Wife stand at attention

Chapter 174 An Eye For An Eye

Chapter 174 An Eye For An Eye (4)
The sea followed quickly.

Of course, Master Kang also followed.

Her temperament of saying that the wind is the rain has not changed at all.

5 minute later.

"Hahaha..." Zhi bursting into laughter came from the second floor, Yuefang in front of the computer stared at the paragraph on the screen, laughed and slapped her thigh, "Idol, I must make this person an idol! Why didn't I think of this trick? Absolutely! Absolutely! I'm going to kill this kind of coquettish bastard!"

When Cambridge and Dahai saw the section on the computer, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Newlyweds, rich and widowed, in the dead of night, lonely in the boudoir, want to find a lover, and go to the clouds and rain together.

It is inconvenient during the day, please go straight to Block A, 28th Floor, Qingcheng Bieyuan after 13:6838 every day.There are too many applicants, please call to confirm before coming, [-]*[-].If you are satisfied, you will be hired for a long time with a lot of money.

No wonder Yuefang laughed like this.

"Ah—" Yuefang suddenly cried out in surprise.

Cambridge and Dahai looked at her together.

Dahai even bent down anxiously, and looked at Yuefang worriedly: "What's the matter, what's wrong?"

"I'll call my sister-in-law and tell my sister-in-law the good news. Damn, let her play tricks on the water! This is called evil and evil, and one mountain is as high as another!" The mobile phone directly connected Comrade Xiao Yang's mobile phone.

Comrade Xiao Yang was preparing a financial report that Ye Shanqing wanted to use, when the cell phone in the drawer rang.

Clamp the mobile phone to the ear, continue to hold the data report in the left hand, and the mouse in the right hand, his eyes move between the computer and the report: "Hey, Yuefang, what's wrong?"

"Is it convenient for you to surf the Internet now?"


"Tell me about a website, I believe you will be very happy after reading it. Li Qingxue's slut was abused, saying she is a newlywed widow..."

"Newlyweds, rich and widowed, in the dead of night, lonely in the empty boudoir, want to find a lover, go to the cloud and rain together. It is inconvenient during the day, please do it at night, if you are satisfied, you will be hired for a long time, right?" Comrade Xiao Yang said without saying a word.

Yuefang: "..." "Sister-in-law... sister-in-law, your... masterpiece?"

"Oh, maybe she finds someone to bully me, and I'm not allowed to fight back! Think the head on top of me is white." Comrade Xiao Yang continued to do what he was doing as if nothing had happened, chatting with Yuefang .

"Yes, yes! As for her lowly slut, then you can fight back! Sister-in-law, remember to call me next time if you have any new tricks."

"Okay, let's talk about it next time. I'm busy. I have to compile a lot of data reports. I won't chat with you for now. Hang up first."

"Sister-in-law, you are my idol!" Yue Fang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

The moment he hung up the phone, he beat his chest again and laughed, "Brother Qiao, I... my sister-in-law is so talented! This... such a trick can also be thought of! Brother Qiao, you... You have to be careful in the future, don't do things that are sorry to my sister-in-law, otherwise she may not do anything earth-shattering." After speaking, he cast a look of self-care at Cambridge, and continued to pat his thigh Laughing out of shape.

Cambridge: "..."

As expected of Yang Xiaoguai, Yang Xiaoguai was beyond his expectation, but he likes this kind of tit for tat.

For a slut like Li Qingxue, he had to use unexpected tricks to pay back.Seeing her dare to jump again in the future.

Yuefang here smiled happily, while Comrade Xiao Yang over there shrugged indifferently after hanging up the phone, and continued with the matter at hand.While working, he muttered to himself: "Hmph, you dare to provoke me Yang Xiaoguai, aren't you looking for death? I, Yang Yi, was bullied so suddenly, can I flatten and round it with you? Then I won't Call me Xiaoguai Yang! If you dare to let someone molested me, your sister, I won’t let anyone molested you to death, so I won’t be called Yang Yi! Nima!”

The landline on the desk rang.

"Hello, Yang Yi." Picking up the phone, the professional voice raised a professional smile.

"Yang Yi, come in." Ye Shanqing's voice came from the microphone.

"Okay, Manager Ye." After hanging up the phone, Yang Yi stood up from the chair, turned around and walked towards Ye Chanjing's office.

Knock on the door.

"Come in." The capable voice of Ye Shanqing's professional woman came.

Pushing six and entering: "Ye Jingli, are you looking for me?" Yang Yi stood opposite Ye Shanqing's desk and asked with a smile on her face.

Ye Shanqing raised her head buried in a pile of documents, pushed the low-prescription rimless glasses on the bridge of her nose, and smiled at Yang Yi: "Two things." He took out a USB flash drive from the drawer and handed it to Yang Yi, and then took out a folder from the lower drawer and put it in front of Yang Yi, "Help me take this document to the general manager on the top floor first, and ask him to sign it." , I’m so busy that I don’t even have time to drink water. Then there’s a file in this USB flash drive, you can e-mail me a table of year-on-year statistics, I’ll use it urgently.”

Yang Yi took the USB flash drive and folder, smiled and nodded at Ye Shanqing, "Okay, Manager Ye, I'll go out and do it right away." She turned around and wanted to leave.

"Uh..." Ye Shanqing's will sounded behind her.

Yang Yi turned around and looked at Ye Qianqing who was looking up at her. There seemed to be a touch of complexity in that look, which made her not quite understand what it meant for a while.

"Manager Ye, do you have any other orders?"

Ye Shanqing took a deep look at Yang Yi, wanted to say something, but finally just pursed her lips and smiled: "It's okay, you can go out and do something."

Yang Yi turned around and smacked her lips. She didn't understand what Ye Shanqing's eyes meant when she looked at her. She always felt that there was something inexplicable. It wasn't the way the boss looked at the subordinates at all, but it was just in time. Can't tell what it means.

Put the USB flash drive in the drawer of his desk, leave the office with the folder in his arms, press the elevator, and go up to the top floor.

In the elevator, only Yang Yi went straight to the top floor.

This is Yang Yi's first visit to the top floor, and the top floor is very quiet at the moment, only the sound of the keyboard and the click of the mouse.

Ye Shanming's secretary was a male secretary. Seeing Yang Yi who was holding a folder, he raised his head from the keyboard and looked at Yang Yi with strange eyes.

"Hello, I'm Yang Yi from the finance department of the investment company on the [-]th floor. Manager Ye asked me to get some documents that need to be signed by the general manager." Yang Yi said to the male secretary with a professional smile on his face.

"Wait a moment." The secretary glanced at Yang Yi, picked up the landline on the table, and dialed Ye Shanming's number.

In the office, Ye Shanming was on the phone: "Are you sure?" The eyes behind the lens were dark and terrifying, like that bloody madman, showing a faint murder.

The internal line on the table rang, frowned, and said to the person on the phone: "I see, that's it." He hung up the phone directly, reached out and pressed the speaker on the landline: "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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