Wife stand at attention

Chapter 212 I want a son

Chapter 212 I want a son (4)
Her aunt hasn't come yet this month!
All along, the date of her aunt's visit every month is very accurate, and most of them are just plus or minus one day's error.But this month, it was more than ten days late!

During this period of time, I was busy with work and was busy with the old lady, so I was so busy that I even forgot that my aunt didn't come to visit relatives.

Wait, in her current state, it will definitely not be disordered.There is only one possibility, that is, she...then what...won the lottery!

The computer screen went black and shut down.

Yang Yi reacted quickly, picked up her bag, and was about to rush out, but stopped her steps quickly.Can't run, can't run.

At this time, you cannot run.

If there is, it is very dangerous to run.

Calm down, calm down.

The thing to do now is to go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test paper.Then go to the hospital for a check-up when you are free.

Taking a deep breath, he patted his over-excited cheeks, walked out of his office with normal and unnatural steps, and headed for the elevator.However, the excitement in my heart still couldn't be suppressed well.

I wonder how Master Kong will feel when he finds out?
Happy, as excited and excited as she is now?

Well, for sure.

As if with telepathy, just as he thought of Master Kong, the cell phone in his bag rang.

Take it out and take a look, it shows Master Kong.

Just when the elevator arrived, he took a look at the crowded elevator, and then wanted to answer Master Kong's call, so Comrade Xiao Yang chose to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

There are too many people in the elevator, so it is inconvenient to talk on the phone. It is rare for Master Kong to call, so naturally we have to have a good chat.She hasn't received a call from Master Kong for more than half a month.

There is such a trace of sweetness in my heart, and such a trace of joy that cannot be concealed.

After answering the phone, he walked towards the stairs, "Master Kong."

There was joy in her voice.

"Get off work?" A familiar and long-lost voice came from the phone, with a touch of expectation.

"Well, I just got off work and just thought of you, so you called." She didn't hide her expectation and miss for him.

"Yang Xiaoguai." Master Kang's voice was a little quiet, as if he was thinking about something.

"Huh?" The stairs were quiet, she was the only one, and she could even hear her own echo.Why is it that Master Kang's "Yang Xiaoguai" sounded different from what he usually called her, and seemed to be filled with deep yearning?
Well, Yang Xiao has been following Master Kang obediently for a long time, and it is inevitable that he has become a little narcissistic about him.In fact, it's good to be so narcissistic once in a while.

Master Kang's kind voice continued to reach her ears through radio waves: "I'll be back in half a month. I'll be on vacation for a few days. Where do you want to go?"

While going down the stairs, Yang Xiaoguai counted with her fingers, and in half a month, it would be Master Kang's birthday.

Well, Mr. Kang has got his birthday present this year.

Thinking about it, Yang Xiaoguai asked the wrong thing: "Master Kang, if I give you a gift, what do you want most?"

"Huh?" Mr. Kang over there couldn't react all of a sudden.

So, Yang Xiaoguai repeated patiently: "I mean, if I give you a present, what would you want most?"

Mr. Kang did not answer but asked instead: "Why did you give me a gift when you are so good? Are you implying that I should give you a gift? Tell me, what gift do you want most, I will buy it for you when I come back."

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Master Kang, why are you so unartistic?

Don't you usually look quite artistic?Why are you so dull at this moment?
Well, don't expect too much from you.

That's it.

Yang Xiaoguai answered Mr. Kang's above questions in a good mood and artistically: "I want a son."

Lord Kang: "..."

After being stunned, Mr. Kang over there chuckled softly, and it was still the kind of naughty and naughty laughter.After laughing, Mr. Kang said solemnly and seriously: "Little boy Yang, don't worry, I will definitely give you this gift when I come back, and there is no limit on it."

Yang Xiaoguai: "..." No limit?
Why do these words sound so scary?
Mr. Kang, are you really sure you can go up without setting a limit?
Well, this is not the point, really not the point.The point is that she is pretty sure that this gift is already stored in her stomach.

So Yang Xiaoguai twitched his lips, and said to Mr. Kang very mysteriously: "Then let's talk about it when you come back."

"How's grandma doing?" After flirting, Kang Qiao asked about the old lady's condition.

Yang Yi hesitated for a while, should she tell him the truth or hide it from him for the time being?
In the end, Yang Yi decided to hide it from him for the time being. He is now on a mission. What if he finds out about his grandma's stroke and affects his work mood?After all, his job is special, and no mistakes are allowed.

Thinking about it, I tried to speak to him in a normal tone: "Well, it's good, I just went to see her two weekends ago, and praised me for being sensible, saying that you are lucky to marry me." To make the atmosphere more lively, in fact, the old lady's body is obviously better than the previous two days.When Master Kong comes back, grandma will probably be happier when she sees her, and it will get better sooner.

Over there, when Master Kang heard Yang Xiaoguai's words, he was even more frightened, and almost turned his tail, "That is, can the woman I like be bad? It must be the best!"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Kang Da-ren's nature is as usual.

Then you still fell in love with Li Qingxue before, could it be said that you have first-class vision?
Well, that is a stain in Mr. Kang's life. People are not sages, so how can they be innocent.Just like her, she was once blind.

Well, the merits and demerits equalize.

Therefore, Mrs. Kang Yang Xiaoguai was very cooperative with Mr. Kang's narcissism and jealousy, and responded very dog-leggedly: "Well, my Mr. Kang has the best vision!"

Over there, Mr. Kang smiled, and he was in a particularly good mood, like white clouds floating in the clear sky.

Master Kang said: Xiaoguai Yang, it's been cold recently, remember to wear an extra dress.

Yang Xiaoguai said: Mr. Kang, my wife is not around, so take care of your body.

Master Kang asked: Didn't you say you were going to resign last time?Why are you still at work?Changed company?

(End of this chapter)

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