Wife stand at attention

Chapter 208 Little Wicker Meets Parents

Chapter 208 Little Wicker Meets Parents (5)
"What's wrong?" Yang Yi was even more puzzled.

"The old lady had an accident and went to the hospital."

"What?" Yang Yi was shocked, "How could this happen? Aunt Ju, which hospital is grandma in?"

"City one."

"I'll be right over now." Yang Yi hung up the phone, not caring that it was not time to get off work, took her bag, and hurried out.

Hospital, the door of the operating room.

When Yang Yi arrived in a hurry, everyone in the Kang family was standing at the door of the operating room.Kang Mei and Ke Lei arrived at the hospital almost at the same time as Yang Yi.Ke Lei was holding his son Ke Muxuan in his arms, so the moment he saw Yang Yi, something flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

Kang Shuo stared worriedly at the operating light, Fang Ying stood beside him, clasping his hands with both hands, as if comforting him as well as herself.

Gu Meiyun stood three meters away from Kang Shuo and Fang Ying, cast a cold sidelong glance at the two people who were clasping their hands, then walked to the chair beside her expressionlessly, and sat down.

Aunt Chrysanthemum stood directly opposite the door of the operating room, looking up at the operating room lights, her wrinkled hands were tightly folded, her eyes staring at the operating room lights were full of tension and uneasiness And there are lingering worries.

Kang Jian stood in the smoking area farthest from the operating room, and from a distance he could only see his back and the white smoke that was drifting away.

"Mom." Holding a bag in her hand, Yang Yi walked quickly towards Gu Meiyun, with an undisguised worry and eagerness on her face. She glanced at the operating room with the lights on, and at Kang Shuo and Fang who were clasping their hands. Ying, did not speak.

"Xiao Yang is here." Gu Meiyun was about to stand up from the chair, but she saw Kang Shuo quickly let go of the hand held by Fang Ying, and showed Yang Yi a look that seemed weird to Yang Yi but made her feel strange. With an uneasy smile in his heart, he walked towards Yang Yi and Gu Meiyun.

Something flashed in Fang Ying's eyes, some puzzled, some slight anger, some gritted teeth, and even a hint of not-so-obvious hatred.Of course, all these complicated eyes were well covered by her in that second, and she smiled at Yang Yi, "Yang Yi is here, your grandma still has it inside." As she said, she turned her face Shuang Qi's worried eyes revealed a look that was more worried about the safety of the old lady than anyone else.

Gu Meiyun glanced coldly at the very contrived woman, then squinted at Kang Shuo who had already stepped in front of her and Yang Yi, and pulled Yang Yi behind her without a trace.Patted Yang Yi's cold back with both hands: "I've been in for a while."

The moment Aunt Ju saw Yang Yi, a little joy lit up in her eyes, the old lady finally didn't dote on the young master in vain.

"Young Mistress..."

"Aunt Ju, you can call me Yang Yi or Xiao Yang." Why do you feel that the three words "Young Mistress" sound so awkward?
"How could grandma..." She raised her eyes and asked Aunt Ju.

Aunt Chrysanthemum blamed herself, and stretched out her hand to wipe her slightly aged eyes: "Blame me, I didn't take good care of the old lady. After lunch, I sat with the old lady under the big umbrella to bask in the sun, chatting, while chatting , inadvertently talked about the small wild fruit that I had eaten before, and the old lady said that I really missed it. Then I wanted to wait for the old lady to take a lunch break, and go out for a stroll, and find some to come back to explain to the old lady. It just so happened that there was no one at home today, but I didn't expect that when I came back, I found the old lady lying on the stairs. She must have rolled down the stairs." When Aunt Ju finished speaking, her eyes seemed to flick to Fang Ying intentionally or unintentionally. The direction is slanted.

"Aunt Ju, don't blame yourself, grandma will be fine." Yang Yi seemed to be comforting Aunt Ju as well as herself.

What grandma loves the most is Master Kong, and now Master Kang is not at home. As Cambridge's wife, she has the obligation and responsibility to take care of grandma.

He stared straight at the door of the operating room, not knowing what was going on inside.

The old man, even if he fell the most, still rolled down the stairs, and there was no one at home.Hope it's all right.

But inadvertently, he saw Kang Shuo's eyes looking at her intentionally or unintentionally.

Yang Yi felt a shiver all over her body, she didn't like this feeling very much.I always felt that the way Kang Shuo looked at her was not at all the way an elder looks at a junior, or a father-in-law looks at his daughter-in-law.It was all about finding a substitute and comfort in her.

The way he looked at her was cloudy and not clear at all.

Subconsciously, Yang Yi moved closer behind Gu Meiyun.

Gu Meiyun also seemed to feel Yang Yi's uneasiness and Kang Shuo's very abnormal eyes. She gave Kang Shuo a hard look, took Yang Yi's hand and walked away to the other side.

Following Gu Meiyun's fierce stare, Kang Shuo seemed to have sensed his lack of focus and gaffe, and quickly withdrew his gaze from Yang Yi.Rubbing his hands awkwardly, he used this to cover up his embarrassment and discomfort at the moment.

Aunt Ju looked at Kang Shuo with some confusion, then turned to look at Gu Meiyun who was pulling Yang Yi away, and finally continued to look at the door of the operating room.

Fang Ying looked at Gu Meiyun and Yang Yi thoughtfully, her eyes, which were not very clear, became more complicated now.

She is sure that the relationship between Kang Shuo and Yang Yi is definitely not just the relationship between father-in-law and daughter-in-law.

From the very beginning, Kang Shuo's attitude towards Yang Yi was that he wished Yang Yi would disappear by Kang Qiao's side.He has always been interested in Qingxue and Cambridge.However, suddenly he had a 360-degree change.Not only did he agree with Kang Qiao and Yang Yi's affairs, but he also had great interest in letting Kang Qiao come back to take over the Kang Corporation.

Kang Qiao came back to take over the company, what about her son?Doesn't her son make wedding clothes for others?All these years of hard work supporting and managing everything in the company, but in the end, they have to hand over everything that remains unchanged to Cambridge?
Is there such a good thing?

He never gave Kang Qiao any kindness towards his son.However, at some point, his attitude towards Cambridge changed. On that day, she even heard him wishing that Cambridge would come back in an almost submissive tone.

In addition, every time he looks at Yang Yi, it is definitely not the way an elder looks at a junior, it seems like he is looking for something in Yang Yi.

Yes, that's what it feels like.

Just like now, when he saw Yang Yi appearing, he subconsciously let go of the hands he was holding with her.

Fang Ying is a smart person, otherwise, how could it be possible for Kang Shuo to take her back to the Kang family to live with his wife?
It's normal for a rich man to have a mistress, but it's impossible for a mistress who swaggers like her and is justifiable without some means and a little scheming.

(End of this chapter)

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