Wife stand at attention

Chapter 214 Yang Yi's Exclamation

Chapter 214 Yang Yi's Exclamation (1)
The moment Kang Shuo saw Xiaocao, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and he hugged Ke Muxuan into his arms. Before Xiaocao could speak, he sat down beside her, pointing to sit on the table. Miao Miao on the opposite side of Xiaocao, "Is this your daughter?"

Xiaocao was a little displeased with Kang Shuo's uninvited behavior, and even more baffled by his question.She couldn't even remember who this middle-aged man was, but she felt a little familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.As for the little boy in his arms, she remembered that he was in the same kindergarten as Bao'er, and seemed to be the son of so-and-so.

Oh yes, I remembered!

It was this old lady with a small butt that broke Sister Yi's leg, causing Sister Yi to have a plaster cast for nearly a month.Damn it, that day when she sent her baby to the kindergarten, she met someone's third aunt, and that third aunt gave her a look of hatred as if she wanted to shoot her dead.

After thinking about it, she turned her head slightly, glanced at Kang Shuo who was sitting beside her, and suddenly remembered that she had met this man once at Sister Yi's house.Apparently, he seems to be the chief's brother-in-law and his father, that is, Sister Yi and her father-in-law.

Well, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So, he showed a not-so-good smile to Kang Shuo, and waved to Miao Miao, "Honey, it's time for us to go back."

Because Xiaocao and Miaomiao were sitting by the window, and if there were chairs, they were sofa-style, and the baby said that such chairs were comfortable to sit on, so the mother and daughter chose this seat and sat down.Therefore, if the people sitting inside want to leave, the people sitting outside must stand up and make room for them.

Xiaocao thought that after she finished speaking, Kang Shuo would get up and make way for her in a sensible way.But he didn't want to, Kang Shuo, who was sitting outside holding Ke Muxuan, didn't have the slightest intention to get up, but said to Ke Muxuan who was sitting in his arms: "Xuanxuan, go to the play area with your classmates for a while Grandpa will buy you whatever you want."

"Oh." Ke Muxuan replied obediently, sat on his knees and climbed down and said to Miao Miao, "Shi Miao, let's go on the slide."

Miao Miao squinted at him, and raised her chin with displeasure: "I won't go with you, can I not skate by myself? Why do I want to skate with you? Huh!" After finishing speaking, he raised his chin, She walked towards the play area with small steps like a maiden.

Ke Muxuan hurriedly followed Miaomiao's footsteps.

Shi Xiaocao took the small half cup of Coke that Miao Miao put down, took a sip from the straw, and looked at Kang Shuo indifferently: "Mr. Kang, what can I tell you?"

What she despises the most in her life are rotten people who have no moral integrity, such as raising mistresses behind their backs.Obviously, Kang Shuo fits the type that Shi Xiaocao hates.Even if you drag and pull a little bit of nepotism, so what?Who dumped you!
"I am..." Kang Shuo paused slightly, concentrating on his own identity, and after three seconds, he said to Xiaocao with a loving face and softness: "I am your sister's father."

"Cough—" Xiaocao choked.

I am your sister's father.

Does this mean that I should also call you Dad?
Why are these words so cold?Cold with a feeling of horror?

It was very difficult to swallow the Coke that almost spewed out of his mouth. It is really uncomfortable to say that it is really uncomfortable to be choked by Coke.Showing a harmless smile to Kang Shuo, he said flatly, "I'm sorry, Kang..." Xiaocao also paused for a moment, not knowing what to call him. In the end, Xiaocao is very moral He called out such a title, "Uncle Kang, my sister has never had a father since she was a child, and you... are just a father-in-law! Father-in-law and father are really different." The word "true" was specially emphasized.

The words "No father since childhood" stabbed Kang Shuo slightly, and there was a trace of hurt in his eyes, "Are you married?" Since her daughter is this old, she must be married.

Xiaocao stared at him incredulously, what do you mean?
Why did she seem to see a look of disappointment in his eyes?Seems like a disappointment to her?And when the word "marriage" was mentioned, the disappointment in those eyes grew even stronger.

what's the situation?
Xiaocao was a little confused.

What did it matter to him whether she married or not?Do you need to be disappointed after knowing that she is married?
Besides, in what capacity did he ask her this question?Are they no different from strangers?Even if there is Aunt Yi in the middle, it still hasn't reached this point, right?Is he out of his mind to ask people so directly if they are married?
Facing him, Xiaocao raised a dozen cold smiles, and said in that unemotional tone: "Mr. Kang, don't you realize that you care too much? I'm sorry, we've finished eating, what do you want?" I'm going back, please let me go." Xiaocao didn't want to have any more entanglements with him, this person, in her database, was directly promoted to the blacklist.

However, Kang Shuo still had no intention of getting out of the way, and an expression eager to explain was raised on his face: "Don't get me wrong, I just care about you two sisters, there is no other meaning. I just As an elder, I just care about you, no matter what, I am also your sister's father... father-in-law."

So far, Xiaocao has almost disgusted his actions and words.

I rely on!

Does my wife need you to care about her?Still fucking caring about being an elder?My old lady has no shortage of people to care about, okay?If the elders care, my Taijun's care is enough, okay?

The displeasure on his face was obvious, and he stood up from his seat, "Thank you, I don't think it's necessary! Please let me go."

Kang Shuo stood up from the chair, turned his body slightly, and continued to use his very concerned expression to say to Xiaocao: "If you have time, you can bring your husband and daughter to Kang's house for a few days. God. Your sister has moved back to Kang's house, we are a family..."

Xiaocao was speechless.

"Mr. Kang's kindness, we appreciate it, but I don't think it's necessary." Before Kang Shuo finished speaking, he saw the tall figure of the second young master appearing in front of him. With a smile like a spring breeze, he waved to Xiaocao.Xiaocao walked over Kang Shuo to his side, was gently embraced by him, and then continued to smile and look at Kang Shuo who was a little stunned when he saw him appearing and such an intimate posture with Xiaocao: "I I think Mr. Kang should pay more attention to his family. We will care about the people and things of the Ran family."

The moment Kang Shuo saw Ran Xu and the intimacy between him and Xiaocao, a bunch of complicated eyes spread out in his eyes, and he showed an elder smile to Ran Xu and Xiaocao: " What Young Master Ran said is very true, but no matter what, as a relative, it is normal to move around and care. I will not bother you young couple." After finishing speaking, he turned and left, but at the moment of turning around, there was a flash of unwillingness in his eyes And pass.

(End of this chapter)

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