Wife stand at attention

Chapter 209 I want a son

Chapter 209 I want a son (1)
Withdrawing his eyes from Kang Shuo, he winked at Kang Mei indiscriminately.

Kang Mei received her gaze, and then winked at Ke Lei who was holding her son.

Ke Lei whispered a few words into Ke Muxuan's ear, and saw Ke Muxuan slumped down from Ke Lei's arms, twisted his short legs and ran towards Kang Shuo, pulling his clothes. Said childishly: "Grandpa, what's the matter with you, are you unhappy? Xuanxuan will accompany you, Xuanxuan will accompany you and grandma to wait for grandma. Grandma loves Xuanxuan so much, nothing will happen." , the chubby little hand took Kang Shuo's big palm, and then took Fang Ying's hand, holding them together like a little ghost.

Kang Shuo pursed his lips and smiled. After laughing, he bent down to hug Ke Muxuan, pinched his plump pink and tender cheeks, "Our Xuanxuan is the most obedient and the most sensible. Grandma knows that, she must be very happy. Happy. Okay, grandpa is holding you."

Ke Muxuan grinned: "Thank you, Grandpa."

Fang Ying patted the back of Kang Shuo's hand, with a generous and decent expression, tender and affectionate: "Don't worry, Mom will be fine."

The other side.

Gu Meiyun pulled Yang Yi to stand in front of the window at the end of the corridor, glanced at the few people in the family, raised a touch of indifference, and said softly to Yang Yi: "Stay away from that group from now on."

"Ah?" Yang Yi looked at Gu Meiyun blankly, and subconsciously understood that Gu Meiyun thought of her relationship with Kang Qiao when she looked at Fang Ying, Kang Mei's son and Kang Shuo's happy and happy appearance.

This relationship is really... so exhausting and nerve-wracking.

"Mom, Cambridge..." She wanted to say that it was inconvenient for Cambridge to come back because he was on a mission.But I don't know how to say it.

Gu Meiyun pursed her lips and smiled, showing a soft look in her eyes: "Mom knows that his job is special. It is my blessing and Cambridge's blessing to have such a sensible daughter-in-law like you. In fact, after so many things, what else can I do?" Can't see it? I have nothing else to ask, I just hope..." After a pause, he seemed to hesitate to speak, but looked at Yang Yi with complicated eyes.

Yang Yi looked back at her with some puzzlement, "Why..."

Gu Mei patted the back of her hand, "Child, some things cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences. You have also seen the relationship between the Kang family, so listen to Mom and stay away from that family. Especially Kang Shuo..."

"Mom..." The doubts in Yang Yi's heart deepened. She always felt that Gu Meiyun seemed to have something to say to her, "He..." I don't know how to call Kang Shuo. A word "Dad" must not be called exported, but...

Gu Meiyun caressed the broken hair around her ears somewhat unnaturally, "I'll tell you later when I have a chance."


Perhaps now is not the time to say it.

While they were talking, there was one more person - Li Qingxue.

Li Qingxue walked up to Fang Ying in a hurry, and asked eagerly, "Auntie, what's wrong with grandma? Why are you so careless? As soon as I received it..." As if realizing something, she immediately shut up, He didn't continue talking, but inadvertently glanced in the direction of Kang Mei and Ke Lei.

This glance happened to meet Ke Lei's eyes, and Li Qingxue stretched out her hand unnaturally to stroke the hair around her ears, and turned her eyes to look at the other side.Ke Lei put his arm around Kang Mei's shoulder, and pulled her into his arms.There is a lot of intentional meaning.

At the same time, the lights in the operating room went out, the door opened, and the doctor came out.

No one noticed, no one called Li Qingxue at all, but she appeared in the hospital just in time.

People, swarmed up.

Fang Ying hurriedly asked before everyone else: "Doctor, how is my mother?"

The doctor took off the mask: "We have tried our best..."

Hearing this, Aunt Ju fell to the ground, "Old lady..."

A flash of darkness flashed in Fang Ying's eyes, but it was well hidden by her: "How could this be?"

Kang Shuo was dumbfounded.

Yang Yi and Gu Meiyun hurried over, and when they heard the words the doctor said, they also stayed where they were.

Just gone?
How sad will Master Kong be when he finds out?In the entire Kang family, he only cares about one grandma.

Li Qingxue covered her mouth with her hands sadly, and almost cried bitterly, but the tears rolled down as soon as she said it.

Kang Mei snuggled into Ke Lei's arms, pursing her lips sadly.

Kang Jian's eyes were still deep, making it difficult to see whether it was sadness or something else.

The doctor scanned the group of people with different expressions, but spit out the second sentence: "The old lady is very likely to have a stroke, so you must be mentally prepared."


So people's eyes are very consistent straight to the doctor.

Please, can you finish the sentence in one go?

The doctor shook his head helplessly and left.

The old lady was transferred to the VIP ward.

Yang Yi stood beside Gu Meiyun, holding Gu Meiyun's arm with both hands.

Li Qingxue stood beside Fang Ying and Kang Shuo.

No matter how you look at it, this admiration is so...disharmonious.

The moment Yang Yi and Li Qingxue looked into each other's eyes, there seemed to be countless flames flashing in the air, and they ran around.

Li Qingxue: Yang Yi, remember, I won't just let it go!What you owe me, I will take it back bit by bit sooner or later!
Yang Yi: If you have the guts, let the horse come here!My sister will be afraid of you!Damn it, you and I are not on the same level at all!

At the same time that Yang Yi and Li Qingxue were eye-to-eye, Gu Meiyun also had a round of eye-to-eye with Fang Ying.

After a duel, Li Qingxue left.

Kang Mei's family also left, the reason being that Ke Muxuan used to go to bed early.

Kang Jian had something to do with the company, and the old lady was in no danger anymore. There was nothing he could do about the stroke, so he also left.

Yang Yi and Gu Meiyun scoffed coldly in their hearts.

Gu Meiyun wanted to pull Yang Yi to leave together, but Yang Yi did not leave in the end.The old lady loves Master Kong so much, she must really want to see her most beloved grandson when she opens her eyes.It's a pity that Master Kong has a mission, so he can't.

Therefore, she is obliged to be filial to Master Kang.

I believe that the old lady will be relieved to see her when she opens her eyes.Besides, the old lady treats her well, even if she loves the house and loves Wu, this is what she should do as a junior.

Naturally, Aunt Ju would not leave, just like that, she blamed herself to death.

When Kang Shuo heard that Yang Yi was going to stay and take care of the old lady, a faint joy flashed in his eyes.Gu Meiyun didn't want to stay at first, but when she inadvertently saw the faint joy in Kang Shuo's eyes, she also decided to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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