Wife stand at attention

Chapter 211 I want a son

Chapter 211 I want a son (3)
When I got back to the room, the mobile phone on the table showed five missed calls.


She only went out for a while, how could there be so many calls?
But they were all strange calls.

Fang Ying ignored it and threw the phone on the table. The photos and information she just saw flashed in her mind.

"Di-di-" The phone prompts that there is a text message.

Fang Ying was a little annoyed.

Annoyed at this time, being disturbed.

I took the phone, clicked to read the text message, and wanted to delete it directly, but when I saw the content of the text message, my face turned pale.

Text message: Mrs. Kang, it's okay if you don't answer the phone. One thing 30 years ago, two things 16 years ago, you should not forget.It doesn't matter if you forget, I can remind you.If you don't want my big mouth, wait for my call!
The text message was not signed, but it was enough to scare Fang Ying out of her wits.Subconsciously, he threw the phone in his hand out.

No, how come?
How could this be?
The ringtone suddenly rang, and the phone that Fang Ying threw on the ground rang. In this unusually quiet villa, the ringtone was so piercing and sharp.


In the dark night, in the gloomy cemetery, the cold wind blows, and the chill is chilly.

A figure stood in front of Yang Yongxin's tomb in a daze, like a stone statue.The clothes swayed in the wind, and it looked extraordinarily gloomy in this already gloomy cemetery.

After coming out of the hospital, he drove directly to the cemetery and stood in front of Yang Yongxin's tomb.

In his mind, Yang Yongxin's previous appearance kept appearing, but was replaced by Yang Yi's face, so repeated and alternated.


It just passed by unconsciously, and everyone had their own thoughts.

When the old lady woke up, it was already noon the next day.It was Yang Yi and Gu Meiyun who opened their eyes and looked into their eyelids. Both of them had a slight sadness on their faces, worried and tired.

Seeing her daughter-in-law and grand-daughter-in-law, the old lady pursed her lips knowingly and smiled, and an old tear dripped from the corner of her eye.

As the doctor said, Mrs. Kang had a stroke, and she could not speak clearly enough to understand what she wanted to say.

But there is one sentence that Yang Yi understood, that is, Mrs. Kang said: Don't tell Xiaoqiao.Then he pointed to Yang Yi and said: You go home.

Yang Yi understood what she meant, don't tell Cambridge about her stroke, don't make him worry.Then I hope she can move back to Kang's house, maybe the old lady can't see her grandson and wants to see her grandson more.

The first point, of course, is no problem.But as for the second point, Yang Yi was a little entangled. It wasn't that she didn't want to be a filial piety for Master Kang, but letting her live in Kang's house made her feel uncomfortable no matter what.In this way, isn't he getting along with Master Kang and his father every day, isn't he living in dire straits with his weird eyes every day?
After entanglement, Yang Yi made a decision, that is to live in Kang's house resolutely in order to be a filial piety for Master Kang.Anyway, she went to work during the day, and stayed in the old lady's room at night, trying to minimize the positive contact with Kang Shuo.

The old lady nodded when she saw Yang Yi, showing a happy smile.

Aunt Ju cleaned up the room in Cambridge again.In fact, there was nothing to clean up. Even though Cambridge hadn't stayed in that room for a night in the past ten years, Aunt Ju would clean the room every day, and it was very clean.

Another week passed.

The happiest person in the entire Kang family is the old lady. Although she can't speak clearly, the joy on her face cannot be concealed.

In fact, sometimes taking medicine may not be effective when you are sick, but when you feel better, your condition will naturally get better soon.

Mrs. Kang had a stroke. Although she couldn't recover in a day or two, at least this week, she improved a lot.Occasionally, others can understand what I say.

The life is quite peaceful. During the week when she moved into Kang's house, Yang Yi hardly saw Kang Shuo much.During the day, she has to go to work, and at night she is basically in the old lady's room.The old lady fell asleep, so she went back to Master Kong's former room and locked the door.Go online, chat, and occasionally talk on the phone with Yangliu and Xiaocao.

In fact, Yang Liu didn't quite agree with Yang Yi moving back to Kang's house, so naturally he was worried about Kang Shuo.Moreover, the relationship between the Kang family is so complicated. Kang Shuo, who obviously has two wives, seems to have something for their mother.Although they couldn't know what the deceased mother's attitude was towards Kang's father, just hearing Yang Yi talk about Kang Shuo's strange eyes looking at her made Yang Liu very worried that she would enter such a complicated family alone.

But, no way!

The chief is not here, so the elder sister can only do his filial piety for him.Furthermore, I heard from the old lady that in the entire Kang family, the head chief cared most about the old lady, so now that the old lady has a stroke, the old lady should be filial to both of them.This is what people should do in their lifetime.

Going to work from Kang's villa is not as convenient as going to work from your own home.Although this is not the most affluent villa area in Jing City, the people who live here are either rich or expensive, and everyone has several cars.So, there is no bus station at all.

When Comrade Xiao Yang went to work, he had to walk about four stops to get to the bus station, and it was not a direct one, so he had to transfer a bus to get to the company.At least two hours a day were spent waiting for the bus and getting on the bus.

The old lady meant to provide her with a car, but Yang Yi refused.First, she can't drive and doesn't have a driver's license. Second, like Master Kong, she is not interested in the Kang family's money.

So the second meaning of the old lady was to hire a driver to take Yang Yi to and from get off work every day.

Yang Yi still politely refused.

She is not a young lady, not so delicate.When she moved into the Kang family, she didn't think about getting any benefits from the Kang family, she just showed her filial piety for Master Kang and herself.Besides, she didn't plan to live in Kang's house for a long time. When the old lady's health improved, she wanted to go back to her own house.

That is her home, one is the home left by her mother to her and Liuliu, and the other is the home given to her by Master Kong.Here... not.Complicated relationships, flustered eyes, no feeling of belonging to home and warmth.

on Monday.

Another busy day until get off work.

While turning off the computer, he took the desk calendar and looked at it idly.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

Staring at the desk calendar without blinking, he was stunned.

December NO.13!

Today is already NO.13?

(End of this chapter)

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