Wife stand at attention

Chapter 206 Little Wicker Meets Parents

Chapter 206 Little Wicker Meets Parents (3)
"Damn, you say it's cheap or not, you have to make people mad to know how to run." The third young master said disdainfully to the pair of backs. Take: "Tai...jun..." The Taijun's call was full of ups and downs, with a long nasal sound, which made the Taijun shiver all over, and Aunt Gui slipped back to her kitchen directly, and the time was small. Cao fell directly onto the sofa.

"Third grandson, what are you doing?" Taijun is worthy of being a Taijun, and at any time, he is called a person who is not afraid of danger.

The third grandson put the key in Taijun's hand, "Then, take it! This is the first gift that elder brother gave you, and it has a special meaning. You are old and want to give it to others, and It's still the woman that Eldest Brother dislikes the most, what do you think will happen if Elder Brother finds out? Taijun, are you really confused?"

But I didn't want Taijun to just smile "hehe", put the good key in the small wooden box, and then gave the third young master a popcorn: "Are you really an old man who is confused? I will give such an important thing to others? This is for my own granddaughter-in-law! If I don't do this, how can I force the third grandson to drive them away?"

Third grandson: "..."

Sure enough, his family's Taijun was as poisonous and black as ever.

Sure enough, his third grandson will never be the match of Taijun.


Three grandchildren?
Why did he claim to be the third grandson again?

It seemed that he was the one who was out of his mind.

There was already a prince who bullied the younger in the family, and now there is another little wild grass who bullies others!
Ah, his days to come—

There is no way out!

The third young master was filled with infinite grief, resentment and resentment.

Taijun lovingly caressed the third grandson who was filled with infinite grief, anger and resentment, "It's better to be Xiaocao, this shot will drive those two people away immediately. Well, Taijun will give you a credit."

Xiaocao Zhizi smiled immodestly: "Thank you Majesty." Then, he stretched out his right hand in front of the third young master.

"What?" The third young master was puzzled.

"My card!"

"Damn it!" The third young master jumped up, "Xiaoyecao, those two didn't take your money just now, why did you ask me for a credit card?"

"Crack!" After the third young master finished speaking, Taijun slapped him on the top of the head with a burst of millet: "It's not big or small, it's called the second sister-in-law!"

The third young master pouted aggrievedly.

Shi Xiaocao continued to say cheerfully: "They didn't take it because of my great ability and infinite charm. But you personally promised to exchange at equal value. The prince can testify that, as a man, he is also a man from the Ran family. , you have to keep your word, otherwise...hehe..." Shi Xiaocao laughed.

Taijun raised his hands: "Yes, Taijun testifies, third grandson, you personally agreed."

Baby Miao Miao also raised both hands: "Miao Miao also testifies, third uncle, you agreed with your own mouth. A man must keep his promise, and children who lie will grow noses."

Third young master: "..."

Resentment, infinite resentment.

Taijun, who is your grandson?

Why, he thinks he just pretended to pick it up?
Why did he feel that Shi Xiaocao was the granddaughter of Taijun?

Well, not right!

Shi Xiaocao is definitely not from the Ran family, otherwise she and the second child would just be...uh...what?
No, no!It's kind to be a person, let alone his little sister Ran, that's even more kind.

Uh, no, he's not Miss Ran...


The third young master was completely in a mess, his brain was short-circuited, and his mind was deranged.

Finally, with that expression of reluctance, reluctance and reluctance, he handed a card to Shi Xiaocao with great reluctance.At the same time when Shi Xiaocao took the card, the third young master was still holding the other end of the card heavily, refusing to let go.

Thus, Shi Xiaocao and the third young master held the two ends of the card with four hands and confronted each other for a full minute.Finally, after the Taijun slapped the third young master on the back of the neck ignorantly, the third young master felt the pain and let go.

Then, Shi Xiaocao happily put those cards into her wallet, and still did not forget to cast a provocative look at the third young master, who was so angry that the third young master gnashed his teeth and jumped around on the sofa .

While frolicking, the sound of a car driving in came from outside.

Taijun gave the third young master a look of you being finished.

Third young master: "..."

Why should he be fucked?
Taijun: "Your second brother is back and knows that you are bullying Xiaocao. You say you are not finished yet? Now even Taijun won't help you. You can do it yourself."

Third young master: "..."

He was sure, he must have been adopted.


Shi Xiaocao: "Ha...haha...hahaha...Little sister Ran, you are finished! Ha...haha...hahaha..."

The third young master bristled and sweated profusely.

However, when he saw the person at the door...

Taijun: Le's eyes narrowed into lines.

Shi Xiaocao: She was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Third Young Master: Jump down from the sofa, let out a big laugh, God help me!

Baby Miao Miao, ran straight to the door: "Auntie!"

That's right, the one who appeared at the door was the People's Liberation Army Yang Liu escorted by Boss Ran.

"Baby, do you miss Auntie?" Yang Liu, who was wearing a military uniform, squatted down, hugged Baby in his arms, and kissed her tender cheeks fiercely, "I miss Auntie to death, I didn't see your heartless mother bring you to see your aunt."

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Liu Liu, do you need to squeeze me like this as soon as we meet?Am I heartless?I have a good conscience, so I won't bother you and the boss.Otherwise, how could your adultery develop so fast?This is all thanks to my childhood, Xiaocao, okay?

Shi Xiaocao Zhizi shamelessly took all the credit for himself.

"Oh, daughter-in-law, the Taijun looks forward to the stars and the moon, and finally you are here. Come, come, come, let the Taijun take a good look at it." The Taijun called it enthusiastically, as he spoke. Pulling Yang Liu directly, he looked at her carefully from head to toe, the more satisfied he looked, the more satisfied he was, the more he grinned from ear to ear.Suddenly, as if thinking of something, his face tensed, and he turned to Ran Xi: "Why didn't you tell the majesty earlier that the grandson's daughter-in-law is coming to the house? You see, the maharaja was not prepared, how embarrassing did you make the maharaja?"


Taijun, I am not your granddaughter-in-law, granddaughter-in-law, really.

Ran Xi: "Taijun, is face important or granddaughter-in-law?"

Taijun replied without hesitation: "The grandson's wife is important."

(End of this chapter)

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