Wife stand at attention

Chapter 207 Little Wicker Meets Parents

Chapter 207 Little Wicker Meets Parents (4)
Ran Xi pursed her lips and smiled: "This is incredible." After speaking, she walked directly inside with big strides, letting the Taijun enter into the boundless enthusiasm for Xiao Liutiao.

"Liu Liu—"

Shi Xiaocao and the third young master almost spoke in unison, and ran towards Yangliu at the same time.

The third young master: "Then, boy, we have been childhood sweethearts since we were young, so you can't help our relatives."

Shi Xiaocao: "Then, Liuliu, I'm your daughter's mother, you can't help me or not."

Yang Liu stared blankly at the two of them, not knowing what was going on.

Taijun directly slapped the third young master again: "It's not big or small, it's called sister-in-law."

Third young master: "..."


After being speechless, Yang Liu made a very qualified choice to directly ignore the Taijun's eagerness for his grandson's wife, his eyes, and his tone.Put Miao Miao on the ground, staring at Shi Xiaocao and the third young master standing in front of her like a king, raised the corners of her lips, and pointed at Shi Xiaocao: "Want to ask for help?"

Shi Xiaocao nodded sharply: "Yeah!"

The third young master was not calm, "Boy—"

Yang Liu turned to the third young master: "You also want help?"

The third young master raised his chin, and put his claws on Yang Liu's shoulder, with a friendly expression on his face: "That's it, who is with whom?"

Boss Ran's sullen and slow voice came from behind him: "If you want to continue to use cards, just take your dog's paw away."

Hearing this, the third young master quickly removed the dog's paw on Yang Liu's shoulder with a "swoosh", and consciously took two steps back to keep a certain distance from his future sister-in-law Yang Liu.He doesn't want to be blocked by his elder brother because of this, isn't he too innocent?

Shi Xiaocao cast a look at the third young master that you deserved.

Yang Liu glanced sideways at the man who was sitting on the sofa holding the newspaper without even raising his head, but could find the third young master's dog paw on her shoulder, and admired ING.

Pointing at Shi Xiaocao, "You—— want help, go to the second young master." Then pointing to the third young master, "You—— want to help, find a woman yourself." Then pointing his thumb back to the tip of his nose , "I-I won't help anyone!"

Shi Xiaocao and the third young master looked at each other, disheveled.

Suddenly, Taijun slapped his hands and laughed: "It makes sense, my daughter-in-law's words are so reasonable. Taijun agrees very much."

The third young master suddenly had a bad premonition "咻咻咻" flying towards him. Hearing the meaning of Taijun's words, could it be...

It turns out that the third young master really understands his family's prince very well.What Taijun thought was exactly what he thought.

I saw Taijun stroking his chin, looking at the third young master, and said cheerfully: "Third grandson, your eldest brother and second brother are all in trouble, and Taijun is counting on you now. If you..."

"Oh, no!" The third grandson directly interrupted the Taijun, "no—way!"

However, the rebuttal of the third young master is useless to the unreasonable prince who has always expected his grandson-in-law and great-grandson to be eager.I saw the Taijun continued to use her smiling tone and said: "no-way? Oh, no! This Taijun always keeps his word, he can say it well, and he can do it well. Otherwise, wouldn't life be boring in this world? So , third grandson, I have made a decision, so that my life will not be so boring, the grand master of your life will take care of it for you!"

"Boom!" The third young master fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

The crowd laughed happily and bent over.

Yang Xiaoguai did not resign in the end.

Because what Mr. Gao said was not what she understood at all.

After listening to Ye Shanming's words, Yang Yi had an urge to hit tofu.

Ya, it's too cheating, isn't it?
It turns out that when people say they like her, they mean they like her personality, and they like her unyielding personality.On the other hand, she understood like a fish-wood head that it was that relationship.

At that moment, Comrade Xiao Yang even had the heart to wring his own head off.

God, why are you playing with her like this?
Does this make her see people?
Ever since, Comrade Xiao Yang was very upset, and even considered whether she should apologize to Mr. Gao?
Regarding her expression, Ye Lanming pursed the corners of his lips into an inscrutable arc, and after a complex look flashed in his eyes, he told her that of course it was not necessary, so she did not need to resign at all.It's just that I don't want this to happen again.

Yang Yi: "..."

And next time?
Once wasn't humiliating enough.

Obviously, Comrade Xiao Yang, whose brain was in a mess, didn't even chew on Ye Fanming's words.If not, with Yang Xiaoguai's brain, he must be able to chew out the deeper meaning of these words.

Yang Yi is still busy every day, and another week has passed.

Comrade Xiao Yang hadn't received a call from Master Kong since he came back from City H that day, and Master Kong's cell phone had been turned off for a whole week.

The same Yang Liu never went home after being carried away by Boss Ran that day.

Comrade Xiao Yang was very sad and once again became a loner.

Every day at two o'clock in a straight line, work and home.

Perhaps it should be said that three points form a straight line, because Comrade Xiao Yang is now a multi-family family with two families.The second floor is the home of Yangliu, and the fifth floor is the home of Mr. Kang.Comrade Yang Yi, who is a widow, is very busy wandering between the second and fifth floors.


After nearly a week of overcast and gloomy days, it finally cleared up.The warm sun finally showed its big smiling face, shining warmly on the earth, warming the body and warming the heart in this cold winter.

Five o'clock in the afternoon, close to get off work time.

After a busy day, Yang Yi finally had time here.Poured a cup of hot water for herself, leaned back on the chair, held the porcelain cup in her hand, the hot temperature was transmitted to the palm of her hand through the white porcelain, and activated the blood in her hands that had been busy all day, so that The ice-cold blood boiled over and over again.

The phone on the table rang.

Putting down the cup in his hand, took the phone, and glanced at the screen, it showed an unfamiliar number.

Press the answer button: "Hello, Yang Yi, who is looking for?"

"Young Mistress, is that you?" The voice from the other side was a little uncertain, and there was a hint of uneasiness and panic.

"Ah?" Yang Yi was slightly taken aback, "You are?"

"Young Mistress, I am Aunt Ju."

"Aunt Chrysanthemum? Are you looking for something for me?" Yang Yi remembered that Aunt Ju was the Kang family's caregiver for grandma, and she had been there for many years according to Kang Qiao.

"Young Mistress, is it convenient for you to come out now?" Aunt Ju asked tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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