Wife stand at attention

Chapter 210 I want a son

Chapter 210 I want a son (2)
Seeing that Gu Meiyun stayed, Fang Ying naturally stayed too.However, the doctor told the hospital ward that it is not appropriate to leave so many people guarding the bed overnight. Firstly, it is for the sake of the patients, and secondly, it is really unnecessary.

So, in the end, only Yang Yi, Gu Meiyun and Kang Shuo remained.

After Fang Ying glanced at the three of them with complicated eyes, she left.Aunt Ju, on the other hand, glanced at Fang Ying and then at Yang Yi, and finally left.

On the hospital bed, the old lady was lying quietly, the effect of the medicine had not worn off, so she was asleep.

Yang Yijue felt a little uncomfortable, the ward was very large, but it gave her a feeling of being uncomfortable all over.If at this moment, only she and Gu Meiyun were with the old lady, she would not feel this way.But there was Master Kang and his father, and her father-in-law also stayed.Leaving aside the special relationship between Kang Shuo and Gu Meiyun, let's just say that the special way Kang Shuo looked at her made her want to turn around and leave.

But, no!
Gu Meiyun patted her hand, and said softly to her: "After waiting for so long, you are also hungry. Grandma didn't wake up so soon, so go and have dinner first, and then bring me a copy." .”

Yang Yi is 12 extremely grateful for Gu Mei's proposal at this moment.

Or mother-in-law!

Just because of her mother-in-law's love for her, she also decided that she must restore the mother-child relationship between her and Master Kong.

Yang Yi pursed her lips and smiled at her: "Mom, what do you want to eat? I'll bring it back for you."

Gu Meiyun smiled: "It's okay, I'm not picky."

Yang Yijue, in fact, this mother-in-law is really easy to get along with.

When I was about to lift my legs and walk outside...

"It's so late, it's not safe for you to go out alone as a girl, dad will accompany you." Kang Shuo's voice sounded behind her.

Yang Yi: "..."

A feeling of swallowing half a fly instantly spread throughout her body, and she was so shocked that she didn't know what to do next or how to answer.

So he just raised one foot like that, not knowing whether it is better to take a step forward or put down the foot and stand at attention, which is a dilemma.

"Kang Shuo." Gu Meiyun's voice sounded when Kang Shuo was about to walk to Yang Yi's side, "This is a hospital, what could be unsafe? Also, I have something to tell you! Xiao Yang, bring two copies back later."

"Oh!" Yang Yi quickly sprinted out of the ward almost like a [-]-meter sprint.If she didn't go out again, she probably either died of suffocation or was swatted to death by flies.

Mother-in-law, you are really my savior, I swear, I will teach you very well.

This is the idea that Comrade Xiao Yang has been swaying in his mind when he rushed out of the ward.

Something flashed in Kang Shuo's eyes, looking at Yang Yi's disappearing figure, he was a little dazed and absent-minded, and there was a sense of emptiness as if he had lost something. Gu Meiyun walked to his side at some point, and kept close to him. With a distance of three steps, he said in a cold and contemptuous tone: "Then your son's wife! Even if you don't like Cambridge anymore, he is still your son! I hope you don't ruin the last trace of being a father and a man. The dignity of the elders!"

Kang Shuo turned around and looked at her with very complicated eyes: "I always knew she was Kang Qiao's wife and my daughter-in-law! I also want him to come back to take over the Kang Corporation and let her work in the company..."

"Hehe!" Gu Meiyun sneered: "Kang Shuo, are you right? Let Kang Qiao come back to take care of the Kang Corporation? Does he need to take over? The Kang Corporation has always been his! You really think I will agree to leave the Kang Corporation to Kang Jian? Does he have the qualifications? Even you don't have the qualifications!" He looked straight at Kang Shuo coldly and expressionlessly, and pointed at the old lady lying on the hospital bed, "If it wasn't for me, you Do you think your Kang family can have today? You Kang Shuo can raise a little wife? You figured it out, you—Kang Shuo and your little wife’s family are all raised by me and Gu Meiyun!"

Kang Shuo's old face alternated between green and red, "I don't want to quarrel with you!"

Gu Meiyun also raised her mouth in disdain, "Don't worry, no one will argue with you again!"

On the hospital bed, the unconscious old lady had a line of tears dripping from the corners of her eyes, running down her wrinkled cheeks and sinking into the white pillow cover.

In the ward, there was silence, and the sound of the salt water being tapped could be heard.

When Yang Yi came back, Kang Shuo was no longer in the ward, only Gu Meiyun was sitting on the bedside of the old lady, looking at the old lady in a daze with very complicated eyes.

"Mom, let's eat." As soon as the packaged meal was placed in front of her, the "Mom" seemed to be more and more fluent.

Gu Meiyun smiled knowingly, and withdrew her distracted thoughts.Silently eating the food that Yang Yi brought back, his mind was full of thoughts, as if the ball of thread was messed up and he couldn't figure it out.

Kang family.

Fang Ying sat on the bed, leaning against the back of the bed, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

For a long time.

Throwing off the quilt, she stood up from the bed, walked out of the door, and went straight to Kang Shuo's study.


There is a safe under Kang Shuo's desk. She knows that Kang Shuo puts some important documents and materials in this safe.However, she never thought that she would open this safe, but today she had to open it.

She believed that in this safe, there must be everything she wanted to know.

The password has been entered several times, but it is not correct.

Her birthday, Kang Shuo's birthday, the days when she and Kang Shuo met, and even the old lady's and Gu Meiyun's birthdays were used, but she still couldn't open the safe.

Fang Ying squatted in front of the safe, her eyes were gloomy and calm.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in her mind, and she thought of Kang Shuo's abnormal eyes looking at Yang Yi.

With the mentality of giving it a try, I entered the date when Yang Yi and Cambridge received the certificate.

But I didn't want to, the insurance was opened.

Eyes, a piece of cold.

He actually used Yang Yi and Cambridge's wedding date as the password!

Fang Ying was very angry!
Does this mean that Yang Yi and Cambridge are very important to him.But, important?Who is the main ingredient?Is it Yang Yi or Cambridge?
At this moment, Fang Ying didn't have much time to think about this issue, so she reached out and took out a stack of documents from the safe.

However, the more I looked at her, the uglier her face became, and then it became hideously distorted.

She never thought it would be like this!
He quietly put the documents back into the safe and re-locked the safe.Although the expression on her face at this moment is not enough to describe with the word "stern", but five seconds later, like a face-changing master of Sichuan opera, she withdrew that hideous and terrifying expression, and restored her usual noble and elegant .

(End of this chapter)

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