Wife stand at attention

Chapter 213 I want a son

Chapter 213 I want a son (5)
Yang Xiaoguai said: No change, it was just a misunderstanding.I'll tell you the details when you come back.

You said what I said along the way, when Yang Yi just went down from the [-]th floor to the first floor, someone called Master Kang over there.So Master Kang went through the instructions again, and hung up the phone.

Yang Xiaoguai grinned slightly.

Putting the phone in the bag, he walked towards the company gate, intending to go to the nearest pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick.

A black Mercedes-Benz stopped beside her, the door opened, and a man's voice came: "Yang Yi."

Yang Yi turned her head.

Kang Jian, who was dressed in a neat suit, was standing by the car door, looking at Yang Yi expressionlessly but very strangely.

Yang Yi turned her eyes and glanced around, and after confirming that she was the center of the ten-meter diameter, there was no one she knew except Kang Jian with the strange face that she knew.

Pointing to herself, she looked at Kang Jian who was standing by the car door indifferently: "You... looking for me?" It seems that what she said to him would not be enough to use up ten fingers, right?Although she lived in the Kang family's villa during this time, she rarely saw Kang Jian, let alone talked.

So... What does it mean that he stopped in front of her and called her by her name...?
For Yang Yijue, Kang Jian is an elusive person, somewhat uncertain.To put it bluntly, in her opinion, his personality is definitely a flawed personality.In other words, as far as the Kang family is concerned, except for Master Kang, it seems that everyone has a personality defect, right?With such a family, it's not surprising that there are no defects, so Master Kong is definitely a rare animal.

Kang Jian, who was standing by the car door, had an unknown dimness in his eyes, continued to look at Yang Yi expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice: "Passing by, it's inconvenient to go home by bus, if you don't mind Take you for a ride."

"No, thank you! I have other things, don't bother Mr. Kang." Yang Yi resolutely refused without hesitation, and even used the word "Mr. Kang" to distance herself from Kang Jian.

She has never always believed in the beautiful thing of a pie falling from the sky.

Kang Jian's eyes flickered again, but he didn't say anything. He cast a vague glance at Yang Yi, got into his car, and then drove away, leaving only a long man behind. Long exhaust.

Yang Yi felt a little puzzled by the tailpipe on the opposite side.Touching the tip of his nose, showing an inexplicable smile, he continued towards the pharmacy.

Not far away, inside the BMW car, a pair of gloomy eyes were staring straight at Yang Yi's receding back. He was holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, with bulging veins on the back of his hands. There was a layer of hideousness, and they didn't leave for a long time until Yang Yi's figure disappeared, and the BMW car left slowly.


Shi Xiaocao and Miaomiao little princess, mother and daughter, were happily eating a set meal.

At this moment, all the food on the table has been emptied by the mother and daughter, only a few hamburger wrappers, French fries boxes, and ketchup bags are left. Of course, two iced Cokes are essential.It's just that the cup in front of Shi Xiaocao has bottomed out, while the cup in front of Princess Miaomiao still has half a cup left.

The little princess leaned on the back of the sofa-like chair, stroking her chubby little belly, and "hiccup—" hiccupped very contentedly.

When facing her, Xiaocao also leaned on the back of the chair, and hiccupped in a very unrecognizable way. The only difference from the little princess was that she didn't caress her full belly.

"Mommy, there will be parent-child activities in the kindergarten next week, and I want Daddy to participate like Mommy, what should I do baby?" The little princess asked while stroking her little belly, and she was sitting across from her and was picking her teeth with a toothpick. time grass.

"Oh, when the time comes, Mommy will bring the Second Young Master together." Shi Xiaocao said with a natural expression, "Don't worry, the Second Young Master is under Mommy's control now, and Mommy has the final say! Nothing matters to the baby Big one. So, don't worry baby, when the time comes, we'll be the best!"

The little princess rolled her eyes, and the corner of her lips raised a smile that seemed to have no calculations: "But Mommy, brother Jiankang said that he wants Daddy and Mommy to participate together, and Mommy won't let the baby shout Uncle Daddy. You only let me call you Uncle or Second Young Master. The uncle can’t participate in parent-child activities, let alone Second Young Master. It’s like a bully in a TV show. Miao Miao doesn’t want someone who sounds like It’s like a bully to have a parent-child with me! Mommy, I think, otherwise you don’t have to participate, I’ll find Aunt Yi and Uncle, anyway, they played pretend play with Miaomiao last time..."

"Miao Miao baby..." Shi Xiaocao's ups and downs, but also very amiable and lovely voice sounded, "Last time it was because Mommy was not here, this time Mommy is here, why bother Auntie Yi? Auntie is busy now, how can I have so much time to play house with you."

"Did Mommy say what to do?" Baby Miaomiao pursed her lips, looked at Shi Xiaocao with a little displeasure, and even put her hands on her waist, with the expression of a little maid, angry He said calmly, "Anyway, I don't care. Brother Kang Jian said it's only daddy's mommy, so it's only daddy's mommy. Mommy, you can figure it out!"

"Hehe, Xiao Mian, dare to threaten your mommy and me?" Shi Xiaocao Le imitated Miaomiao's appearance, and put his hands on his waist to look at Miaomiao.

Miaomiao stuck out her tongue and made a grimace at her: "It's not a threat, it's a discussion, okay? If it's a threat, I'll just..."

"How about direct?" The smile on Xiaocao Zhizi's face got bigger and bigger, that's called an innocent and cute smile.

"Did you just pull Daddy and leave Mommy behind?" Baby looked at Shi Xiaocao with a face like Mommy, you are so stupid.

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Speechless looking up ING...

After being speechless, Shi Xiaocao calmly pointed to the children's play area in front of her, and said to Miaomiao, "You, I'll give you half an hour to play by yourself." After speaking, she directly reached out for the small half cup in front of the baby. Coke, but I don't want my baby to hug the Coke into my arms quickly, "Mum, this is mine! Yours is there!" While speaking, he pointed to the glass of Coke that had already bottomed out in front of Shi Xiaocao , looking at Shi Xiaocao with a face full of "adults can't grab children's food, or you will be ashamed and shameless".

Shi Xiaocao: Damn it!My old lady has raised you up so much and made you so fat and vain, so why is it not as important to you as half a cup of Coke?

Tears ING...

As a result, the mother and daughter began to stare and enter an infinite confrontation.

"Shi Miao." The mother and daughter's confrontation was interrupted by a childish voice. The mother and daughter turned their heads in search of the sound, only to see Ke Muxuan walking towards them holding Kang Shuo's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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