Wife stand at attention

Chapter 205 Little Wicker Meets Parents

Chapter 205 Little Wicker Meets Parents (2)
"Get the little wooden box from the third drawer in my room."

"Hey, good."

A flash of joy flashed across the faces of Zhuang Youwan and Huang Qinying, and there was a hint of greed in the joy.

Three minutes later, Aunt Gui took the small box and walked to the old matriarch, "Old, majesty." After finishing speaking, she turned and went back to her own territory - the kitchen.

When she turned around, she cast a contemptuous look at Zhuang Youwan and his wife in angrily, knowing that she was here to take advantage of Ran's family.The old lady treated you so well for the sake of her deceased son and daughter-in-law.The third young master is right, who knows if you are here to cheat the marriage.Then why didn't you come to propose marriage when the old lady was still alive, and only when the old lady passed away in an accident, did you say such a thing?Why didn't she hear Madam talk about it when she was alive?
The old lady opened the small wooden box.

Zhuang Youwan and Huang Qinying stretched their necks and stared at the box to see why, the greed in their eyes showed their true colors.

The old lady took out a key from the box and handed it to Zhuang Youwan: "I don't have anything to give to Xiaoou, this old woman. When I get married, I naturally have to give gifts. Besides, your Xiaoou is still like this." She is considerate and didn't pester my eldest grandson, she should be given a big gift."

When Zhuang Youwan and his wife heard the old lady say the word "tangle", displeasure flashed across their faces.

"This is a villa that my good grandson gave me. Anyway, my wife is useless, so I will give it to Xiaoou as a wedding present." After speaking, he handed the key to Huang Qinying.

A villa!

What Ran Xi gave the old lady would definitely not be an ordinary villa.

This was the only thing Zhuang Youwan and Huang Qinying thought of after listening to the old lady's words.

reach out for...

"No!" The third young master quickly snatched the key from Taijun's hand, "Taijun, this villa is a birthday gift from your elder brother, and it has special meaning. How can you give it to some inexplicable people?" The young master was a little displeased.

"Inexplicable? Third young master, is there someone inexplicably coming to our house?" Shi Xiaocao's voice came from the door, and seeing Shi Xiaocao holding Miaomiao's hand, the mother and daughter jumped out of the door come.

"Grandma." Xiaocao held her hand when Baby let go, and happily ran towards Taijun, Lian Mi Rourou yelled as she ran.The happy Taijun said that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"Hey, baby, you're back. Have you thought about Taijun?" Taijun directly peeped at the pair of parents-in-law with stiff faces, and began to talk to Baby, "Have you thought about it?"

Shi Xiaocao looked nonchalantly at the pair sitting opposite the Taijun, sat down beside the Third Young Master, took the orange that the Taijun used to hit the Third Young Master from the side, peeled it and stuffed a piece into his mouth , speaking to the third young master inarticulately: "Hey, third young master, our family is not the second young master's crew, how can there be extras? You want to learn from your second brother to open a studio? Even so, you don't have to put Would you like to invite two extras who are so frustrated to come to your house? It's a loss of identity and image. Your second brother's crew casually pulled out two extras, whose quality and temperament are better than the two you found. Third young master, what kind of eyes do you have, do you have astigmatism or cataract?" After speaking, he squinted at the two in-laws whose faces were stiff and stiff like a queen, and then cast an extraordinary look of contempt at the third young master. Eyes, and then, eating oranges on their own.

The third young master obviously understood the meaning of Xiaocao's words, so he cooperated with Shi Xiaocao's words very much, and started to demean himself: "Yes, second sister-in-law, you are so right! Isn't it just Young master, my eyes are dizzy and I have cataracts, so I am looking for such a frustrated couple of actors and actresses to come back. Okay, I will fail them now. I will definitely listen to you and look up to my second brother. Aunt Gui..."

"Hey..." Aunt Gui was extremely busy. Hearing the third young master's voice, she ran out of the kitchen in a hurry, "Third young master, what's the matter? I'm cooking the frozen whole duck you ordered."

The third young master stretched out his hand to caress the puffy mouth that was about to come out, and pointed to the two people sitting on the sofa who were dumbfounded and unresponsive: "Second sister-in-law said that these two extras are not qualified, so I would like to ask Aunt Gui to be very polite." Send them out." The word "very polite" was specially emphasized.

"Oh, yes." Aunt Gui was naturally happy, and politely made a gesture of invitation to Zhuang Youwan and his wife: "Then what, both of you, I'm sorry to make you make a trip for nothing. "

While talking, Shi Xiaocao swallowed an orange, clapped his hands, and said to the third young master with a cheerful face: "Third young master, if you are not satisfied, you are not satisfied. It is still very hard for people to come here. You always beat me up." Will you give the fare to others?"

The third young master suddenly realized, and slapped himself on the forehead, "Oh, that's right!" After finishing speaking, he reached into his pocket without hesitation, but found that there was no cash.So I could only look at Shi Xiaocao with a face asking for help, and said in an unusually flattering tone: "Second sister-in-law, look, I have never had the habit of carrying cash, otherwise you should pay in advance first, and I will pay you later." I'll give you a card."

Shi Xiaocao was naturally very happy with such a good equivalent exchange, and happily made an "OK" gesture to the third young master: "OK, no problem." He took out three red cards of Grandpa Mao from the folder, and handed them to Zhuang Youwan, but immediately took back one of them, and said to himself, "Two hundred is enough for a taxi. Then, take it." While talking, he stuffed the one he took back into his pocket, that's a shame for a money fanatic.

Shi Xiaocao and the third young master's double-reed singing was impeccable. The faces of Zhuang Youwan and Huang Qinying's blushing alternated alternately. After the alternation, they stood up from the sofa angrily and pointed The young master said: "Ran Ning, how can you say that about us, no matter what, we are your elders! Old lady, you just..."

"Third young master, are the two extras you hired good enough for the show? That's it? But, you plan to play in this play yourself, so you become your elder? Isn't your elder Taijun sitting on your seat?" Are you around?" Shi Xiaocao still looked at Zhuang Youwan and his wife innocently with her blank expression at that time.

The old lady continued to have a great time playing with the baby, and directly ignored the explosion of Zhuang Youwan and his wife.

The third young master got angry, and yelled at Zhuang Youwan and his wife: "Fuck, just take it as soon as you see it! Believe it or not, the young master is so angry that he is even better at doing it than the big brother! Fuck, if you dare to let the young Grandpa sees your frustrating appearance, and young master sees you once and for all! Get lost!"

Zhuang Youwan and his wife, who had never seen the third young master go crazy, were completely frightened by the third young master at the moment, so they timidly lifted the bag on the sofa, and left the Ran's villa like a shit.

(End of this chapter)

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