Wife stand at attention

Chapter 215 Yang Yi's Exclamation

Chapter 215 Yang Yi's Exclamation (2)
"Baby, let's go." The second young master hugged Xiao Cao and waved to Miao Miao who was having fun in the play area.

"Oh." Miao Miao slid down the slide and trotted to the front of the two of them. The second young master took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped off the sweat from her forehead, with a fatherly look on her face.

Not far away, Kang Shuo had a panoramic view of every move of the third-rank family, and a dim and complex look flashed again.

The second young master held Miao Miao in one hand and Xiaocao in the other, and headed towards his car, "Stay away from that old man from now on, his conduct is not good."

"I don't even bother to talk to such a corrupt person like him!" Xiaocao agreed with the second young master's words, "Fortunately, my brother-in-law didn't pass on his corrupt behavior, otherwise sister Yi will be miserable. Hey That's not right!" Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he raised his head and said to the second young master with a tangled face, "I just heard from him that Sister Yi moved to the Kang family, so wouldn't Sister Yi be a sheep? jaws of death?"

The second young master pinched her waist hard: "Little nanny, this is not something you should care about! That's her man's business. What you have to care about now is how to be a good 24-hour nanny for this young master."

"Damn it!" Shi Xiaocao, the babysitter, was furious, staring at her almond eyes, and put her hands on her hips, "Second Young Master, if you have the guts, can you say it again?"

Your uncle, do you really treat my mother as a babysitter?It's pretty good that my old lady doesn't treat you like a 24-hour security guard.

While talking, the three of them had already walked to the side of the second young master's car. The second young master opened the rear door and put the baby on the ground, "Baby, get in the car."

Bao'er has always listened to the second young master's words very much, twisted her small body, and climbed onto the car seat.

The second young master showed Shi Xiaocao a smirk like a ruffian, and there was a touch of evil in the smirk, and he circled his long arms, directly wrapping Shi Xiaocao between his arms and the car window, smiling He didn't speak, but it was extremely ambiguous.

Shi Xiaocao, who was surrounded by his arms, stretched out the arms that encircled her with Taishan's unchanging hands, and showed him a smile that was more ruffian, badder and more evil than him, "Second Young Master, please have a good time with people at the right time and place before you get into heat, okay? As a human being, a high-level animal, we must have a social morality and morality in life, OK?"

The evil and ruffian smirk on the face of the second young master became even stronger, and he breathed hot air at Shi Xiaocao, calmly, and said the words very calmly: "Actually, I just want to tell you... your face is stained." Ketchup. But, I really...really don't mind if you want to get hot on me. But like you said, we still have to make up with each other first, don't we? After all, we are advanced animals and human beings, and we cannot be in heat anywhere." The second young master turned Xiaocao back to the original place with deep meaning, not only making her dizzy, but also her mouth.

Seeing that Shi Xiaocao's eyes were wide open, he wanted to refute but couldn't say a word.So, he could only stare at the second young master with a very smug smile with resentful eyes.

The second young master was in a good mood, he raised his thumb, and directly wiped the ketchup on Xiaocao's cheek.

Shi Xiaocao was furious!
"Ran, San, Qi! Sister is going to kill you!"

Ran Sanqi, this is a very meaningful nickname given to the Second Young Master by Shi Xiaocao Tongzi.

Just when Shi Xiaocao raised his hand to kill the second young master...

Baby Miaomiao's pink and tender voice came: "Mommy, the daylily that baby is sitting on is almost cold, are you two alright? Otherwise, baby will ask third uncle to come pick it up, and then you two Let's continue."

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Second Young Master: "..."

The two were speechless at the same time.

In the villa, the third young master, who was holding a handbag and holding a handbag in the Mijia villa, was very devoted to chopping bosses in the online game. It was destroyed, and the blood flowed all over the place, Over-ing.

"Damn! Ran Xiaosan, if you tell me that you are playing games while playing XO, I can forgive you for being wiped out by mobs. Otherwise, I will despise you all my life! You who are at the level of a god are actually killed by a monster!" The fledgling mobs are destroyed. You are absolutely sure and must be killing the boss while XO!" This is the message sent by Saobao after the third young master was wiped out by the mobs.

The third young master is extremely wronged, how should he answer Sao Bao now?

Tell him, in fact, he is not in XO but he is wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly killing the boss?Will Mi Xiaosan believe it?
At his level, he was wiped out by a mob like an ant, and he was wiped out without even a drop of blood left?
Who can tell him why Mao is like this?Why?
The third young master is in a state of madness.

The Kang family, the old lady's room.

The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair with a blanket covering her knees. On the table in front of her was the photo album full of photos of Cambridge from childhood to adulthood.Aunt Chrysanthemum sat beside her, patiently flipping through the photos for her one by one.

The old lady had a faint smile on her face, looking at Cambridge in the photo in the album, her eyes were full of satisfaction and relief, as well as lingering miss.

Yes, she misses this grandson whom she has loved since childhood.Especially after the stroke, the feeling of missing is even stronger.However, this miss for her was only shown in front of Aunt Ju, and she didn't show it at all in front of other people, especially Yang Yi.

She knows the special nature of her grandson's work.She naturally knows how much her grandson likes her current job.She is very fortunate that this grandson is so promising.She used to think that her grandson would go on a path of no return, but she never expected that he would be as promising as he is today.

What she worries about the most is this grandson, and what she misses the most is also this grandson, but it is also this grandson who she supports the most.No matter what Cambridge did, as long as it was what he wanted to do, she would definitely support him unconditionally.

Although Kang Jian was also her grandson and Kang Mei was her granddaughter, they did not win her heart like Kang Qiao did.

Looking at Cambridge in the photo, the old lady's eyes with a faint smile showed a faint layer of self-blame and guilt.

"Knock button" came the sound of knocking on the door.

Looking for the door, the old lady and Aunt Ju turned their heads to look.

Fang Ying walked into the room with a smile on her face, "Mom, should I bring dinner to your room or you go down? Shuo went to pick up Xuanxuan, and that child is arguing and missing grandma. Xiao Yang hasn't come back yet , I guess I didn’t go home so early. This child is really, it’s so inconvenient for our family to go to her company. According to me, why not let Kang Jian take her there by the way every day? Otherwise, you see, she changes cars and walks every day. Tired? Xiaoqiao must feel distressed when he finds out, and it should be said that we are not taking good care of him." Fang Ying said very pleasant words, as if she was the hostess of this family, and Yang Yi was just living in their house. Guests only.

(End of this chapter)

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