Chapter 182
In Shi Xiaocao's subconscious mind, if the third young master is looking for him, it must be for the second young master, not her.

The second young master replied: "Isn't my mobile phone on you? How do I know whether to turn it off or not." After speaking, he continued to enjoy his love brand soup.

Xiao Caomu took out the second young master's mobile phone from the other pocket in a daze, took a look, it was not turned off.Then why did you call her on the phone?

In the end, Shi Xiaocao came to a conclusion: the child's brain was intermittently going crazy.

Press the answer button: "Third young master, what's the matter..."

"Shi Xiaocao!" Before the word Guigan could be said, the voice of Yang Liu gnashing his teeth came directly from the other side.



Why does this voice sound like she wants to unload her?
How could she offend Liu Liu?

She hasn't committed any crime recently, and she is almost becoming the 24-hour personal nanny and pillow for her family's amphibians.Ever since she had sex with him that day, she has never had a chance to hold Miao Miao's baby.Where does she have time to commit crimes?

Therefore, Shi Xiaocao felt that this time, Yang Liu's anger must have nothing to do with her.Besides, she heard from Ran Xiaobai that Liu Liu was taken by the boss to be his bodyguard.Therefore, the brain has always been very well-developed Xiaocaozi, so the series of causes and effects directly draw a conclusion: Liuliu's anger is definitely related to the boss.

"Liu Liu, did my boss offend you? You can't be discouraged, so take me for a knife? Well, anyway, I'm used to it. Who made me Shi Xiaocao? If you have any anger, just come to me , at worst, I'm done, go find Ran Xiaobai."

Of course, she was inexplicably ventilated, and if she didn't find someone to vent her feelings on, it would be a waste of time.Looking at the entire Ran family, who else could discourage her, except the third young master Ran Xiaobai?

Boss?She dare not!
Second young master?reluctant!
Therefore, as it should be, the third young master did his part.

Just as Xiaocao finished speaking here, the third young master roared over there: "Wow! Little Yecao! What do you think of me as a master? Your punching bag! Believe it or not, I will get angry and give you away!" It's over!"

Xiaocao: "honey, Ran Xiaobai said he was going to take me away, what should I do?"

The second young master: "Don't worry, I'll take him first when I get home at night."

Xiaocao: "He also called me Xiaoyecao!"

Second Young Master: "Go home at night, I will make him a veritable Little Sister Ran!"

Xiaocao: "Little sister Ran, do you hear me? Don't offend my sister... Oh, no, it's the second sister-in-law!"

The third young master: "...Second brother, I hate you, you, you, you!"

The second young master ignored him and continued to enjoy the love brand thick soup.

"Shi Xiaocao!" Yang Liu's military-like voice came from the phone.

Shi Xiaocao subconsciously stood at attention: "Here!"

"How do I and Comrade Yang Yi treat you?"

Xiaocao replied, "Your kindness is as important as a mountain!"

"Well, now, it's time for you to repay your favor!"

"Gah... how come?"

"Damn it, use your little sister's body to bring someone to me!"


"Li Qingxue?"

"Which way?"

"Damn it, if you dare to find someone to mess with my Comrade Yang Yi, you——give her to me! I'm in a military uniform, so it's not appropriate to make a move. It's up to you!"

"Fuck our sister!" Whoops, Shi Xiaocao was furious!

Shi Xiaocao Zhizi had three major hatreds in his life.

Number one: be rude to her!
Second: Be rude to the baby!
Third: Be rude to Yang Liu and Yang Yi!
Those above: Kill without mercy!

"Liu Liu, don't worry! Leave this matter to me! Your uncle, dare to mess with my sister, I won't kill you, I'm not Shi Xiaocao! Did our sister get messed with?" Angry, Shi Xiaocao still did not forget to gossip.In other words, everyone has a gossip mind.

"You've been fucked, Comrade Yang Yi won't be messed with!" Yang Liu replied angrily!

Who would have thought that Xiaocaotong would say this with a stern look on his face: "Aiyou, hasn't our sister been taken care of by her brother-in-law? By the way, Liu Liu, have you been taken care of by my boss?"

Yang Liu: "..." After being speechless, he threw three words: "Go to hell!"

Xiaocao: "My second young master is reluctant, and my baby is also reluctant!"

Yang Liu fell to the ground completely speechless.

Hang up the phone directly, that bastard is definitely not the same as her.


"Squeak—" The third young master stopped the car very obediently.

"get off!"

The third young master pointed his thumb back at the tip of his nose: "Me?"

Yang Liu rolled his eyes at him: "Could it be possible for me to get out of the car?"

The third young master timidly said: "Boy, the car is mine!"

Yang Liu threw his fist straight at his face, "Damn, what a lot of nonsense! Who told your boss to be sorry for me! Get out of the car, don't get off again, sister is serious!"

The third young master's eyes lit up: "Why did my boss feel sorry for you?"

"Can't you get down?" Little Willow gritted his teeth.

The third young master raised his hands above his head: "Go! But tell me first, why did the boss feel sorry for you?"

"Ask him!"

The third young master got out of the car resentfully, and was driven out of the car on this street where cars were coming and going, on this street where the cold wind was blowing, on this street that he didn't know what street it was.And the man who was justified in robbing his wife drove his wife, "咻", and slipped away from him, leaving him with only a pipe of exhaust gas.

"Hey! Boy, return your phone to me!" The exhaust gas dissipated, his wife left, and the third young master was aggrieved to find that his phone was still in the car.He reached into his pocket, and unexpectedly pulled out a coin—one yuan!
Boss!I hate you!

How do you let me go home?No mobile phone, no cash, no bank card!

The third young master, he has a habit of never carrying cash with him, and his bank card is always kept in the car.Only when I get off the car will I put the card in my pocket from a fixed place in the car.Naihe, now... who knows, Yang Liu will surprise him and drive him out of the car, and the car is supposed to be his!

He was all implicated by the boss!

Ever since, the extremely poor third young master may be pinning his hopes on the only one dollar.

Military area, shooting range.

Yang Liu was carrying a submachine gun in his hand, and aimed at the target 200 meters away, as if he wanted to take the target as Ran Xi.

After sweeping the submachine gun, change to a portable pistol and continue practicing.

Half an hour later, the shooting range was over.

After 10 minutes, 20 kg fully armed cross-country.

(End of this chapter)

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