Wife stand at attention

Chapter 216 Yang Yi's Exclamation

Chapter 216 Yang Yi's Exclamation (3)
The old lady didn't speak, and even if she spoke, she couldn't understand clearly.Raising her head slightly, she stared straight at Fang Ying with her slightly vicissitudes but shrewd eyes, and an unfathomable smile rose from the corner of her lips.

Seeing her expression, Fang Ying was slightly taken aback, and the smile on her face froze.

The old lady shook her head, motioned Aunt Ju to close the photo album, and opened her mouth to Aunt Ju. Although she didn't speak, Aunt Ju understood what the old lady meant.Stand up from the chair, walk up to Fang Ying, and say to Fang Ying in a superficially respectful tone: "Second Madam, the old lady said to wait until the young mistress returns, and then have dinner. If you can't wait , then eat first. Don't wait for her and the young mistress."

A flash of something flashed across Fang Ying's face, but she smiled at the old lady: "Then let's wait for Xiao Yang to come back before eating, and I don't care about waiting for such a while, anyway, Shuo and Kang Jian haven't had dinner yet." Come back. Oh, by the way, Mom, I forgot to tell you, Sister Yun hasn’t come back yet. I think she often goes out during this time, and she comes back quite late, so I don’t know what she’s busy with. Then I’ll start Go down, Wanju, if Mom needs help later, you can call me." After speaking, he showed a strange smile at the old lady, turned and left.

The old lady frowned in displeasure, as if she was a little unhappy.I don't know if she is unhappy because of Fang Ying or what she said, or because Gu Meiyun is busy going out every day but doesn't know what she is doing.In short, the old lady will be very unhappy.

Aunt Ju shook her head impatiently.

This woman has become more and more like a hostess, and I don't know what's wrong with my wife now, why she no longer oppresses her like before, but feels that she is oppressing others.

The old lady's eyes were full of deep complex emotions.

It was past seven o'clock when Yang Yi returned to Kang's villa.

Mrs. Kang, Kang Shuo, Fang Ying, Kang Jian and Kang Mei's family were all sitting in the living room watching cartoons with Ke Muxuan.The table in the restaurant is full of dishes, but it looks like it hasn't been started yet.There was no sign of Gu Meiyun in the living room.

"Hey, Xiao Yang is back." Seeing Yang Yi appearing in the living room, Fang Ying got up, and said in an enthusiastic but unpleasant tone, "We are finally back, and we can finally have dinner. Mom, I Push you there, you must be hungry?" While talking, he pushed the old lady's wheelchair very generously and sincerely, regardless of whether the old lady was willing to let her push it, and walked towards the direction of the restaurant.

Yang Yi froze in place slightly, looking at Fang Ying's shadowy posture of turning around, she felt a little funny.This... Does she take herself too seriously?

Just as he was thinking about it, Kang Shuo's displeased voice sounded: "If you want to wait, you don't have to wait." Walking to Yang Yi's side on foot, he said with a loving face: "It's okay, the family should be the whole family. We will start eating when we are all here."

Fang Ying turned around and continued to use her usual smile, but looked at Kang Shuo with a very weird expression no matter how she looked at it: "I don't mean anything else. Naturally, the whole family needs to be full before dinner is served. Aren't you also worried about your mother's health? Now that everyone is here, let's serve dinner, Xuanxuan should be hungry too. Come, Xuanxuan, grandma will feed you." As he spoke, he clapped his hands to Ke Muxuan, indicating that he was coming. beside her.

Ke Muxuan, however, still stared at the TV and continued to watch cartoons. He had no intention of standing up to ask for it, and the corner of his lips twitched: "I'm not hungry. Grandpa took me to KFC, and I also met Shi Miao and her. Mommy. But, Mommy, why did Shi Miao have two mommy? Wasn’t she her mommy last time in Ocean Park?" As he spoke, he turned his head slightly, pointing at Yang Yi continued to say with a puzzled expression: "Why did she change mommy now? Mommy, can I also have two mommy? Oh, no, I want three mommy , I want more than Shi Miao!"

Kang Mei glanced at Yang Yi coldly, with disdain on her face, she bent slightly and picked up her son who was sitting on the sofa, "Son, of course there can only be one mommy, only bad kids can have several mommy .”

Ke Muxuan replied half-understood: "Then Xuanxuan wants to be a good boy, not a bad boy! Mommy, does that mean that Shi Miao is a bad boy and that's why she has two mommy? Oh, Shi Miao is a bad boy, I won't play with her anymore."

Very messy, right?
This is how Yang Yi feels about Kang Mei at the moment.

One word: two!

Two words: very two!

You have the guts to teach your son, and you talk about others, and you don't think about yourself, what kind of goods are you, don't you know?You are not the same as calling my mother-in-law and aunt, don’t you still tear down someone else’s good house.Still talking about Xiaocao and Baby here!

Thinking about it, Yang Yi blurted out: "Well, the children of two mothers are bad children. This is really a wise saying." He walked to the restaurant and sat down beside the old lady.

Speaking of this, do you still need to elaborate?It goes without saying.

Kang Mei's face turned blue, white, green, purple, and finally blue.

Fang Ying's face also changed.

Kang Jian, who had just walked from the living room to his seat, had an unfathomable complexion across his face.Together with Kang Jian, they walked from the living room to the dining room. Ke Lei, who had just walked to the side of Kang Mei and was about to sit down, froze slightly, and looked up at Yang Yi.

There was a faint smile on the old lady Kang's face.

Kang Shuo paused for a moment with his hand holding the chopsticks.

Yang Yi picked up vegetables and fed the old lady as if nothing had happened.

If you want to be poisonous with your tongue, who wouldn't.

It sounds so good, the whole family has to wait for everyone to arrive before eating. Is it considered that everyone is here now?The hostess hasn't arrived yet, has she?Or is it that the house has changed its hostess?

While feeding the old lady, he said casually, "Grandma, why haven't you seen Mom? Is she not feeling well, so she won't come down to eat?"

The old lady naturally couldn't answer her words.

But someone answered the call, naturally it was Fang Ying, "Xiao Yang, your mother-in-law has been very busy recently, no, she hasn't come back until now. You can ask her when you have time. What are you busy with? The company doesn't need her to go, Kang Jian is in charge of it, maybe you have forgotten the time when playing cards with other wives. You should persuade her, playing cards belongs to playing cards, and entertainment belongs to entertainment , don’t tire yourself out.”

Yang Yi stretched out her hand to take a piece of facial tissue, gently wiped off the soup stains on the corners of the old lady's lips, and responded unhurriedly: "If my mother really wants to take over the company, there must be someone who disagrees, right? But in this way Well, what's wrong with entertaining life? Grandma, are you full?"

(End of this chapter)

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