Wife stand at attention

Chapter 185 You Accept Your Fate, Little Wicker

Chapter 185 You Accept Your Fate, Little Wicker (1)
I rely on!

You dead embryo!

"Where are you?"

"What? Do you want to check it now?" The boss's low playful laughter continued, "Unfortunately, not now! Because I am in your chief's office."

"You wait for me!" After gritting her teeth, she hung up the phone directly.

Chief's office.

Comrade Colonel looked directly at Boss Ran with extraordinary eyes, and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to express his extraordinary mood at the moment.

Boss Ran was sitting on the black sofa like a grandpa, with his legs crossed, enjoying the Tieguanyin that Comrade Colonel had kissed, and while drinking, he said to Comrade Colonel, "You said that if you are a big regiment , is there no one left?"

"Ah?" Comrade Colonel looked at him very puzzled and puzzled, what do you mean?
"If you want someone, why do you have to bring my good military record to the front line?"

Comrade Colonel just took a sip of tea, when he heard it, he squirted, "Army... whore?"

Boss Ran threw him a tea bag directly: "Military newspaper reporter!"

Comrade Colonel directly threw the tea bag at him, "The reporter of the military newspaper is the reporter of the military newspaper, you have to call her a military prostitute! Brother, there are no military prostitutes in this peaceful age! Besides, this Staff Officer Yang joined the military newspaper. Transferred to the military area, that's not my military order! You can't blame me for this. But then again, I like this girl, it should be, I prepared it for my own people, you are good, you have to intervene One foot came in, and my pair of golden boys and girls were torn apart like a pair of mandarin ducks! You said you didn't do big things, so why do you have to join in the fun?"

The boss laughed and said nothing.

After 5 minutes, a cup of hot tea was consumed.Boss Ran stood up from the sofa in a good mood, shook his iron-gray high-end suit, and said to the colonel: "I like to have a beginning and an end when I do things, and you like to have an end when you do things. Okay, the next thing I leave it to you, I still have thousands of people’s meals waiting for me to open. That’s it.” After finishing speaking, he turned around beautifully, stepped on his shiny crocodile leather shoes, and swaggered out of the chief’s office. Mr. Liu chief shook his head helplessly, hey...you were careless in making friends.

Five o'clock, Mrs. Ye, the general manager's office on the top floor.

Ye Shanming sat on the big black leather chair, leaning against the back of the chair, with his right leg resting on his left.A sky blue twill shirt, a black tie, but the tie is a little loose.The suit jacket was thrown on the sofa in front of him. The black leather sofa and the black suit jacket were very matching colors but felt very repulsive.

His right hand was wrapped around his chest, his left hand was caressing his clean chin once in a while, his right leg resting on his left leg was also trembling in harmony, his gloomy eyes were staring at the table in front of him without blinking .There is a document on the desk with his signature on it.There are two photos next to the file. In the photos, Comrade Xiao Yang is smiling like a flower, with shoulder-length black hair fluttering in the wind, and a ladylike knee-length chiffon dress in bud green.

Another photo shows Yang Liu in a camouflage military uniform, which gives people a heroic look.

Ye Lanming's eyes moved back and forth between the two photos, and the left hand stroking his chin was tapped lightly and rhythmically on the table.There was a cold, sinister smile on the corner of his lips.

Yang Yi, a woman from Cambridge.

Yang Liu, Ran Xi's woman.It was also the woman who kicked him that day and almost ruined him.

very good!

Five minutes later, he put away the two photos, glanced at the document, picked up the phone on the table, and dialed Ye Shanqing's number.

On the twelfth floor, Ye Shanqing's office.

Following Ye Shanqing's request, Yang Yi brought a cup of freshly ground coffee into her office, then turned and left.

Holding the coffee, Ye Shanqing looked directly at Yang Yi's back, a complex and unclear look flashed in her eyes.The coffee was just held in her hand, steaming hot, and the fragrance wafted throughout the office.

Yang Yi, a cashier who has only been in the company for half a year, was personally promoted by her elder brother to be her secretary.She couldn't figure out what her elder brother was thinking. She wanted to object, but she didn't dare.

She asked Ye Shanming, why did she promote Yang Yi to her assistant, there are so many people in the company who are more qualified than her, why did she have to promote a new person?
Ye Shanming didn't answer, but just threw her a sentence: You do what I say!I am in charge of the company's affairs!

Ye Shanqing did not continue to ask.

The landline on the desk rang.

Returning to his senses, he put down the coffee in his hand and picked up the microphone: "Hi, I'm Ye Shanqing."

"Come to my office." Ye Shanming's voice came from the microphone, and then hung up the phone directly.

Ye Shanqing listened to the busy tone with the microphone in hand, lost her mind for a moment.

After losing his mind, he put down the microphone, stood up from the chair, walked out of the office and walked towards the elevator.

When passing Yang Yi's desk, he cast a meaningful but strange look at her.

Seeing her gaze, Comrade Xiao Yang was dumbfounded for a moment.

What's up with her?Could it be that the coffee she ground just now didn't suit her taste?Wasn't that done according to her will?

She shuddered all over, and felt that Ye Qianqing looked at her strangely.

What's wrong with her?This year is not her birth year, why is there one strange thing after another?Could it be that she has a bad year this year?

No, no, she has a very good time this year, so she got a top-notch husband back from hooliganism.

top floor.

Ye Shanqing got out of the elevator, nodded with the male secretary and went straight into Ye Shanming's office.

"Brother, what do you want from me?" Pushing open the door and entering, a watery smile hung on her face, and she walked towards Ye Shanming's desk.

Ye Shanming pointed to the document on the desktop.

Ye Shanqing reached out to pick it up and looked at it seriously, "This is a cooperation plan with an investment company in a neighboring city. I will go to the neighboring city to sign the contract tomorrow."

Ye Shanming pursed her lips and smiled, and waved her hand: "You don't have to go tomorrow, I will go by myself."

Ye Shanqing looked at him slightly in astonishment, "Brother, are you going?" Her eyes were full of puzzlement.

"something wrong?"

"No... no problem." Ye Shanqing shook her head, saying no problem, but full of doubts in her heart.When he was wondering, he heard Ye Shanming say: "Let Yang Yi go with me tomorrow."

"Her?" She looked at him with astonished eyes again, and five seconds later, Ye Shanqing suddenly realized, and said to Ye Shanming in a sour tone: "Brother, signing the contract is secondary. Letting her be together is the most important thing, right?"

Ye Shanming leaned back in the chair, looking directly at her: "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Shanqing shook her head, with an unnatural smile on her lips: "Brother, can I ask you a question?"

(End of this chapter)

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