Wife stand at attention

Chapter 193 Marry a Wife and Follow His Wife

Chapter 193 Marry a Wife and Follow His Wife (1)
Li Qingxue Nu!
Want to speak out.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Comrade Xiao Yang pulled a few pieces of tissue paper with great sincerity, and wiped Li Qingxue's face indiscriminately, saying sorry sincerely while wiping.

Finally, after wiping indiscriminately, the wine stains on Li Qingxue's face were wiped off, but the makeup on that face was also muddy.

"You...you continue!" Facing her, Yang Yi raised her hand, signaling her to continue talking, and put on a curious look that I was willing to listen.

Seeing her like this, Li Qingxue was a little confused.Shouldn't she be very angry?Why is there no expression at all, if there is anything to say, it is only a touch of curiosity.

Make a blank and provocative expression towards her: "What else do you want to hear? Let me tell you how we love each other in bed?"

Yang Yi stroked her chin with her finger, raised her head slightly with a thoughtful look on her face, "That's right, we're all on the bed, so naturally it's um, eh, ah, according to Miss Li's nature, if you don't turn over, then it's okay It doesn’t match the facts. Hey, by the way, don’t you mind if I ask you a question? Can Cambridge satisfy you? It is said that Ms. Li has a great need for this. How do I feel? It’s my master Kang. That small body will definitely not be able to meet your unlimited needs, Miss Li?"

Li Qingxue: "..."

"Okay, okay! I'm hurt, really hurt! And it's a tenth-degree internal injury. Which woman do you think is wrong with a woman who is very annoying, annoying, and disgusting before she knows that her man is in her? Uh huh, will it hurt internally? Well, Miss Li, your goal has been achieved, I am really, really sad, and I will go back and leave to heal myself. I think you also need time to let you Healing scars. If you don't mind, let me be rude and leave first. I really don't want to face you, remind me of sad things." Comrade Xiao Yang suppressed a smile, and made a touch of "God, why are you doing this to me? What about me?" With an expression on his face, he quietly left.

Li Qingxue was completely at a loss, she hadn't finished speaking, she hadn't done everything, so she just left?
However, what surprised her was that Yang Yi did not leave the light bar, but walked towards the corner, where a man was sitting drinking wine alone. Based on her understanding of the man, the man was waiting for his prey.Obviously, Yang Yi has become a man's prey at this moment.

Yang Yi, it turned out to be nothing more than that!
Cambridge, how high-sighted a human being is, I don't know how you feel when you see your wife fooling around with men in a bar!

Still sad?

Looking at the two people in the corner who seemed to be very acquainted with each other, Li Qingxue's eyes flashed a cold calculation.

The high-performance mobile phone pointed at that angle and took a picture of the two people who were chatting.From this angle, Yang Yi's profile and the man's front can be photographed just right.

Ten minutes later, Yang Yi stood up from the chair with a smile, waved to the man again, then threw a meaningful smile at Li Qingxue, and walked out of the bar with a swaying body.

That smile made Li Qingxue feel like she had fallen into Yang Yi's trap.

The man stood up from his seat, and when he stood up, he did not forget to adjust the tie around his neck. He picked up the glass of whiskey on his desk, and with a smile on his face, he walked towards Li Qingxue.

"Miss, do you mind if I buy you a drink?" Uninvited to sit down opposite Li Qingxue, and while sitting down, took a meaningful look at the perfume lily on the table, and turned her right hand to Li Qingxue. Xue Yishen, "My name is Fan Shilin, what's your name for Miss?"

A man in his early thirties, with a sharp outline, burning eyes, a very gentlemanly attitude, and a hand that is slender and more beautiful than a woman's, and a faint smile on the corner of his lips.At that moment, Li Qingxue was attracted by him, she couldn't help stretching out her right hand, and showed him an elegant smile: "Li Qingxue."

Fan Shilin held her right hand, put it on his lips and gave a gentleman's kiss: "A person is as beautiful as his name suggests. I am very happy to meet such a beautiful and noble lady. My honor, cheers!" Raised a glass to Li Qingxue .

Li Qingxue looked directly at the man with her eyes, picked up her goblet, and lightly touched his cup, "cheers!" She took a sip of the whiskey gracefully, and looked at Fan Shilin with a smile, "Just now that woman and what did you say?"

Although she was faintly attracted by the man in front of her, she did not forget that the man came over after talking with Yang Yi for a while.Li Qingxue has also seen the scene, whether at work or in private, she has come into contact with many men, so at this moment, reason is still more than half.

Fan Shilin clinked the glass to her again, showing an inscrutable smile: "Your friend is really a very good friend, Ms. Li, some things pass as soon as they pass, don't worry about unhappy things. The most important thing is to make yourself happy, for the meeting and acquaintance between us, cheers."

Li Qingxue was taken aback by what he said, completely unable to understand what it meant.

What do you mean when it's over, it's over?Make yourself happy?
Is she unhappy now?

Yang Yi, what did you say to this man?
She showed him a tender smile, raised her glass and touched the glass in his hand: "Thank you!"

Under the table, the man's knee rubbed against her knee intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Qingxue froze slightly, but still smiled at him.

Seeing this, the man understood, as expected, what her friend said was true.

Such a young and beautiful woman, to be a widow is so reckless!It's a man who can't help but want to...

The eyes in the eyes slowly changed from the gentleman's eyes just now to greedy eyes full of desire.The left hand that was originally placed on the table had crawled under the table at some point, and slowly touched Li Qingxue's thigh that was exposed because of the high slit, stroking, stroking, stroking, From bottom to top, go in little by little, until she tore off her little black lace triangle.

Li Qingxue froze for an instant, and the hand holding the cup shook even more.

Seeing this, the man started to use both hands and feet.

The man is a master flirt. On the table, he is a well-dressed gentleman with a very decent smile on his face, but mixed with a little bit of desire.However, the hand under the table has already entered the most primitive era, "How about... let's change places? Huh? Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you."

(End of this chapter)

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