Chapter 183
Yang Liu, you are an excellent People's Liberation Army, you didn't torment yourself because of that stinky man.You are here to improve your skills and qualities, not to be influenced by that stinking man.

As an excellent soldier, armed cross-country long-distance running is the most basic.

Although she is a female soldier, on the training ground, there has never been a distinction between male soldiers and female soldiers, only good soldiers and bad soldiers.And she, Yang Liu, has always been one of the best soldiers.She's going to be the best she can be, she's been intensively trained.

However, the scene just now kept flashing through her mind.

The woman couldn't wait to lie on the desk, her buttocks and toes raised.When he turned his head around, there was an angrily disgusted look in his eyes.Yes, it was the distaste for her, the intrusion of which spoiled the next good thing between them.Those eyes are the winks that men will never forget after seeing them.

At that moment, she saw a flash of panic in Ran Xi's eyes.

Why is he panicking?And why is it flickering?
It's also because she broke his good deed as a personal bodyguard.

In the past few days, the ambiguity between him and her, his concern for him, and his entertainment for her flashed through his mind.Her anger towards him, her speechlessness towards him.

Scene after scene played in her mind like a slideshow.

She saw the woman lying on his table once.

Hyatt Hotel, she enters the elevator, she exits the elevator.It seemed that there were faint tears in her eyes that day, and her eyes were slightly swollen, as if she had cried.

ever cried?

Ha ha!

Yang Liu sneered in his heart.

I'm afraid he also came out of his suite that day, right?
Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that she was caught in the elevator and he appeared in the hotel by such a coincidence?I'm afraid it's just over, right?

Suddenly, Yang Liu felt uncomfortable all over her body!There is a sour taste in my heart.

willow!You are so sore!

Whoever he loves to fuck with!You are so sore!

You are not someone of his, he is just your rescue, and you raped him once.As for your pantothenic acid, which is like knocking over a vat of vinegar?What the hell are you doing?Your current identity is a bodyguard!


Damn it, I quit!Lao Tzu is a People's Liberation Army, he is so aggrieved to be your bodyguard!
When Jian Bojun drove up to Yang Liu, she was sweating profusely from running, and her steps had slowed down a lot, but she still kept running forward.There seems to be a feeling of using this to numb myself.

He heard from his subordinates that Yang Liu practiced his guns on the shooting range as if venting, and then went off-roading with weapons after training.It seemed that he didn't want to stop himself.

"Yang, Liu! Stand at attention!" Jian Bojun got out of the car, quickly caught up with Yang Liu who continued to run, and shouted at Yang Liu in a tone like a military order.

Out of military instinct, Yang Liu stood at attention with his gun in hand.

Jian Bojun put his hands behind his back and walked around Yangliu a few times. His deep eyes stared straight at Yangliu, as if he wanted to poke holes in her body.

"Do you know what you're doing?" After going around at least five or six times, Jian Bojun stopped, stood in front of Yang Liu, and watched her condescendingly. "Reporting to the chief, I am running cross-country with a 20kg weapon, and it takes an hour to reach the goal of [-] kilometers. I haven't reached my goal yet!"

Jian Bojun frowned: "Then what about the shooting range? What's going on?"

"Report to the chief, practice the target, and improve your hit rate at all times!"

"So, do you know how many bullets you used and how many rings you hit?"

"Report to the chief, I have no statistics!"

"Then let me tell you! At least five hundred rounds, your hit rate, you don't even have a tenth ring! You tell me, this is what you call target practice, I think you are wasting bullets!" Jian Bojun for the first time It's rough.

Yang Liu felt guilty and was speechless!
Indeed, just now her mind was not on shooting at all, it was completely venting and shooting with a gun.What Jian Bojun said was right, she was fucking wasting bullets!

"Get in the car!" Facing Yang Liu, Jian Bojun turned his head and signaled her to get on the military vehicle ten meters away from her.

"Report to the chief, I haven't finished my armed cross-country."

"Are you sure you're arming yourself for off-roading, not paralyzing yourself and venting yourself!" Jian Bojun stared at her fiercely.This sharp look in his eyes was something Yang Liu had never seen since he met him. This sharp look meant that he was looking at her as a chief, not as a friend.

Yang Liu bit her lip and said nothing.

He was right, she just wanted to paralyze herself with arms and weights.

"I'm ordering you as the chief, get in the car!" Jian Bojun said directly in an orderly tone, then gave her another look, turned around and walked towards the military vehicle, opened the door, sat on the driver's seat, and opened it again. The passenger's seat door on the right is waiting for Yang Liu to sit up.

Yang Liu had no choice but to wipe the sweat off his face with his hand, then turned and walked towards the car.

After Yang Liu joined the army, Jian Bojun didn't drive immediately, but sat on the driver's seat with his arms folded around his chest, looking directly at the sweaty Yang Liu with his eyes unblinking.

On the contrary, Yang Liu felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by him, reached out to wipe the sweat off his face, and said angrily: "You don't need to look at me with such weird eyes, I know what I look like now." Cross-country, she has run at least ten kilometers, plus the previous sweep at the shooting range.If she doesn't have any stains on her face now, she will be amazing.At this moment, her face is not as good as that of Baogong, so Baogong and his relatives are not far away.

In fact, as long as she takes a look in the rearview mirror, she can know what her face looks like at the moment.However, it is not necessary.

After being silent for a while, Jian Bojun spoke, but it was only three simple words: "Because of him?"

because of him?
Hearing these three words for the first time, Yang Liu's eyes flickered, a little guilty, but she looked back at him in denial: "Him? Who are you referring to? Chief, as a soldier, I just don't want to think about myself." It’s just any slack, it’s not for anyone.”

Jian Bojun pursed his lips and smiled, showing a smile that didn't match his handsome face, and said to Yang Liu very responsibly: "Don't hold on, your eyes have already betrayed you."

Yang Liu panicked slightly, rubbed her hands, and rubbed her eyes fiercely, pretending to be calm: "Eyes? What eyes? I just think your eyes are weird now!"

Suddenly, Jian Bojun pressed Yang Liu's neck with his right hand, and twisted the car mirror with his left hand: "Look for yourself, there are four words written in your eyes: I am hurt for love!"

(End of this chapter)

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