Wife stand at attention

Chapter 192 Did You Find the Wrong Door or Call the Wrong Person

Chapter 192 Did You Find the Wrong Door or Call the Wrong Person (5)
Master Kang smiled knowingly, and after pressing another kiss on her lips, he went out refreshed and opened the military aircraft meeting to go to the bird.

Lying on the bed, Yang Xiaoguai fell asleep in a daze, and vaguely heard someone ringing the doorbell.

This wine is really not something that people can touch, I don't know how long I have slept, my head is still groggy, and my face is still burning.

He threw off the quilt in a daze, got up from the bed unsteadily, and walked towards the door in a daze.It is estimated that Master Kong should have returned from the military aircraft conference.

"Gululu." There was also a protest from the stomach.

Well, I hope that Master Kang will find out that he can bring her something to eat.

It seemed that she didn't eat anything in that private room.

She squeezed her hot cheeks, pressed her temples, and opened the door: "Kang..."

Master hadn't uttered the words, but when he saw the person standing at the door, he was stunned.

Damn!Is this guy really mentally ill, and he chased him here?
At the door, stood Li Qingxue, wearing a black evening dress with a low cut and a long skirt, I don't know if it is straight or not.Because we were standing face to face, we couldn't see her back.A pair of black [-]cm studded rivet shoes with crystals.The skirt is slit, and the fork is straight to the thigh, and it seems that even the small triangle inside is looming.The string of diamond necklaces around his neck almost caught Comrade Xiao Yang's eyes.

"Hi..." Comrade Xiao Yang hiccupped in a very disfigured manner, spit out his satisfaction at Li Qingxue, and waved his hand at her unsteadily: "Hey, what a coincidence."

Li Qingxue glanced at her sideways, and slapped her hands with disgust on her face, as if wanting to blow away the alcohol smell that Comrade Xiao Yang exhaled, "I'm looking for Cambridge." After speaking, he wanted to enter the room.

Comrade Xiao Yang continued to breathe alcohol at her, leaning his back against the door frame and holding the other side of the door with one hand: "Sister Li, are you looking for the wrong door or calling the wrong person? My Master Kang? You Are you right?"

Li Qingxue stared at her angrily, "If Cambridge isn't here, then it's the same to look for you."

"Hey... Hey..." Yang Yi sneered at Li Qingxue abruptly, pointing her finger at the tip of her nose, "Looking for me? Excuse me, Sister Li, do we have something to say?"

"It's about Cambridge, do you have anything to say?"

Comrade Xiao Yang waved his hand: "OK! It's about my husband, I have something to say! Well, I'll talk to you, since we've found this place, okay, let's talk about it. Seeing you dressed like this, come prepared. Okay, find a place worthy of your attire." After finishing speaking, he closed the door with a bang.

Outside the door, Li Qingxue was hit on the nose by the closed door just a little bit away, caressing the frightened tip of her nose, staring angrily at the door, as if she wanted to shoot Yang Yi through the door. The meaning of death.

Clean up the hotel.

The melodious light music is playing soothingly, and the hazy lavender lights permeate the romantic and warm atmosphere.A bouquet of perfumed lilies dotted with a starry sky on the table, two glasses of whiskey.

No matter how you look at it, this is the atmosphere that should exist between lovers.

Of course...

Wrong, terribly wrong.

This is the venue that Comrade Xiao Yang specially chose for the flirt Li Qingxue. The euphemistic name is that it must match her unique outfit, otherwise, wouldn't it be a shame for her to come from a long distance and fight well.

But she fought bravely, and those who came were not afraid.

Two women, sitting face to face, one black and one white, one frank and one thick, forming such a stark contrast.Of course, the black one is Li Qingxue, and the white one is Yang Xiaoguai.The frank one is still Li Qingxue, and the thick one is still Yang Xiaoguai.

Li Qingxue was holding the goblet in one hand, shaking the whiskey in the glass very elegantly, looking at the transparent goblet with seductive eyes, deep and sad, as if she had been abandoned by thousands of people. His face was full of vicissitudes, and he was short of two lines of bitter tears.

Comrade Xiao Yang, who was sitting cross-legged across from him, had already drank a glass of whiskey and filled his own glass with another half glass of whiskey, but he still didn't see the woman opposite him wanting to speak.

In fact, she didn't know what kind of wine she was drinking, but she felt that it was sweet and mellow, which was more suitable for her taste than the red wine she drank before.

Well, don't say it, right?
Yes, accompany you!

Girl, you have a lot of time now, let's see what you want to mess with now.Miss will be afraid of you?
Damn, a newlywed rich and widow hasn't given you much insight, has it?

Okay, if you don't do something today, I'm really sorry for the open-chested and backless outfit you're wearing, isn't it?
So, he directly ignored the vicissitudes of life opposite the woman, and his eyes rolled around in the clean bar.Sister Li, it's late at night, lonely in the empty boudoir, right?How about I help you find some excitement.

In the diagonally opposite corner, a man was half leaning on the back of the chair, his eyes were looking straight at them, and he seemed to be staring straight at Sister Li's D cup that was about to come out, even Comrade Xiao Yang He could already see the raging fire of desire in his eyes.

Well, it's up to you.

Target locked.

Look away from the man.

A man can't stare at him for a long time, especially a strange man or a strange man in a bar.

Otherwise, you are looking for a dead end.

Comrade Xiao Yang is quite clear about this point.

"Miss Li, don't you just want to have a drink with me and listen to light music?" Comrade Xiao Yang took a sip of whiskey, clicked his mouth twice, and squinted at Li Qingxue, who looked melancholy and self-sorrowful. .

Ah, do you have to pretend to be dead in front of me?Nima, the girl doesn't owe you, and my master Kang doesn't owe you, don't act like a dead fish who has a bitter relationship with me, and Master Kang owes you three lifetimes of love.

Looking up at the decoration and atmosphere of Qing Bar, he murmured to himself softly: "Actually, the environment is really good. Well, next time I call my husband, I will definitely feel very different from now."

Li Qingxue picked up the goblet, drank half of the whiskey in one gulp, and showed a strange smile to Yang Yi: "Did Cambridge ever tell you that he slept in my bed when he was 16?" , the corners of his lips raised a provocative arc, waiting for Yang Yi's next reaction.

"Pfft——" Comrade Xiao Yang just took a sip of whiskey into his mouth, and at the first glance, he very cooperatively sprayed all the whiskey in his mouth on Li Qingxue's face.

I rely on!

A slut really is a slut!

What Yuefang said is absolutely correct, even if a dog doesn't eat shit, Li Qingxue can't live without a man, because that smell oozes from his bones.

This is the second time Comrade Xiao Yang has sprayed liquid from his mouth on Li Qingxue's face, the first time it was milk tea, now it is whiskey.

(End of this chapter)

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