Wife stand at attention

Chapter 175 An Eye For An Eye

Chapter 175 An Eye For An Eye (5)
The secretary's voice came, "Mr. Ye, Yang Yi from the finance department of the investment company said that there are documents that need your signature. Is it convenient for you now?"

A complex light flashed in Ye Shanming's eyes: "Let her in."

"Okay, Mr. Ye." The secretary hung up the phone, and said to Yang Yi with a smile on his face, "Mr. Ye let you in."

"Thank you!" Yang Yi thanked, then turned and walked towards Ye Shanming's office.

Knock on the door.

Through the transparent glass door, Ye Shanming could clearly see Yang Yi standing outside the door, with a professional smile on his face, long broken hair casually tied into a ponytail, wearing a A khaki sweater, an orange short coat, a pair of vintage-colored jeans, and a pair of round-toed low-heeled leather shoes.Simple yet generous.


Yang Yi pushed the door in, walked towards him, and put the documents in his hand on the desk in front of him: "General manager, this is the document that Manager Ye asked me to give you, saying that you are waiting for it use."

After taking the materials that Yang Yi put on the table, he casually flipped through a few pages, raised his eyes and looked at Yang Yi: "Can you still adapt to work?"

"Ah?" Yang Yi couldn't understand what he meant at once, so she looked at him with slightly dull eyes, and nodded after three seconds: "OK, no problem."

Ye Shanming nodded with some satisfaction, picked up a pen, and signed every document with a "shuashua".

Comrade Xiao Yang was once again bored, wondering what his slightly satisfied nod just now meant?

"Is the investment department busy recently?" Ye Shanming asked Yang Yi while signing.

"It's okay." Without saying much, it was vague and the best answer.

"So your work can handle it?"

"Yes." Why not?
During the conversation, the words were signed, and all the documents were handed over to Yang Yi.Ye Shanming leaned back on the chair with the pen in his hand, and the pen in his hand kept turning in his hand, his eyes with glasses looked straight up at Yang Yi who was standing in front of him.

Yang Yi felt a little uncomfortable with his eyes, and wanted to take two steps back, but felt that it would be impolite to do so.So I could only stand awkwardly.

"You still have a younger sister?" Ye Yanming suddenly asked.

"Ah?" Puzzled, he nodded after being puzzled: "Well, I do have a younger sister."

"Is it Yangliu?"

"Well, it's called Yangliu."

"Same age as you, twins, a soldier?"

"Well, the same age as me, twins, and a soldier."

Yang Yi repeated Ye Shanming's words dumbly, but she couldn't figure out what he meant by asking this question, and how could he know Liu Liu so clearly?

"Okay, I see, you go down first." When Yang Yi opened her mouth to ask something, Ye Shanming smiled meaningfully at her and said this.

What's happening here?
The incomprehension in Yang Yi's heart became heavier.

Glancing at Ye Shanming, he finally said: "Then... Mr. Ye, I'll go down to do things first." After finishing speaking, he turned around.

"Yang Yi." Ye Shanming's voice came from behind.

Yang Yi turned around, "What else does Mr. Ye have to say?"

Ye Shanming took a deep look at her, and smiled at her shallowly but deeply: "It's okay, you can go now."


Comrade Xiao Yang became even more confused. What's going on?
Comrade Xiao Yang went back to the investment department on the twelfth floor with a lot of doubts, handed over the signed documents by Ye Shanqing to Ye Shanqing, and sorted out the year-on-year data reports that Ye Shanqing needed, e —mail to her.

It was almost noon when Master Kang called and said he was waiting for her downstairs in the company to have lunch together.

A private room on the second floor of Ava Cottage.

There is a street away from the company, but Comrade Xiao Yang and Master Kang chose to eat here in unison.Comrade Xiao Yang likes to eat the fish head here, plus a serving of wide noodles, this taste is still not greasy after eating it several times.

This was the first time they had lunch together during working hours since she and Master Kong got married.Master Kang has to return to the army in the afternoon, and will be on a mission tomorrow.As for what mission and what kind of mission it was, Comrade Xiao Yang didn't ask, and Master Kong didn't say either.As a military sister who was promoted to a military wife, Comrade Xiao Yang naturally knows this. Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't know what you shouldn't know.Even if asked, Master Kang would not say anything.The only thing she can do is to support him silently behind his back, just as she supports Liu Liu.

During the meal, Master Kang kept looking at Comrade Xiao Yang with a strange look, which made her feel weirdly uncomfortable.

"Master Kang, can you tell me, what kind of eyes are you looking at me, and what kind of expression is that expression on your face?" Comrade Xiao Yang asked Master Kang sideways while drinking the soup, "If you have anything to do, please go directly to me. Ask, don't look at your own wife with the same eyes you look at a prisoner. First, I didn't commit a crime, and second, I didn't gather crowds to fight against Europe."

Master Kang stuffed a chopstick of fish into her mouth, "Yang Xiaoguai, I heard that you did a very meaningful event yesterday?"

Yang Xiaoguai chewed the fish in his mouth, and continued to look at Master Kong with that squinting look: "Master Kang, why do I not like what you say? Are you questioning me for someone else?" Why do you still feel that what I did was wrong?"

If you dare to say that I did something wrong, you will die!Yang Xiaoguai hummed in her heart.

Master Kang put the chopsticks in his hand on the table, looked at Yang Xiaoguai solemnly and said, "Let's put it this way, as long as you do something, I will support you unconditionally!"

Yang Xiaoguai pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you! Please rest assured, Mrs. Kang, I will definitely not let you down! My trick is called retribution for injustice, revenge for injustice! But what you said, I can understand that I Do you unconditionally support murder and arson?" Comrade Xiao Yang had a rare entertainment with Master Kong.

Mr. Kang replied: "Murder and arson, I don't think I need to take action, the lieutenant comrade of your family will definitely kill his relatives righteously."

Look, what he said, directly threw the question to Yang Liu.

In Ran's staff restaurant, Xiao Liutiao, who was eating lunch with a group of president's secretaries, suddenly felt a chill down his back.

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Sure enough, this is Mr. Kang's usual style of doing things.

Mrs. Kang picked up the chopsticks and put some vegetables in her bowl, "I'll go back to the army after dinner with you. If you have anything to do, you can go to Dahai. The other one in your family who wears military uniform is probably I can't count on it, and I don't count on her either."

(End of this chapter)

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