Wife stand at attention

Chapter 194 Marry a Wife and Follow His Wife

Chapter 194 Marry a Wife and Follow His Wife (2)
Under the table, Li Qingxue's legs tightened.

The man took a deep breath, but there was a more obvious desire in his eyes, "So, you are so enthusiastic? But..." The man looked around, "It's not so good here, is it?" The finger holding the wine glass pointed to the top of the head in front of it, indicating that it was equipped with a probe, "Why don't you... enter the private room?"

Most bars have private rooms, and so do Qing bars.

"Although I know that someone like you is very hungry, but in such a large crowd, it's still..." The man seemed a little shy at the moment.

"What kind of person am I?" The lustful Li Qingxue who was teased by him hooked her eyes, and ran her fingertips across the back of his hand.

The man's fingers pinched a certain part of her heavily, Li Qingxue, who was covered in warts, enjoyed it, took a deep breath, and exhaled a wine-scented breath towards him, just about to give him further When he was tempted, he caught a glimpse of the figure walking out of the box when the door of the box opened not far away, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Yang Xiaoguai stepped on her three-centimeter-high short boots, humming an unknown tune, waiting for the elevator to arrive in a good mood.

Dead slut, I'm not going to kill you!
Yaya, do you really think that the head on the neck of your sister is white?Will take your word for it!
Not to mention that Master Kong has filed a record with her long ago, even if he hadn't filed a record, Nima's brain will be flooded to believe you are a slut who can only have two legs.

I rely on!

Return Master Kong to climb into your bed at the age of 16, return him to be so affectionate in bed!Why do not you go to hell!
It is obvious that you are so fussy that you need a man to comfort your empty body, and you still talk about how hungry and thirsty Master Kang is.Ah, my sister hasn't found out that you gave Master Kang that knife, but you still crawled over like a toilet bug. Well, since you need a man so much, then enjoy it!

When Master Kang returned to the room after the military aircraft meeting, Yang Xiaoguai was no longer on the bed.Put the packed food in his hand on the table, "Yang Xiaoguai." Master Kong pushed open the door of the bathroom, but there was still no Yang Xiaoguai inside.

Slightly frowning, he stood at the door frame of the bathroom with his arms crossed, scanning the empty room. Could it be that he woke up after drinking and went out to eat?
He directly dialed Yang Xiaoguai's cell phone.

After three seconds...

"Hello." It was the man who answered the phone.

Cambridge frowned again, "You are..." There seemed to be a lot of noise on the other end of the phone, there were men's voices, women's voices, and singing.

"Ye Shanming." Ye Shanming said his name without hesitation, "Are you looking for Yang Yi?"


"It's not convenient for her to answer the phone right now." Just when Kang Qiao was about to say something, Ye Shanming's voice came again.

"Then I'll call again when it's convenient for her to answer the phone." After finishing speaking, Kang Qiao hung up the phone directly, holding the phone in one hand and stroking his chin with the other, thinking about what the other party said.

"Di." There was the sound of an electronic card opening the door, and then the door was opened, and Yang Xiaoguai walked in from the outside.

When Yang Xiaoguai entered the door and saw Master Kang who was standing in front of the bathroom door behind the door with a thoughtful face, he was slightly taken aback. After he was taken aback, he pursed his lips and smiled at him: "Master Kang, the military aircraft meeting is over?"

Master Kang's eyes were fixed on her flushed cheeks, and the smell of alcohol oozing from her mouth as she spoke, Master Kang came to the conclusion that this chick drank again just now. "Drinking again?"

Her face was already flushed red, and her eyes were a little blurred. Coupled with the faint blush and the dim light, she had a touch of femininity.The smell of alcohol also climbed up her cheeks, and her sanity was a little muddled.

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, Yang Xiaoguai wrapped her arms around his neck and exhaled like blue at him: "Master Kang, can I have sex with alcohol?"

The door closed slowly.

Something flashed in Mrs. Kang's eyes, and then her long arms tightened around her waist, her star-like eyes met her tender, watery pupils, "Little Yang, how do you want to have sex after drinking? "

Yang Xiaoguai bit her lower lip with her white teeth, her face was troubled, what's the matter?She really didn't think about it.

"How much wine did you drink just now?" Feeling the heat radiating from her cheeks, as well as the red patch up to the ears and neck, it is estimated that she drank a lot of wine.

Stretch out a finger at him, "A glass of wine that I don't know what kind of wine."

Master Kang pursed his lips and smiled: "Drinking, just to come back and want to have sex with me after drinking? Huh? Yang Xiaoguai, I prefer you to have sex with me without drinking."

"Cut..." Yang Xiaoguai threw him a disdainful expression, "Do you think I want to drink? It's not like someone came to the door and insisted on letting me drink. Of course, your wife and I are definitely not so easy to bully, I just threw her to a man, presumably now, she is having trouble with that strange man." Slightly raised her hand, one hand gently crawled on Master Kang's chest and the other lightly scratched the corner of her lips, with a thoughtful look on her face, "You said that if she has something else next time, how should I accept it? Well, let's not worry about it, and now I have to take care of my husband first. Well, Mr. Kang, what's wrong with you?"

Master Kang looked puzzled.What the hell is she talking about?Is it a drunken gibberish or something else happened.When I was about to ask something...

"Are you going back to Jingshi tomorrow?" Yang Xiaoguai asked suddenly.

Cambridge shook his head, "No, there is still a task tomorrow."

"Then do you have any other tasks tonight?"

"Not yet."

"Then can I make a small request?" Looking at him with shining eyes, he gestured with his index and middle fingers, indicating that it was really just such a small request.

Thick hands wrapped around her waist, looking at her sparkling starry eyes and the kind of longing revealed in them, Cambridge's heart sank.

It seemed that from the time they met to now, apart from giving her a different wedding, nothing seemed to be done for her.

Military marriages are different from ordinary people.

Kissed her rosy lips: "Say, I'm listening."

"Master Kang, I want to visit Jingshi at night." Obviously, Comrade Xiao Yang was really drunk, even she didn't know that she didn't have Jingshi at all, and said she wanted to visit Jingshi at night.

"This is not Jing City, but H City." Master Kang corrected.

Yang Xiaoguai grinned, and the hand holding his neck tightened: "Then take a night tour of City H! Mrs. Kang has the final say tonight, Mr. Kang will accompany you all the way, and you have no right to speak."

Although he felt that he had no status, Mr. Kang was happy with it.

In mid-November, the evening breeze is cool.

(End of this chapter)

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