Chapter 184
Yang Liu waved his right hand that was pressing on her neck, "Damn it! Jian Bojun, do you have a problem with your eyes or your brain? Am I hurt by love? Is my sister the kind of person who will be hurt by love? You A kid who knows what love is? Do you know what injury is? Repay love!" He glanced at him fiercely, and pointed at his eyes with the index finger and middle finger of his right hand in the shape of a V: "Sister, is this a look hurt by love? ? My sister is armed and carrying a heavy cross-country and sweating to the fans, okay! You scumbag, talk nonsense, my sister will never finish with you!"

The dead duck has a stubborn mouth and refuses to admit her as an emotional injury.However, his eyes flickered with guilt, and he didn't dare to look directly into Jian Bojun's eyes.

The words "little boy" stimulated Jian Bojun, but even if Jian Bojun was provoked again, no matter how angry he would be, he would not roar like Yang Liu.The more you yell, it can only explain one problem, that is, the more guilty you are.

There was a half-smile, but a cold expression on his face, and he looked straight at Yang Liu: "Yang Liu, if I remember correctly, you are only two years older than me, right?"

Yang Liu stared, "Isn't two years old enough? Two years is enough to eat more firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea than you! Uh, no, firewood can't be eaten!"

Jian Bojun stroked his chin with his right hand, and said with an elder-like attitude: "That's not necessarily true! I don't know who it is, but it is very worthless to say that I eat more tea, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar tea than me for two years." He is my defeat!"


Depend on!Jian Bojun, why are you so direct?As for being so cool?Didn't I just get kicked back once by you? As for being defeated by your subordinates, is it so serious?
Seeing Yang Liu's expression, Jian Bojun smiled slightly, but it was not so obvious.The whole person leaned back in the chair, and put his hands behind his head as a pillow. It was very inconsistent with his normal Jian Bojun's behavior, but it was really displayed in front of Yang Liu.

Seeing him like this, Yang Liu was slightly taken aback, and then heard him say: "Yang Liu, although I am two years younger than you, and although I have never been in love, I don't think I will compare you to the word love." Little do you know. My father and mother, my aunt and uncle, my aunt and uncle, my big cousin and big cousin, even grandparents, grandparents, which couple is not affectionate? I have never seen a pig climb a tree, Have you ever seen a pig run?"


Chief, what kind of metaphor are you using?Does anyone use pigs as a metaphor for their relatives?
But I have to say, his metaphor is still very appropriate.

Jian Bojun, who was leaning on the back of the chair, looked at his willow with a sideways look, and continued his Jane's mantra: "So, with your two slaps, can you escape my eyes? Now, if you don't feel hurt for love, could it be possible to return me for feeling hurt?"

Yang Liu: Continue to be speechless.

There was a moment of silence in the car.

Jian Bojun continued to lean back on the car seat, with his hands behind his head.Yang Liu lowered her head slightly, supported her chin with her hands on her knees, and stared directly at the front of the car with her bright eyes.

There are sparse pine trees on both sides of the car, the road is not very smooth, and there are many small stones.

Looking at the willow in front of her, Jian Bojun's voice sounded in her ear again: "I tell you a truth."

Yang Liu turned her head and looked at him: "What?"

Jian Bojun looked sideways at Yang Liu with the expression of someone who has been here: "If you love someone, then choose to believe him. If you don't believe him, it means you don't love him."

Yang Liu swallowed sharply, and looked at him in disbelief: "You...created it yourself?" He...he...knows such a profound saying?

"My aunt and my mommy's words of wisdom. Because of this, their marriage has never had a problem."

Yang Liu stroked her chin with a thoughtful expression on her face, as if... it seemed... it really made sense.

Leaning slightly to the left, he gently bumped his shoulder with his shoulder: "Hey."

Jian Bojun tilted his head: "Why?"

With a slightly entertaining smile on his face, he looked at him with a smile: "Jian Bojun, I think you can change jobs."

Jian Bojun looked at her blankly: "Changing jobs? Why should I change jobs? Joining the army is my goal in life! I'm also interested in doing business. Besides, Mi's has a boss and a junior, and my duty is to protect the family. country." Obviously, Chief Jian Bojun didn't understand the meaning of Yang Liu's words.

Yang Liu grinned: "Uh... I think, if you open a matchmaking center, the business will be full! Look, how transparent you are about this emotion!"

Jian Bojun's face turned dark.

Yang Liu laughed happily.

She patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Let's go, don't drive yet!" Pointing to her armed load, she said maliciously: "Otherwise, you go back with the load, and I will drive back?"

Jian Bojun glared at her, "Only women and villains are hard to raise!" He started the car and turned around.

Little Wicker enjoyed the scenery outside the window in a good mood, although the scenery outside the window was really not that good.But at this moment, in her opinion, the scenery is unique.

Or this is the so-called obsessed by the authorities, clear by the bystanders.But, how did she, Yang Liu, become the authority?Why did you do such an irrational thing?This should not be her willow's actions.

Inside the car, Jian Bojun's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Jian Bojun." Holding the steering wheel with his left hand, he picked up the phone with his right hand.

"I'm looking for Yangliu!" Boss Ran's cold but sure voice came from the phone.

"Mr. Ran, I'm Jian Bojun, not Staff Officer Yang! Besides, isn't this Staff Officer Yang the first batch of personal bodyguards given to you by our regiment leader? Shouldn't he protect you personally? Listen to Mr. Ran's meaning, but put me Lost your staff officer?" Jian Bojun dealt with Ran Xi very calmly, and didn't tell him that Yang Liu was by his side.

Yang Liu's eyes widened, and she looked at him in surprise.

Damn, is that guy a human?I found out that she was with Jian Bojun so soon?He even called him on his cell phone?
"Company Commander Jian, you also said that Yang Liu is my personal bodyguard approved by your regiment commander. As a soldier, my first duty is to obey orders and protect the safety of the people! Tell Yang Liu that she is dereliction of duty if she does so. It's..."

"I rely on your ancestor's second aunt!" Xiao Liutiao grabbed the phone from Jian Bojun and yelled at Boss Ran, "Do you have the guts to say it again?"

Your nanny, you made a mistake first, and you dare to threaten me!I won't unload you, I'm sorry for the military uniform I'm wearing!
From there came a low voice like a ruffian who was not angry but turned on the show: "Xiao Liutiao, you don't know better than anyone else? If you still have questions, I don't mind if you come to check."

(End of this chapter)

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