have you done to you? Are you going to treat me like this for the rest of your life? I'm far away from you and don't disturb your life anymore, why do you still come to disturb my life? Do you know that I am now a fool in the eyes of others? What's wrong? I'm a newlywed widow, I'm a widow dissatisfied with desires, I want to find a man everywhere!" Facing Cambridge, Li Qingxue burst into tears, as if she was really a chaste and martyr It's like a great grievance, and it's almost impossible to show your ambition with death.

Kang Qiao frowned, and then remained expressionless.

Yuefang was slightly stunned for a moment, but after she was stunned, she suddenly burst out laughing, bending over and kneeling, laughing out of shape, and pointing at the white-haired girl Li Qingxue who had suffered all kinds of grievances. , out of breath, and said: "This...is this not in line with you, Li Qingxue? Aren't you a little slut who wants to be dissatisfied? Don't you look for men all over the world? Did you owe him money in your last life? Owe us, I don’t know, but you definitely owe us in this life! Li Qingxue, who knows how many fucking families you have destroyed, who knows how many fucking women you have forged a deep hatred! You really deserve to be cursed Become a widow!"

Kang Qiao stared at Li Qingxue, who was heart-piercing like a chaste and martyr, with a cold, expressionless face, and said word by word: "If you want to act, don't fucking act in front of me! Put away your two lines." Horse pee, no one here! I tell you, if you dare to touch my wife and Yuefang again, you can give it a try! Don’t fucking think that I have feelings for you, I don’t want to do anything to you, it’s because I don’t want Dirty my hands and my holy uniform!"

Li Qingxue was instantly shocked by Kang Qiao's remark and the strong livid look on his face.After the shock, he wiped away the tears on his face, showed a distorted smile to Kang Qiao, pointed at Yue Fang, and desperately made the last jump: "Kang Qiao, are you blind? Do you know that she once told me What have you done? Is your heart made of iron? Why would you rather believe her than me? My 16 years of youth, 12 years of waiting, for what? Is it just for this moment? You once said to me What are the words?" The one who shouted at Cambridge was heart-piercingly heartbroken.

The words 16 years of youth and 12 years of waiting stabbed Cambridge.

One was furious, stretched out his right hand, and pinched Li Qingxue's white neck directly, "Li Qingxue, you really don't want to go into the coffin and not cry, right? You fucking deserve to talk to me like that? You fucking Are you worthy of accusing me? What the hell do I owe you? Ah? You are also worthy of me mentioning it? His mother is so cheap that you are really infinite!"

"Brother Qiao!" Dahai took a step forward and took the right hand of Cambridge who was pinching Li Qingxue's neck, "If you do something for such a woman, it will lose your identity and dirty your hands."

"Dahai, throwing this flirtatious thing out for me, it's an eyesore! Seeing her so flirtatious, I'm going to spit out tomorrow's dinner." Ji Yuefang stared at Li Qingxue bitterly and said to Dahai.

"Master, you haven't eaten tomorrow's food, why are you throwing up?" Apprentice Xiao Le said jokingly.

Yuefang gave him a white look, "That's it, he's amazing! You can make me spit it out before I eat it, how much do you think this person is annoying to your teacher and me? Go, you two and you Together, master, throw that slut out. From now on, hang a sign outside: Dogs are allowed, but his mother, Li Qingxue, is not allowed."

"Kang Qiao, you are a fucking bastard! Don't think how good your wife is. Let me tell you, she is more than just you. She has nothing to do with the two brothers of the Ran family. Kang Qiao, you are a fucking bastard." !" All of a sudden, Li Qingxue yelled at Cambridge, yelling without image.

"Slap!" Before Cambridge could make a move, Hai Hai, who was closest to her, slapped her across the face.

Li Qingxue was startled.

Yuefang was stunned.

Even Cambridge was surprised.

Dahai slapped her?

"I don't do anything to women, but that doesn't mean I won't do it! Li Qingxue, you have the guts to say something wrong to Brother Qiao and Sister-in-law again! Believe it or not, I crushed you with the wheels of a cart and there is not even a scum left!" Dahai said Pointing at Li Qingxue, his face was filled with anger, and with the anger on his face, the scar on his face trembled, making it look hideous and terrifying.

Seeing the hideous scar on Dahai's face, Li Qingxue was shocked immediately.

Cambridge took two steps, walked in front of her with a murderous look on his face, and said to her word by word: "Let me hear another disrespectful word to my wife, you know the consequences! I, Cambridge, have never You do what you say. Get out!"

Li Qingxue was completely taken aback by the three of them. She didn't know how she got out of the auto repair shop, nor how she drove away.

Li Qingxue, who was like a mad dog, left, and the auto repair shop returned to normal, and the two apprentices went on their own.

"Brother Qiao, why are you here?" Yuefang's gloomy mood disappeared, "Today is not the weekend."

Kang Qiao twitched the corners of his lips, and said flatly, "If I don't come here, that hand will really fall on you."

"Cut!" Yuefang waved her hand disdainfully: "She doesn't dare! If she has the guts to attack me, it's impossible for me to slap her four times in a row, and she won't even dare to fart! Damn It’s too embarrassing to come here and yell, who knows which man she hooked up with again, just like her, she is definitely a scum of society! However, I am quite curious and admire that person, a newlywed widow! No, I have to search online to find out how that person did his tricks, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night." After speaking, he took a big step and walked straight into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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