Wife stand at attention

Chapter 195 Marry a Wife and Follow His Wife

Chapter 195 Marry a Wife and Follow His Wife (3)
This is the largest People's Square in the center of City H, a square that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

There is a large musical fountain in the center of the square.

With the climax (good day) and the flashing colorful neon lights, the musical fountain has entered the climax stage, with the soaring water column and scattered spray.The mist-like mist that drifted down coolly brushed over her hot flashes that had not dissipated from the alcohol, and a comfortable feeling spread all over her body.

Although it was a bit cold, there were still many people in the square.It's not too late at the moment, it's past eight o'clock, which is when the nightlife begins.

There is an open-air movie in the square, and today the classic version (Blessings of Love) is played on the big screen until the [-]th.

The children were wearing roller skates and skating in groups of three or four.

Several Kongming lanterns slowly rose.

As the evening wind blew, the small bamboo forest made the sound of "rustling" bamboo leaves touching each other.

There is the atmosphere of a big city, but also the tranquility of the countryside.

On the edge of the bamboo forest, there are several tandem bicycles. An older man is sitting next to the tandem bicycles, reading newspapers with reading glasses under the bright street lights.

"Master Kang, I want to ride a bicycle!" Comrade Xiao Yang, who was half drunk, pointed at the tandem bicycle, excitedly expecting.

Master Kang sized up Yang Xiaoguai, who was still slightly drunk, and said with some concern: "Yang Xiaoguai, can you do it?"

Yang Xiaoguai pursed her lips: "Master Kang, you can doubt yourself, but you must never doubt me!" As he spoke, he put his right hand on his hip with a strong imposing manner, and you can say it again, believe it or not, this lady executed you look.

no!These two words are absolutely unacceptable to men.It doesn't matter whether you are talking about his ability in a certain special aspect, or other abilities that are not special.That is definitely an insult to them.Master Kang is the same.

He shook Yang Xiaoguai's waist heavily, and said to her ear in a seductive voice that only two people could hear: "Yang Xiaoguai, I will remember you for a while. Go back, I will let you know whether it is okay or not!"

But, obviously, Yang Xiaoguai, who was drunk, didn't understand the meaning of Mr. Kang's words at all, and slapped the big palm around her waist at him: "Master Kang, I, want, ride, Car!" After speaking, she staggered her stumbling steps and walked towards the tandem bicycle.

Mr. Kang caressed his forehead.

It turns out that talking to a drunk person is really a kind of torture, completely confronting the horse.

In the end, Master Kong bet 200 RMB and rented a tandem bicycle.Master Kang originally wanted Yang Xiaoguai to ride in the front seat, because he was really worried about letting her sit in the back seat for a certain woman who was not fully aware of her drunkenness.What if an inattentive, drunk woman loses herself?
However, Comrade Xiao Yang disagreed with his comrades to ride in the front seat, so he had to sit in the back seat.As the name suggests, the rear position is relaxed, and she can not step on the pedals.

In desperation, Cambridge could only let her ride in the back seat.

Master Kang compromised, and Comrade Xiao Yang smiled, and the smile was like a happy spring breeze, and the peach blossoms were brilliant.

And then again, it's hard for Mr. Kang, who has to step on the pedals, but also cares about the drunks behind him, and also cares not to bump into other people having fun in the square because of his distraction, especially those who are playing. A child who has escaped from parental supervision.That's called a three-purpose.

Comrade Xiao Yang, who was sitting in the back seat, enjoyed it very much. He put his feet on the pedal and opened his hands, enjoying the close contact with nature very comfortably.

"Master Kong, why are you riding so slowly? Why do you keep turning in such a small circle? The square is so big, you can make a full circle." Comrade Xiao Yang directly directed Master Kong in front of him, almost standing up in excitement up.

"Sit firmly for me, if you fall and you can't find me, then I don't care about it." Kang Qiao slightly accelerated the speed of his feet, and said to Comrade Xiao Yang behind him.

Comrade Xiao Yang patted his chest: "Don't worry, if you fall, I won't fall."

The music fountain slowed down, the central pillar stopped, only the two circles of fountains on the side sprayed low water, the music has changed, and now it is soft light music, accompanied by light music and the colorful neon lights Light, the water sprayed by the fountain is like the dancing butterflies, giving people a soothing and romantic feeling.

There were several couples of gray-haired old people, holding hands together with the light music and fountain, dancing soft slow three.

With the beginning of a few old couples, a few young couples joined in.Then, slowly, it became an open-air dance floor.With the high and low of the music, I changed my dance style.

Cambridge was still walking around the square on the pedals.

However, he felt something was wrong, as if something was missing behind.

Behind, less?
Turning around abruptly, the position behind was completely empty, and there was no sign of Yang Xiaoguai at all.

"Squeak—" Cambridge slammed on the brakes.

Swaying the frame, he quickly looked for Yang Yi.

In the square, people come and go, group after group.

This is not Jing City, but H City, an unfamiliar place.

She didn't bring a mobile phone, and she wasn't fully sober from the alcohol.

Kang Qiao became a little anxious, his eyes quickly scanned pile after pile of people, looking for Yang Yi's figure.

"Yang Xiaoguai—Yang Yi—" Kang Qiao called out, feeling that taking her out was the worst decision.You can bring out a sober person at any time, but never a drunk person.See, that's the problem the drunkard puts him.

Suddenly, the group of people who were dancing to the music stopped dancing and looked at the music fountain in unison.There, a woman in a white coat and jeans was walking unsteadily towards the center of the fountain.The woman raised her head slightly and stretched her arms to the sky, as if enjoying the coolness brought by the rainwater of the fountain.

The music suddenly rose sharply from light to slow, and the fountain also became active with the high-pitched music.No matter how loud the music is, the giant water column in the center will gushes out.

If a giant water column gushes out, then... the consequences can be imagined to be very dangerous.But at this moment, obviously, the woman didn't realize that the danger was quietly approaching her, and she even made a classic movement of the bow of the "Titanic" as if enjoying herself.

Everyone looked at her in shock, but they didn't dare to go forward.

At the moment when the cabinet-shaped water column gushed out, a figure rushed in one by one, twirled to hold the woman in his arms, and rushed out of the fountain like a stride.

(End of this chapter)

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